Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WWE Raw Wrapup 7/16/2012

Episode 999 - One more week until three hour Raws.  Oh dear lord what are we getting ourselves into?  Let's live in the moment though; John Cena and Ziggler are Mr. Money in the Bank for their respective shows.  CM Punk will face Big Show in a non-title match tonight...oh no.

On to the live show, WWE Champion CM Punk is first out to a warm crowd welcome.  CM Punk says despite being a straight edge, he loves Las Vegas; last time he was here, he dropped the Pipebomb.  Punk said back then that he was the best and he continues to prove it.  Punk says that last night, AJ was confused; she didn't know if she was for or against him.  Back when WWE Raw first started, a "guy like Punk" could never have been on the show, let alone an eight month WWE Champion.  Punk wants to be on the 1000th episode as WWE Champion...and is interrupted by his opponent tonight, The Big Show.  Show runs down Punk's speech and says that he was inches from winning MITB; the crowd responds by telling Big Show that he sucks.  Big Show scolds them, saying they are being rude. 

Show says Cena was in the right place at the right time to grab the briefcase when the handle broke and Show would gladly cash in right now if he could.  Punk interrupts the giant and says yeah, you did "almost win"; almost doesn't count.  Punk says Show always leaves a wake of destruction but manages to lose.  Show should be Mr. Money in the Bank; he has all the components, but he lost.  That's why Punk has the respect of the people and Show has a big fat contract.  Show asks if these people respect Punk, which they cheer for, then Show says they don't even respect themselves.  If Punk left WWE tomorrow, it would be a week until the WWE Universe moved onto the next big or new thing.  Show doesn't care if the people respect him; the company revolves around one men and everyone else is a cog in the machine.  Punk says he's the WWE Champion and Show isn't; he's a bitter, under achieving shell of a man who happens to be a giant.  Show says that that's Punk's opinion, but Cena is Mr. Money in the Bank now; after tonight when Show knocks Punk out, he could lose his title.  Show mimics Punk's pipebomb motion and heads to the back, leaving the WWE Champion to contemplate dealing with a fresh John Cena after a match with Big Show.

Up next, the WWE Tag Team Championship is on the line.

Next week for Raw 1000, a poll is running for what mid-level title will be defended.  You've got three hours, how about all three, guys?

Match 1:  Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (c) vs Primetime Players, WWE Tag Team Championship
Winners:  Kofi Kingston and R-Truth via pinfall

AW introduces the PTP once again.  So we have Ricardo to introduce Alberto del Rio, Vickie comes out to introduce Ziggler and AW now introduces PTP each match.  That's a bit of overkill.  AW is once again miked up to commentate and pep talk his boys, the challengers.  Please be introducing.  O'Neil starts out with power on Kofi and quickly tags in Young, better suited to actually run a match.  Young drives Kofi to a corner, but Kofi kicks his way out and lands a huge dropkick.  Kofi takes Young to his corner and Truth tags in for a double team hip toss, a back kick from Kofi and a dancing leg drop from Truth.  AW implores for Young to move, but he catches it anyway.  Kofi tags back in and lands a flying crossbody for two on Young.  Titus tries to run interference but catches a Kofi dropkick.  Both challengers are kicked to the floor and Kofi springboards off of Truth for a tope con hilo, leading us to a commercial with the champions standing tall.

Back from break, the challengers are in charge and as Kofi tries for a tag, Titus tags in to keep the pressure on.  O'Neil locks in a bearhug on Kofi mid-ring.Titus brings Kofi back to his corner and tags Young back in.  Young pulls Kofi to the apron and AW picks his hair up as he clubs Kofi on the chest.  Young tags O'Neil back in, but Kofi sneaks out and tags Truth who runs wild on Titus with a low dropkick, strikes, a leg lariat and a very odd DDT.  Young breaks up the pinfall attempt and gets clotheslined over the top for his efforts.  Titus tries to attack from behind but runs into Trouble in Paradise on the apron and turns into the Little Jimmy (this is absolutely the WORST name for any move in professional wrestling ever) and the champs retain.

AW is irate and blames the referee, wanting another title shot.  I don't at all understand having the Colons beat PTP last night clean then have them lose their title shot against the champions.  By all rights, Primo and Epico should be up next for a title shot, having beaten the most recent number one contenders, but it just doesn't work that way in WWE.  Here's hoping the team of Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel get to mix it up at some point.

AJ is in the back and Daniel Bryan walks in; AJ says she called it down the middle and Bryan apologizes.  "No hidden motives, agenda, etc".  Bryan says he got so caught up in beating Punk that he made AJ the scapegoat, but last night it hit him - He can finally admit that...Eve interrupts from behind and berates Bryan for bailing on her in the tag match last week.  This week, Eve gets to choose her own partner to face Bryan and AJ.  Eve says you know what revenge is; what AJ is.  A more talented female wrestler?  Ohhhhh...a bitch.  Damn you PG TV.  AJ asks Bryan to continue what he was saying and he says he'll tell her after they win their match, then gives her a kiss on the cheek.  Definitely wasted no time continuing this program; it'll stand to see how much of it still includes CM Punk as well.  Eve, as usual, sounds like a bad actress spitting out poorly written dialogue.

Match 2:  Zack Ryder vs Alberto del Rio
Winner:  Alberto del Rio via submission

Del Rio goes right to work striking at Ryder with kicks.  Ryder elbows out of the corner, then lands a knee and right hands.  Del Rio goes right after the arm and stretches it in the ropes.  Del Rio with his big jumping stomp to Ryder on the floor, then throws him arm first into the steps and then the barricade.  Ryder drives ADR into the apron and gets back in the ring.  Del Rio comes right back at Ryder and throws him into the ringpost.  ADR rolls Ryder over into the Cross Armbreaker and Ryder taps right away.  

ADR straps it back on after the match and Rey Mysterio's music hits, with full pyro.  See this is great and noble, except ADR could still have the armbar on Ryder and this wouldn't help until Rey hits the ring.  Rey does and gets stomped away at right away.  Rey fights back with forearms and kicks then a headscissors, leading to the 619, which the crowd goes ballistic for.  Ryder has disappeared from the ring; Rey comes out to stop ADR brutalizing somebody and doesn't even check on the guy.  This is the kind of half-assed thinking that gets people to go "they just don't care".  We got a surprise return though, so that's good enough to make the people happy.

Raw 1000 Moment with Heath Slater:  The One Man Band makes puns about how he made a splash with Vader, clowned around with Doink and showed Sid that he was the bomb.  He says that DDP came down to teach Slater how to do the Diamond Cutter and Bob Backlund gave him a hug.  Ok, so he's entirely delusional - I can deal with that gimmick.

Match 3:  Heath Slater vs Rikishi
Winner:  Rikishi via pinfall

Slater says he's not stupid and expects a Raw legend - he gets Rikishi.  That's the Usos' daddy!  The crowd is sure happy to see him.  Slater slips under a tie up and jaws at the crowd, but catches a kick in the mouth followed by the Stinkface.  Rikishi follows with the Samoan Spike to the throat and the Bonzai Drop.

Rikishi dims the lights and the Usos appear as they come back to do Rikishi's old Too Cool dance.  Sincerely surprised Brodus Clay didn't somehow get inserted on that one.  So they've gotten a bit more modern for episode 999's Heath-beating legend.  Next week for 1000?  Maybe Heath gets a Sharpshooter...or a Rock Bottom...maybe a Mandible Claw...or a Tombstone?

Match 4:  Eve and The Miz vs AJ and Daniel Bryan, mixed tag
Winners:  AJ and Daniel Bryan via pinfall

Eve is still catching "hoeski" chants, but she introduces her partner, The Miz.  Welcome back, Miz.  The crowd is so happy to see someone they hate; a couple months away is the best kind of jumpstart for The Miz and his career.  Of note, Miz and Bryan have a storied history, from NXT up through WWE, so that could be an interesting caveat to this matchup.

The men start and tie up, with Miz backing Bryan into a corner.  Bryan ducks a punch and lands repeated kicks in the corner.  Bryan hits the ropes and takes a knee to the gut and Miz's boot to the face.  AJ tags in, drawing Eve into the match.  Eve overpowers AJ and stomps her in the corner.  Eve with a snapmare and a kick to the chest for two.  Eve drives AJ's neck into the ropes, then lifts AJ in the corner in a chinlock.  AJ fights back and lands a series of kicks and the Shining Apprentice, but Miz steps into the ring, forcing the ref to not count.  AJ dropkicks Miz off the apron from behind and flashes him her crazysweet smile.  Miz hits the ring and Eve rolls AJ up in a small package; Bryan grabs a leg and rolls them over so that AJ is on top, netting them the win.

AJ sees the replay on the Titantron, apparently not knowing that she was upended by another human being moments ago.  Bryan grabs a mic and says that there was something AJ used to say to him, something he was too scared and stupid to say back.  Bryan says he loves AJ, which the crowd boos and AJ...contemplates.  Bryan reaches ringside for something; he says that last week he proposed because he wanted to be WWE Champion.  This week, he proposes for love, and he has a ring this time.  Bryan puts the ring on her finger and she says "yes".  They kiss and tandem-YES, which the crowd, who was just booing the proposal, does along with them.  We're a simple folk, we fans are.  I guess that's your resolution, at least for now, since Punk didn't interfere and finished the PPV by yanking his title out of AJ's hands.  Not sure if that counts as a face turn for Bryan, a heel turn for AJ or if love transcends that alignment.  Or maybe Bryan is just a master manipulator...

Raw 1000 Moments:  The Rock usurps the smokin' skull belt from "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and then proceeds to punch him into a river.  Ok, that was a good one.

As per Twitter and Daniel Bryan, there will be a wedding ceremony next week for he and AJ.  Never seen that bit before.  Maybe Jay Lethal will show up and interrupt the nuptials.

Match 5:  Jack Swagger vs Ryback
Winner:  No contest

Ryback is one of the few guys in WWE that can make Swagger even begin to look puny.  Swagger jumps him coming through the ropes and delivers boots and hands.  Swagger lands the Gutwrench Powerbomb, leaving Ryback down , then lands the Swagger Bomb out of the corner.  Swagger goes to the Ankle Lock, but Ryback kicks out of it.  Swagger shoulder tackles Ryback back down to the mat and tries the Ankle Lock again, but gets kicked off, then takes a huge lariat.  Ryback follows up with a big spinebuster and a trifecta of deadlift powerbombs.   

Match never technically started.  Ryback took everything Swagger has in his arsenal and popped right back up, destroying him.  To a good point, Ryback was actually held down for a period of time there; this will allow him to begin to be booked a tad more normally.  Deadlift powerbombs were impressive; Swagger is a big boy.

Vickie Guerrero steps out to introduce Mr Money in the Bank, Dolph Ziggler, fresh off his win and subsequent almost-failure to cash in.  Dolph recounts that every cash in has been a success; that means you're looking at the new World Heavyweight Champion.  Ziggler says he'll be better than Bret Hart, better than Steve Austin, better than The Rock.  Ziggler says he's the future champion and it's undisputed...which draws out the first ever Undisputed WWE Champion, Chris Jericho.

Dolph stops Jericho before he even talks; he wants to keep his spotlight, his moment.  Ziggler won his MITB match; Jericho didn't win his.  Ziggler points out that Jericho has never won MITB; when's the last time he won anything?  All Ziggler has heard since Jericho came back is how great he is, how he would save the WWE Universe, how it was the end of the world as we know it, how Jericho is the best in the world at what he does; apparently what Jericho does is lose.  Nobody has been given more changes that Jericho; he's been coasting along, keeping everyone fooled.  Ziggler continues that Jericho is all hype.  Ziggler asks when the last time Jericho won an important match was.  Is it possible that Jericho is losing his touch?  Without a word, Jericho drops Ziggler with the Codebreaker and leaves.  I don't think he's lost his touch.

Match 6:  Brodus Clay vs JTG
Winner:  Brodus Clay via pinfall

Only thing worse than a negative crowd reaction is none.  Nobody in this crowd gives even the slightest damn about JTG.  JTG rushes in for a tie up and gets tossed, then takes a shoulder block.  Brodus lands his kneeling gut punch then a knee lift.  Brodus suplexes JTG then lands a jumping elbow drop.  JTG gets a boot up in the corner and attacks the still heavily taped knee of Clay.  JTG with boots to the head and mocking Clay's dancing, then settles into a front facelock.  Clay stands up, but JTG dropkicks the knee and then the face.  JTG tries a crossbody but gets caught and takes a t-bone suplex and big headbutt, followed by the Funksaurus landing a splash for the win.

Clay's matches have evolved to have him take some shots to his knee, but it's still the same match each outing.  Then he dances with the kiddies, which is fine.  But there's no upward movement for Clay with this bit; even Ryback seems to be changing/evolving more rapidly.

Raw 1000 Moments with Donald Trump:  The night after Trump forces Vince's head to be shaved, Bobby Lashley reveals Vince's bald head.

Match 7:  CM Punk (WWE Champion) vs Big Show, non-title
Winner:  CM Punk via disqualification

Punk avoids Big Show's hands early on and kicks away at his legs, but Show muscles him into the corner, then lands a headbutt that puts Punk right on the mat.  Show with a frying pan slap in the corner.  Punk tries right hands to the gut, but ends up running into a shoulder block.  Big Show stands on CM Punk's back at the ropes.  Show steps out to the floor and delivers a chop to the chest of the WWE Champion.  Punk tries to fight back on the floor, but takes another headbutt that levels him.  Show lifts Punk, but he slithers out and shoves Show headfirst into the ringpost.  Both men roll back into the ring and Punk delivers kicks to Show, who fights back with another headbutt.  Show strikes the midsection of Punk then chokes him with his boot in the corner.  Punk gets a boot up in the opposite corner and tries a second rope dive, but gets caught and takes a scoop slam.  Show lifts Punk to his feet then delivers a big punch to the ribs, then another.  Punk fights back with a chop and forearms, then jumps on Show's back with a sleeper.  Show reaches back and pulls Punk forward, landing a side slam, then heads to the middle rope.  Big Show tries a Vader Bomb and Punk rolls out of the way.  Punk with a kick, clotheslines and a kick to the gut, but he runs into a back body drop for huge elevation.  Big Show calls for the Weapon of Mass Destruction and Punk ducks and delivers a kick to Show's head, then a pair of enzuigiris, followed by the high knee in the corner and another.  Punk makes it three, but doesn't get the bulldog.  Show misses on an avalanche in the opposite corner and hits the mat.  Punk heads up top and lands a diving elbow for two.  Punk springboards at Show, but dives into a Chokeslam.  Punk gets his foot on the rope at two.  Show drives Punk into the corner and claws at the ribs of the WWE Champion.  Big Show tosses the referee out of the way and gets disqualified.

Show continues to assault CM Punk and scoop slams him, wanting the WMD.  John Cena's music hits and he hits the ring with the briefcase.  Big Show leaves, not wanting any part of Cena.  Mr Money in the Bank calls for a mic and says he will deliver his announcement that he Tout'd earlier in the day.  Show interrupts and says he knows that Cena will cash in on the exposed, weakened WWE Champion.  Show says Cena would be a fool not to cash in now.  Big Show continues saying that the crowd doesn't respect Cena or themselves.  Big Show goads Cena, but Cena says he's giving Punk one week; be ready for Cena to cash in at Raw 1000.  Cena's huge announcement?  He whacks Big Show in the face with the briefcase.

So planned for Raw 1000 is a show opening DX reunion, an appearance by Brock Lesnar, The Rock showing up, Christian defending the Intercontinental Championship and John Cena cashing in his Money in the Bank to face a fresh CM Punk for the WWE Championship.  This first three hour Raw has to be top notch; WWE needs to sell the idea of a PPV-length show on a weekly basis to the fanbase.  It might behoove them to dedicate the 8PM hour to a cruiserweight/light heavyweight division or something else rather than just an extended Raw show in the long run.  Alternately, they could begin to utilize the talents like Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt from NXT; the rumor is that they will be establishing a title for the developmental group, so perhaps a perk of being that champion could be having matches on the "main" shows.  Always need to have incentives, right?

Monday, July 16, 2012

WWE Money in the Bank 2012

 Last year, Money in the Bank changed the landscape of WWE - Not as a buzzword, but legitimate change.  Let's see how we did this year.

Youtube Preshow:  Hunico and Camacho vs Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (Tag Team Champions), non-title
Winners:  Kingston/Truth via pinfall

TV match with the tag champs both landing their finishers.  This didn't accomplish anything as far as the tag division and could have been better left to Justin Gabriel getting some TV time or something.

Luckily, a strong presence from Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan in separate promos made the Youtube show slightly better.

Match 1:  Smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Winner:  Dolph Ziggler

Surprising amount of sloppiness in this one, notably with Ziggler taking a nasty tumble with Sin Cara on a Spanish Fly attempt.  Ziggler comes out on top, which was the most expected result.  Sometime predictability is a good thing; people would have been happy with a Rhodes win or a surprise Tyson Kidd victory, but Ziggler was definitely the way to go given the current WWE landscape.

Worth it for...

Match 2:  Alberto del Rio vs Sheamus (c), World Heavyweight Championship
Winner:  Sheamus via pinfall

Pretty straight forward match.  Ricardo ran a bit of distraction, but other than that, a clean match.  Sheamus finishes with White Noise and a Brough Kick; I would get used to that because I expect we'll be seeing it for a long time to come.  Del Rio and Ricardo stomp away at Sheamus after the match, prompting Ziggler to immediately run out with his MITB briefcase.  Sheamus blasts him with a Brogue Kick before a bell rings, so Ziggler is still Mr. Money in the Bank.  Maybe that can be the running gag; Ziggler never actually gets the match started, so he never loses the briefcase.

Not exactly a game changer.  Strong face champion beats heel champion by kicking him in the mush.  Sheamus matches are starting to be an example of the bad side of predictability.

Match 3:  Epico and Primo vs Prime Time Players
Winners:  Epico and Primo

AW is miked up once again for the live crowd to hear him jaw at Epico/Primo.  This is a great idea executed poorly; if AW was interesting to listen to, it would be worth it.  Plus, we can hear Rosa without a mic, so AW just looks like a goof.  Primo springboarded into a modified version of Darren Young's finisher, but Young took his time capitalizing and Primo was able to roll him up for the win.  Kofi and Truth were at ringside on commentary and added nothing to the announce team.  Kofi is too straight laced and doesn't trash talk while he does these spots and Truth just quotes Little Jimmy.

So the number one contenders lost on PPV and the tag champs wrestled a non-title match for free on a Youtube preshow.  One step forward, two steps back for the tag division.  With Kidd not picking up the MITB victory, the Gabriel/Kidd team from NXT and Superstars should begin to appear on TV; both guys definitely deserve some shine.

Match 4:  Daniel Bryan vs CM Punk (c), WWE Championship - No DQ, AJ is special guest referee
Winner:  CM Punk via pinfall

A WWE Title match that didn't end in a finisher or a roll up...can't remember the last time that happened.  After a great no DQ match with minimal shenanigans from AJ (she interfered once on each man's behalf, so that doesn't count, right?) and a ref bump that took her out of the action for half the match anyway, CM Punk hits an avalanche belly to back suplex through a table and makes the pin.

Courtesy of http://ilovewrestlinggifs.tumblr.com/
AJ was kind of torn between the two during the match; seems like this will continue on in some fashion, but with Cena as the WWE Championship MITB briefcase holder, the days of Bryan challenging Punk are severely numbered.  Great match - definitely made the most of the no DQ stipulation that was added in last minute.  If the AJ angle is winding to a close, I'm sincerely curious where she goes from here.  Suffice to say, I'm not happy that the WWE Title match was in the second hour, but I've voiced that often enough where there's no point about pissing and moaning about it when we actually get the best match of the night out of it.

Match 5:  Ryback vs Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks
Winner:  Ryback via pinfall

Ryback beat them both, but didn't lift both for his finisher, which would have been the pay off for this.  Ryback took 4 minutes to beat the pair, actually being knocked around the ring a bit, which he'll need to have done to him moving forward.  Crowd still seems to half care about him, happy to chant "Goldberg" at him.  Still a ton of work to be done on Ryback as a gimmick.

Match 6:  Layla (Divas Champion), Kaitlyn and Tamina vs Natalya, Beth Phoenix and Eve
Winners:  Layla, Kaitlyn and Tamina via pinfall

Decent divas match but coming two matches after the WWE Championship is a bit silly.  If they wanted to close the show with Raw MITB, they should have swapped the Ryback match and Punk/Bryan so there was only one buffer between the two main events.  After a breakdown with all 6 women in the ring, Tamina delivers a super kick to Beth who stumbles into the Layout for the win.  Layla still stands strong after returning and winning the Diva's Championship.  If Kharma is really ready to come back, now would have been a good time to at least make her presence felt - Play her laughter from the beginning of her music, show a vignette.  SOMETHING.

Match 7:  Raw Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Winner:  John Cena

To be fair, I don't think anyone wasn't expecting that.  Earlier in the night, The Miz reappeared, saying he would take part in this match, which he did.  Miz's look is a bit better - More mature hair and some scruff makes him look more like a man and less like a pretty boy.  The crowd seemed quite happy to see him back.  That's the thing with wrestling fans; we like to see anyone come back after hiatus.  Two months off may have done a world of good for Miz as far as looks and being missed.  John Cena, take note.  Maybe we'd miss you if you gave us the chance...

That said, this was quite a bit more entertaining than anyone expected a ladder match involving Kane and Big Show to be.  At one point, Big Show pulled out an enormous ladder so that he could play along with the rest of the cast.  As far as being reinforced?  Show could barely pick this thing up to put it in the ring.  That is a LOT of ladder.

This, of course, was after being pummeled by all four of his opponents - A Codebreaker from Chris Jericho, a snap DDT from The Miz, a boot to the outside from Kane and then an Attitude Adjustment from Cena through the Spanish announce table; then to be thorough, they buried Big Show underneath ladders.  Say what you will about Cena (I know I do), but every time he gets Show up for the AA, I'm impressed and just feel like Cena's repertoire is sorely lacking with the strength the man has.

The finish would have Big Show clearing the giant ladder with KO punches leaving just himself and Cena at the top.  Cena used the briefcase to block a KO punch attempt and then whacked Show in the face with the briefcase.  In this, the handle broke, leaving the briefcase in Cena's hands, which he then popped Show in the head with, followed by celebrating.  All in all, it's a good thing the handle didn't break when Chris Jericho was literally hanging from it, suspended in midair.  Let's see them call that audible.

Yeah, you didn't expect to win.  Sure. (Courtesy of http://ilovewrestlinggifs.tumblr.com/)

Cena/Punk is the tentative plan for Summerslam - An early cash in is always possible, but The Rock is the endgame here.  He said months ago (you know, when he was "never leaving again") that he wanted to hold the WWE Championship.  Cena will obviously want to avenge his Wrestlemania loss.  Why not combine the two?  The real shame is that a strong title reign by Punk is going to come to an end to justify another Cena/Rock match.  Do they really need to have the WWE Title at stake when Rock isn't a regular wrestler?  In the modern WWE, yes they do.  Meanwhile, over in TNA, Austin Aries wins the World Heavyweight Title by being better than Bobby Roode...ok, he cashed in his X Division title, but still.

I'll admit the show ended up better than I expected - Punk/Bryan was of course a top notch match and they smartly kept the referee nonsense to a minimum.  There's no payoff as far as AJ goes, which means the storyline continues, but also has to somehow integrate Cena's title chase and potentially The Rock.  Good luck with that.  The Smackdown ladder match was sloppier than expected given the entrants, but got the job done.  As far as shaking up the landscape like last year?  Not even close.  But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Congrats to Dolph Ziggler - Here's hoping for Tyson Kidd, MITB 2013 winner.

Enjoy the show?  Disappointed in something?  Happy as hell that Ziggler gets to shine?  Let us know in the comments or tweet us @thegeekasylum or @sbfantom.

In the coming weeks, be sure to check out Inside Pulse Wrestling for my weekly rant on Ring of Honor TV!
In fact, the first one is live now! #shamelesspandering