Thursday, January 12, 2012

SEX...Now Watch The First Five Minutes of "Haywire"

Haywire (also known as Bourne Identity with a vagina) comes out in a week and if you're craving some spy thriller action, perhaps the first five mintues of the movie will sate your appetite until next week. Gina Carano, in all of her MMA sexiness, goes all apeshit in a coffee shop.

You have to watch Channing Tatum, well, be Channing Tatum, but the end result is oh so gratifying. I'm a fan of Soderbergh's work and Haywire looks pretty damn slick. Notice I said "looks pretty damn slick". Soderbergh is an awesome director, but his last few flicks have been lacking a bit.

This clip is US only unfortunately seeing as its a Hulu exclusive. We will have a review for "Haywire" up next week, in the meantime lets hope the entire movie is as incredibly violent as the first five minutes. Click know you want to.

Verizon Wireless Requires 4G Devices

Verizon Wireless Associate Director of Device Marketing Keith Lampron, told CNet that all new devices that come to the Verizon Network this year are mandatorily required to have 4G capability. Not sure exactly why because Verizon has said its 4G network will not be completed until 2013 and they've also had 3 major network outages just this year. But looking on the bright side, I assume this means we have a 4G iPhone coming in 2012. (psyched)


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CES Rundown: Smart TVs, OLED and 3D

A major part of CES is always the unveiling of the new TVs. What new advancements can they come up with this year? Consumers were wowed the past few years with the major push towards 3D technology. This year 3D seems to be on the backburner. OLED screens seen to be on every manufacturers lineup, and the new focus for these flat screen panels this year is the integration of “Smart TVs”.

These new “Smart TVs” are integrated with gestures/voice commands and social integration. It seems the TV manufacturers are going to route of the new trends, set by cellphone and game developers, with hands free control. Many of the new panels will be able to be commanded using simple voice controls. Gestures are also being used to control the set, rendering a remote obsolete. Companies have come to realize that social media is one of the biggest markets. Many models of the past years have already included social media on the displays. This year the companies are going for even more integration. Chatting and up to the minute updates on your social media accounts during a television program, these are part of the new social integration these new panels will possess.

Comic Book of The Day: Uncanny X-Force #19.1

Uncanny X-Force #19.1 is today's comic book of the day, and when you're done reading it you'll have one very simple question on your mind, as I know I did.

Where was the X-Force?

Don't get me wrong, this book is worth the read, but I personally hate when you have a book who's title means little to nothing in comparison to what's inside. Anyway, Marvel's had this "thing" going on where they add decimals to their titles. 19.1 is a clear cut example, as were any other titles you may have seen (Feat Itself, for example, had Issues 7, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3).

The reasoning is simple. It happens after the main issue (in this case, #19), but is off to the side and meant to happen before the next issue in the timeline. When you read this issue, you have to take this into consideration, as that is exactly what has happened here.


Issue #19.1 is all about the Age of Apocalypse. If you read Uncanny X-force #19, you know that Jean Grey and Sabretooth went back to their own universe, the Age of Apocalypse (further referred to as AOA), leaving Nightcrawler behind. The issue picks up right at that point, marking the return of Jean Grey.

To cut the issue down to a bare-bones plot, Jean Grey had picked up something telepathically while in our own Universe. She had picked up on the events of House Of M, rather that the Scarlet Witch had removed a majority of the mutant gene from Earth. Jean had proposed they use the body and dead mind of their Scarlet Witch, reaching out and controlling her telepathically to have the same effect in the AOA and save Humanity.

The end result?

Jean is the only one who loses her powers, and William Stryker (You did watch X-men 2: X-men United, right?) tricks Jean into destroying a small island where mutants and humans are living. It isn't clear on whether or not the island is 100% in either race, but judging by Jean's reaction I'd say they were mutants who were against mutantkind and trying to save humanity.

While this book had next to nothing to do with the X-Force, I highly recommend this book. After looking ahead at Marvel's future releases, there will be a mini-series set in the Age of Apocalypse which, after reading this, I will be picking up to read. This was one of those books that really got me interested, because it's not a universe I'm used to, and I want to see where the writers will take it. After all, there are endless unused possibilities, origins, and plot twists that they can touch upon as they write this story, and you can safely expect the unexpected!

Joe A.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Is Coming Out. We Promise.

Ghost Recon has been in development for what seems like forever, and yes, you will have to wait a bit longer for your dose of future soldiering.Ubisoft has just confirmed that they will in fact be pushing the release date from March to May 22 in North America (May 24th Europe). For those of you pining over some Ubsifot shooter action, you've waited this long, why not a couple of more months?

Ubisoft has taken their sweet time getting their two most beloved shooter franchises (Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon. R6 Vegas is one of my favorite games)and in a world that seems to be dominated by Call of Duty's and Battlefields, another delay doesn't seem ideal. We're not sure what the hold up is, but these things happen for a reason. If the whole thing feels like "a little late to the party", I can see that. We've been seeing footage of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier for the past three E3's, it would be nice to play it.

Ubisoft did state that they will be releaseing a multiplayer beta in April, which is nice because at this point I think people are tired of hearing about it. And contrary to what was previouly rumored, a PC version of the game does exist. There was some concern that Ghost Recon Online may have taken its place. The whole idea that Ubisoft would abandon the PC market for a game like Ghost Recon: Future Soldier seems absurd. Check the video below for the multiplayer walkthrough.

                                                                                                                                   Source: Giant Bomb