Friday, February 10, 2012

Motorola Droid 4 Available Today

Attention all Android lovers, Motorola's latest and greatest Droid 4 is NOW AVAILABLE!!! With its 4inch HD screen, dual core 1.2 GHz processor, 1GB of RAM, 8mp/1080p camera, and 4G LTE compatibility this device seems to hit every spot on even the most demanding of techies checklists. The Droid 4 also settles down those folks who are still not convinced to switch to touchscreen only keyboards with its LED edge lit qwerty keyboard.

This bad boy even has the mini HDMI output so you can show off all those great 1080p videos and 8mp photos on the big screen. The only downside I can find is that the Droid 4 is not shipping with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich right away. Early adopters will have to deal with 2.3.5 Gingerbread for the time being. The update is said to be on the way but no release date has been revealed. A major bonus to buying yourself the Droid 4 from is they are offering Free Overnight Shipping so if you order before 4:30pm this powerhouse device could be in hand by tomorrow. For the full specs click here.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

David Jaffe Wants Your Help "Blowing sh*t up" In New Twisted Metal Ad

In a brilliant marketing move, Jaffe is in a new video asking for players help destroying the Sweet Tooth truck with a light machine gun. You're probably wondering how you would go about doing that, and that's where the brilliance comes in. Players will log into a, press a button and make it rain bullets.

This is one of the most interesting ways to market a product, while having fun in the process. Twisted Metal is set to release February 14th. Check the video for all them deets bro...

[Source: PlayStation Lifestyle]

Sony's Financial Rating Downgraded

It appears that Nintendo isn't the only company suffering financial woes as of late. Sony, whose offerings stretch well beyond gaming, recently announced a $2.9 billion loss. This is just one of several reasons that has led to Standard and Poor lowering Sony's long-term corporate credit and senior unsecured debt ratings to a BBB+.

Because of continuing net losses since fiscal 2008, Sony's profitability looks significantly weaker than that of its global industry peers. In addition, we believe its ratio of adjusted debt to EBITDA is likely to remain high for the next one to two years, even for companies in the 'BBB' category. Standard & Poor's also believes Sony's adjusted total debt to capital (excluding finance operations) will rise to around 40% as of March 31, 2012, from 35% a year earlier. However, we base our one-notch downgrade on our view that Sony's profitability and financial standing will gradually recover in fiscal 2012 because there will be no repeat of one-off expenses due to floods in Thailand and impairment losses on stockholdings.
If you have no idea what any of that financial mumbo jumbo means, think of it in terms of a consumer credit report on a much larger scale. Sony has been struggling since fiscal year 2008 to post any positive financials. This may also be why former CEO and President Howard Stringer stepped down earlier this month. Kazuo Hirai, former president of the Consumer Products & Services Group for Sony, has taken over as the new CEO for the company. 

With the PSP Vita coming out later this month in North America, it should interesting to see what steps Hirai and Sony take in order to turn things around for the company  

Source: Reuters

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Corning Inc. Brings You The Future Through Glass

Corning Inc. is a manufacturer of specialty glass (Gorilla Glass) and ceramics and have been used by many big time companies.  Apple, including one.  There capabilities include display technologies, environmental technologies, telecommunications, life sciences, and specialty materials for advanced optics.  That is nice and all, but what does that mean to us?

It means a fully integrated future with the use of their glass products in collaboration with consumer technology companies we can't help but buy. Imagine a day with self-dimming window panes, 3D projection displays, large panel touch gesture screens and the ability to connect all of them seamlessly.

Well, Corning Inc. has brought a small taste of what that could be like.  Watch the videos below and experience a "Day Made of Glass".  I warn you though.  Tech heads or not, you will need a paper towel to clean off the drool from your desk.

A Day Made of Glass


A Day Made of Glass 2

A Day Made of Glass: Unpacked (What is possible now, and what isn't)

Source: Corning Inc.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Look Into the Diablo III Beta

Blizzard’s Diablo III Beta was released a few days ago to 100,000 lucky fans.  More will be sent out through contests and giveaways, but there are still the millions of fans who will not enjoy the experience early.  Let me try to be of some help.

Can you use all five heroes?


What difficulty is the beta?

Blizzard set the difficulty on normal and this cannot be changed. There are greyed out options for the higher difficulties and an option to create a Hardcore character. For all who don’t know what Hardcore means, you get only one death. Just one.

Is there anything new in the main menu screen?

The initial log in screen has a similar layout to World of Warcraft. The character screen has a slot list on the left for your characters. There is a new feature that allows you to customize your own unique banner. This is connected to your overall account and not to each character. These banners can be seen around waypoints in the game when playing with other people. If you are a fan of the Game of Thrones novels, you will love this.

How much of the actual game is in the Diablo III beta?

The beta consists of what is said to be the first half of Act 1. I am unsure if this is true or not. It is a quick play taking up to roughly two hours of your time in main quests, but you can reset these and continue leveling up your character to level 13.

What is the first half of Act 1 about?

Okay, lets get detailed here.

Your hero starts on the outskirts of New Tristram. The “Fallen Star” piques your hero’s curiosity to explore the damage it has done. Each hero has their own dialogue keeping it fresh between the characters you create. As you come to the gates of New Tristram you come across Captain Rumford and his soldiers as the hold back the newly risen undead. Rumford gives a quest to talk with Leah (Deckard Cain’s niece) who was assumed to be the only survivor from the Fallen Star as it decimated Tristram Cathedral.

After confronting Leah, you head back to Rumford. He asks you to help him with the undead threat on New Tristram by killing off enemies called Wretched Mothers and their Queen at the Old Ruins (the original Tristram in Diablo II).

Once the path is cleared, you then set out with Leah to her mother Adria’s hut for the gate key to get in to Tristram Cathedral. Upon finding the key in a secret underground cavern below Adria’s home, you head out alone again to look for Deckard Cain.

In the depths of the Cathedral, you come across Deckard Cain fleeing from the Skeleton King and his minions. He then tells you that the Fallen Star has awakened the Mad King Leoric (Skeleton King) after you save him from impending death. Leoric was driven mad by Diablo’s evil and was killed by one of his knights. In order to get to the star, you must vanquish the Skeleton King who now guards the path.

Easy right? No.

In order to kill the Skeleton King, you need to find his old crown buried in the Defiled Crypts of the Cemetery of the Forsaken. Haedrig the Blacksmith, from the second Diablo, tells you about its whereabouts after you help him kill his sick and evil undead wife. You also look for his apprentice who hasn’t returned to New Tristram. 

You find the apprentice dead and tell Haedrig. Who cares?

After fighting and re-killing a dead chancellor who protects the Skeleton Kings crown, you bring it back to Haedrig so he can shine the thing up a bit. It needs to look glorious for when you kill the Skeleton King. Pristine, I know.

Now with the spit-shined crown in your hands, you make your way back to the Old Cathedral and fight your way to the lower levels. You eventually come across a Templar by the name of Kormac whom you save from a group of sorcerers. He tells you about his mission to kill a treasonous Templar, Jondar, who has become a necromancer and protects the Skeleton King.

He wants the Skeleton King dead as well, so you shake hands, hug and go about your business together.

As you scoot down farther in search of the Skeleton Kings Royal crypt you come across Jondar who Kormac “Troy’s” to death. You eventually find your way to the crypt after fighting off the Skeleton Kings small army of undead soldiers who magically spawn out of four pillars.

Magical pillars.

They die, the pillars fall and you can finally enter the Royal Crypt. There is an epic battle once you place the crown on the Mad Kings remains and the Skeleton King falls to your mighty skills. The end.

Is there anything new in the gameplay?

There are collectible books that give experience and a little bit of Diablo lore which helps with background information. This is presented through audio so it doesn’t interrupt gameplay and gives you some nice bed-time stories.

I also came across a battle event called the Jar of Souls. This event is triggered by clicking on a glowing jar found in the center of the room. A small quest is appears telling you to kill the approaching enemies being spawned by four pillars or poles. It is a great way to build some experience and they send a lot of enemies at you. A lot.

I will be going over some more parts of the game later in the week, like the Blacksmith Training so keep a look out.

The Fun of Fright Night

I found myself bored the other night, so I checked On Demand, and I came across the new remake of Fright Night. I remember seeing previews for this flick and thinking it looked a bit campy and silly. I looked into the summary and saw that Colin Farrell and David Tennant were listed in the cast. I immediately decided that I needed to watch this, I’m a huge fan of David Tennant, so I hit play.

The plot was decent, main character Charlie Brewster (Anton Yelchin) discovers that his neighbor, Jerry Danridge (Colin Farrell), is a vampire. He seeks the assistance of the Vegas show runner/self proclaimed vampire specialist, Peter Vincent (David Tennant), for help destroying the vampire. He is turned away and returns home. 

As soon as he goes home all hell breaks loose. Jerry the vampire is after Charlie, his girlfriend Amy (Imogen Poots), and his mother Jane (Toni Collette).
There is a battle and Charlie now takes it upon himself to do whatever he can do destroy the vampire. He returns back to the Vegas strip to try and get help from Peter, while he is there Jerry arrives and with a new ally. Charlie’s ex best friend, who tried to tell him that his neighbor was a vampire, has been turned into a vampire.

Peter hides while Charlie has to battle his friend while dealing with the guilt of his friend being turned because he failed to listen earlier. After he has defeated his friend, Charlie and Amy attempt to escape from the building. Jerry is after them; he succeeds in grabbing Amy and turning her.

Charlie prepares himself for the fight of his life and is joined by Peter, who finally decides to fight. The big battle happens during daylight in Jerry’s house. Charlie and Peter discover Jerry’s underground hideout, and find out he has been turning humans in an effort to build up his numbers.

The big battle happens, and when all seems lost, Charlie uses an idea suggested earlier, and lights up his suit, attacks Jerry and succeeds in finally killing the vampire. The turned vampires return back to human, as their maker had been killed.

The film is definitely a bit ridiculous, But I say this in a good way. What movie with a vampire living next door to you wouldn’t be? I giggled during parts of the film I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to, and the way the vampires looked when they were ready to rip out someone’s throat, was awkward looking. They look more bat like than man. A different look than I have been used to. The trend of vampires in the past few vamp movies and series has been human like. The vampire looks added to the ridiculousness.

The movie really should change the beginning of its title, there wasn’t much fright in Fright Night. That doesn’t mean the movie was bad, it just wasn’t really a horror film. It had some freaky scenes, and of course blood, but there really wasn’t much to scare the audience. The fight scenes were entertaining, and there was some good comedy in the film. The movie was fun, silly, bloody, and entertaining. Some characters left much to be desired, Charlie and Peter were by far my favorite characters. Peter being a big part of the humor of this film.

The film is definitely worth a view. I wouldn’t go into it thinking it’s going to be a scary horror. Go in looking for an entertaining vampire movie. The acting is good and there is enough blood and fun for everyone. I enjoyed it, and plan on viewing any sequels released.

Nocturnal Release: Drive

I picked up Drive last night on Blu-Ray. Damn I love the 80's. While watching it with my friend, she originally had thought that the film took place in the 80's due to the soundtrack. Now if you haven't noticed a recurring trend in my articles I love two things in movies: score/soundtrack and the 80's. Well, the 80's isn't really something that I look for, but I just had to reiterate.  

The movie is very slow paced, and it isn't filled with a massive amount of driving, so if you think that this is another Fast Five then you're dead wrong. The marketing of this movie can be a little deceiving. When I saw this in theaters, a few people in the audience weren't too pleased, but if you aren't pleased with this movie then you might have missed the point.

Ryan Gosling has been known better for being eye candy in a bunch of sappy romantic films. This movie showed him curb stomping a hit-man in an elevator and making his face into a potato latka. Just dropping fools at the drop of the hat is NOT the Ryan Gosling that the ladies know and swoon over, which made this movie all the better. After he squashed the beejezus out of that goon, I could have sworn he was gonna make that iconic Bruce Lee face after he greased somebody

                                                             Mudhole in the face....IN THE FACE!

The movie takes a drastic, violent turn towards the latter half of the movie, which really surprised me. I was taken along for this smooth, cool ride that ended up becoming a dark tale. I love that about this movie. I don't like to be able to predict what is going to happen before it happens. I want something fresh, something new. And this movie delivered. Like this movie for what it is, don't hate it for what you want it to be.

The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

Check out the latest look at the latest reboot of Marvel's The Amazing Spider-Man!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Haywire Review

Steven Soderbergh continues to evolve his craft as he takes us into the world of spy versus counterspy. As he did with Sasha Grey and 'The Girlfriend Experience', Soderbergh has an amazing ability to have taken two women with little to no acting experience and really make them shine. This time, female MMA fighter Gina Carano takes the lead as Malorie Kane, a spy for hire and ex Marine. Sent off on a mission by her boss played by Ewan McGregor, she enters into a tale of betrayal, murder, and espionage.  

What I love about Soderbergh ( and Tarantino also) is the use of music in his films. I absolutely loved the choice of music for the Oceans movies. It gave the movie this sense of class and sophistication. It wasn't like you were watching a high octane action flick like the Bourne movies (which I love by the way). 

He takes you along a cool, hip ride with characters that aren't completely far fetched. The cast of characters is so well chosen: Michael Douglas, Antonio Banderas, Channing Tatum, Bill Paxton, and Michael Fassbender. Characters that just ooze with cool calculating exteriors.  

The action was the heart and soul of the movie.  Carano's background as a martial arts fighter gave the action scenes an extra sense of realism due to the fact that she has actually used these maneuvers in real life. This added a sense of brutality to each fight scene, which made it even more compelling to watch.  Carano really makes an impression as a sexy, deadly spy. Think Bond meets Bourne with curves. 

Carano was simply fantastic and I'm hoping that I see more of her in film in the future. But if she goes back into the octagon and continues to beat the stuffing out of people, I'm totally okay with that.  If you're a fan of the Oceans movies, or just want to see a movie that is more than just your average spy flick, you'll really enjoy this.

Bottom Line: A well directed action tour de force with a phenomenal cast that will not disappoint. Cough up the loot and check this one out.

Review written by Eric Colon

Thoughts On The Grey

"Once more into the fray. Into the last fight I'll ever know. Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day."

This post is spoiler-ridden. You've been warned. 
This poem from Liam Nesson's latest film "The Grey" echoed far deeper as the movie progressed. Nesson plays a wolf hunter who protects employees of a petroleum company in Alaska from wolf attack while working on the pipeline. The movie plays out as if you were reading a novel, fitting because this was based on the short story Ghost Walker by Ian Mc'Kenzie Jeffers. It tells a tale of a man who's battle with nature and beast is an outward manifestation of the battle within his soul.
After a harrowing plan crash, Nesson and several other survivors, find that living through the crash allowed them to enter a new nightmare. They begin to be harassed by a pack of grey wolves. From the first death in the movie you see that the main character has a unique perspective on death. Maybe it was the suicide attempt that was alluded to in the beginning of the movie or maybe it was the death of his wife who visits him in his dreams. 

Once he held the shredded body of one of his companions, looked in his eyes and led him to the afterlife, I knew that I was watching something more than just a character death. You see a man who has walked that valley before, who has seen the face of death as it crept into his life, but that death wasn't coming for him, not yet. That death came for someone he cared deeply for. He recognized the fear in that persons eyes and knew exactly what to say to make that fearful transition as peaceful as possible.

As the story goes on I wondered as to why Nesson's character is fighting so hard to cling to survival. It seemed that as each of his companions died, his resolve to live began to grow.  It culminated to a powerful scene in which Nesson screams out into the heavens looking for God in the frozen hell that he is in. Wondering and hoping that those cries will be answered, but no answer comes. Regardless of the lack of response from this unseen God, the movie heads toward the inevitable fight with the alpha wolf of the pack.

This film was beyond what I expected. After the trailers I had thought that this would be a movie like Anthony Hopkins' "The Edge". But it was more than just a movie about survival, it was a movie about life. It was a film that asks us to re-examine the battles that we go through in this life and gets us looking deep inside at what truly keeps us going.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Predicting Super Bowl XLVI In Madden 2012

Seeing as The Geek Asylum is based in New York, it only seems appropriate that we take the time to predict Super Bowl XLVI. Will the Giants do us proud?  Will the Pats get their revenge for 2007? Well that's what we have Madden 2012 for. Consider it a crystal ball, if you will. The game was predicted in two different ways. One game was actually played out by a physical player, while the other game was simulated.

Lets start with the first game played by a physical player who chooses to play as the Giants. Keep in mind that the rosters are completely up to date to ensure that we have the closest thing to today's game. Enjoy.

Game 1 Breakdown

First half: Giants receive ball at kick off. They go three and out in first possession. Tom Brady having trouble dealing with the Giants blitz. He manages to put a drive together in the latter portion of the quarter effectively getting the pats in the red zone.

Giants D steps up big time in a goal line stand and hold the Pats to a field goal. Eli finally gets in a groove and puts a drive together. Ahmad Bradshaw is killing it on the ground and eventually gains a TD. End of first half, the score is 7-3 Giants. Overall a very defensive first half.

Second Half: Giants D will not quit, putting Brady on the ground multiple times forcing him to make mistakes. Pierre-Paul is having an insane 3Q sacking Brady twice. Then Mathias Kiwanuka makes a big play when he smacks Brady so hard that it drives the ball loose and Pierre-Paul intercepts the ball.

With great field position, Eli converts the turnover to six points by launching a 38 yarder to Hakeem Nicks for the TD. The New England Patriot's nightmare is just getting started. Giants Strong Safety Kenny Phillips plays like a man possessed. Sacks Brady three times in the Pats next two possessions. Then he intercepts the ball at the start of the 4Q and runs 42 yds with it.

It's just ugly for New England. Eli converts again on another masterful 54 yd drive utilizing Cruz on the slot and then the nail in the coffin with the short pass to Nicks for the TD. The rest of the game sees Brady getting mangled and torn to shreds by the Giants D line. They hold Brady to no TD's and Giants demolish the Pats 24-6. It was glorious.

Final Stats/Awards: Eli Manning 21/32 192 yds 2TD's no INT's. Ahmad Bradshaw 17 carries 102 yds 1TD. Pierre-Paul 4 Tackles 2 Sacks 1INT. Kenny Phillips 6 Tackles 3 Sacks 1INT. Kenny Phillips gets Superbowl MVP. This is every Giants fans wet dream, but this just isn't going to happen. The Patriots pass protection is a lot better than that, at least we hope so. Remember that Game 1 was played by a physical player.

Game 2--Simulation

This is the game that was played as a simulation, which played out much differently. Giants defense isn't nearly as nuts as it was in the first game. The game is actually pretty boring after Eli Manning puts up a TD to Nicks and Hynoski runs in for another TD in the 1Q. Pats D adjusts quickly applying pressure to Eli throughout the game.

Eli throws three interceptions in the first half, he's sacked three times, and he fumbles the ball once. Fortunately the Giants D steps it up and keeps the Pats scoreless. The rest of the game is just a defensive chess match with no real action to speak of. Neither team can get a solid dive going or they would get to the red zone and choke.

The final ended up being 17-3 Giants.  Justin Tuck ends up getting MVP for his eight tackles and two sacks. This better not be today's game, no one wants a defensive match-up on Super Bowl Sunday. Let us know what your prediction for today's game is in the comments below.