Saturday, May 19, 2012

MIT looks to create the future of the user interface

Remember how gorgeous the interactive UI system that Tom Cruise used in "Minority Report" in order to track escapees? Remember how it flowed beautifully as he quickly transitioned through files, pulled video feeds, and used real time GPS tracking all with the flick of a wrist?

MIT is now in the process of making science-fiction a reality by "manipulating real floating objects in 3-D space to create a truly tactile user interface", pretty awesome stuff is going on at the MIT media lab.

Jinha Lee, who is a part of the Tangible Media Group at MIT, has collaborated with Rehmi Post and Hiroshi Ishii in an effort to create a truly interactive 3-D user interface. The prototype is known as ZeroN. All of those cool things that we would see in the movies that we usually dismissed as an impossibility are now on the verge of becoming a reality.

“There is something fundamental behind motivations to liberate physical matter from gravity and enable control. The motivation has existed as a shared dream amongst humans for millennia. It is an idea found in mythologies, desired by alchemists, and visualized in science fiction movies,” Lee tells Co.Design. “I have aspired to create a space where we can experience a glimpse of this future. A space where materials are free from gravitational constraints and controllable through computing technologies.”
Alchemy, physics, and philosophy are all parts of an ambitious project that looks to revolutionize the concept of the UI. Check the video below for a demo of what has been accomplished so far.

via: Co.Design

Friday, May 18, 2012

[Video] Unofficial Harry Potter web series 'Auror's Tale' coming this Summer

The love for Harry Potter seems as if it will never die. Take the fan-made series "Auror's Tale" for example, at first glance you would assume that this an official spin-off story, and yet it's just a group of fans who decided to take fan-fiction into an entirely new level .

The production values are pretty impressive for a low budget affair. The series is set to begin this Summer. Check out the teaser.

Source: Auror's Tale Via: i09

Samsung Galaxy S3 Hits 9 Million Pre-Orders

Well it appears the iPhone is no longer the only pre-order juggernaut. Accordning to the Korea Economic Daily Samsung has taken 9 million pre-orders for the Galaxy S3. The Galaxy series of Samsung phones has been their flagship Android set since 2010. This is a major achievement for Samsung as it took almost half a year for them to reach the 10 million unit mark with the Galaxy S2.

This bodes well not only for Samsung but Android as well. There have been few breakout Android devices and none that can compare with this kind of reception. The Galaxy S3 doesn't go on sale until may 29th so we could see this number increase significantly. iPhone is still the biggest baddest dog on the block in terms of single device sales, but if Android manufacturers can replicate Samsungs model Apple better watch out. 

 Via: Reuters

James Bond 'Skyfall' teaser poster revealed, Bond fans rejoice

We've been waiting for this for a while now. It appears the world's favorite spy is getting closer to release. MGM is now financially solvent after being on the verge of bankruptcy for quite some time, and has been hard at work at releasing the next installment in the James Bond franchise.

Daniel Craig will reprise his roll as Bond for the third time (hopefully he plays Bond for the foreseeable future. Arguably the best Bond since Connery) and the movie will be directed by the very capable Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Road to Perdition, Jarhead), so we can expect another dark take of Mr.Bond.

I like the minimalistic approach to the poster, it goes with the iconic gun barrel shot that the series is renowned for. It's nothing flashy, but it does make you feel as if Craig is thinking "I'm Bond and I'm back...with a vengeance." Skyfall is slated for release on October 26th, 2012 .

via: First Showing

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Diablo 3 Launch Woes

Despite Blizzards best efforts to ensure a completely smooth launch for Diablo 3 it just didn’t go their way. They did they best they could issuing a long beta period for a few lucky gamers and also the open beta weekend stress test. Even with all of that combined effort they could not manage the onslaught of anxious Diablo fans waiting to log in at 3:01 AM EST.
Almost immediately there were connection issues and delays. I was unable to log on at all. I went ahead and went to bed and decided to wait until morning. As I was leaving my house around 7:30 AM for work I tried to log on just to see if it was up…AT LAST IT WAS! I let out a sigh of relief as I knew I would be able to play as soon as I got home from work…FALSE.

I got back to the house around quarter to 6 yesterday evening, and was down AGAIN! As it turns out after reading through several blizzard forums that this had been going on since about 2 pm. They had to take the servers down for emergency maintenance. When attempting to login you would receive Error 3003 or Error 37 for all intent and purposes their meanings do not really matter. All that matters is you cannot play.
Around 6:45 I tried to log back in. AT LAST IT WORKS! I can now begin my journey through the realms of Sanctuary! So I hurriedly created my new character. I chose the Wizard class and named him Destructo. Now let the questing begin. I went ahead and played until about 9:30 PM and decided it was time to get off for awhile. Around 11:30 I decided to get back on and continue my way through the world of Sanctuary. DENIED! It seems in my two hour absence Blizzard once again had to take all the servers offline for maintenance. They weren’t restored until after 2 AM and I was fast asleep.
I logged on around 9 AM this morning and all seemed to be well again. I was able to quickly log in and start a game with no issues at all. Hopefully Blizzard worked out all the kinks yesterday and we now can all enjoy Diablo 3. The real test will come tonight when people return home from school and work and start logging in en mass. 
All these issues did not come without a price for Blizzard. I learned most of what was going on through the forums. The community was quite angry, some to the point of absurdity. It was suggested to boycott the game and spread the word. Many went on to MetaCritic and slammed the game out of pure anger without having even clicked the mouse yet in Sanctuary. This is unfortunate; troubles like these should almost be expected with such a massive launch. People tend to have unrealistic expectations, especially hardcore online gamers.
Though there were many issues at launch it shouldn’t deter people from purchasing the game. Blizzard always gets things right in the end and typically does so in a reasonable amount of time. As far as I can tell the game is excellent and I look forward to many more hours spent enjoying Diablo 3.  

WWE Roundup - 5/11-5/14

WWE Smackdown and Raw - May 11th and May 14th, 2012

We'll try something a bit different for this week - a bit of a roundup for the shows surrounding the weekend.  This means we start with Smackdown, which itself starts with a recap of how we've come to have a Fatal Fourway for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Sheamus comes out; once again, we have the Champ opening a show.

Match 1 - Sheamus and Randy Orton vs Chris Jericho and Alberto del Rio
Winners: No contest

The match runs as a standard tag, but eventually ends up with all four men in the ring and the ref throws the match out.  What we saw was ok; the norm, but nothing special.  What this does, however is set up two matches for later tonight:  Sheamus vs Jericho and Orton vs ADR.  Eve brings this decree to us because...well...they put her in this position, so might as well use her.  Highlight of this one for me was Cole telling us that Sheamus has a 25% chance of winning at Over the Limit and that it's mathematically impossible for him to win.  Nothing about that sentence was correct.

Match 2 - AJ vs Kaitlyn
Winner: AJ via pinfall

I'm so happy to get to type that - AJ hasn't seen proper action for at least a month at this point.  There was no back and forth here:  AJ dropkicked Kaitlyn low then landed something that rests between a Shining Wizard and Shining Apprentice for the three (Which coincidentally was her finish from FCW).  AJ continues to be aggressive after the match and continues to wail on Kaitlyn.  Daniel Bryan comes out and says that he's impressed; this was the passion he felt AJ was missing.  He continues to be the emotionally abusive ex and tells AJ that he's ready to move Kaitlyn.  AJ makes a face that would make Psycho Sid go "this bitch crazy" and storms out.

Still holding out on her lashing out at Bryan; if they continue in this direction and eventually have her explode on Bryan and be a heelish little devil, I'm all for it.  If they drop it and forget about it like WWE are so apt to do, I'll be disappointed; AJ is one of the best female talents they have.

Match 3 - Daniel Bryan vs Big Show
Winner: Daniel Bryan via "submission"

"Submission" because Big Johnny gave Big Show the ol' Montreal Screwjob on this one.  Bryan slaps on the Yes!lock and Johnny immediately rings the bell from out of nowhere; there was no indication to the TV audience that he was even at ringside.  Ace is holding Big Show mocking his voice against him and wants a "damn good" apology on Monday.  I'd much rather see Bryan look strong leading into the PPV rather than a cheap heel win thanks to the heel boss, but we still have Raw for that to happen...

Match 4 - Heath Slater vs Ryback
Winner: Ryback via pinfall

Slater is in the ring before Ryback enters, jawing about Ryback having beaten nobodies so far.  Then Ryback comes out and does the same old shtick: Decapitating lariat and the hanging Fisherman's Buster Samoan Drop.  Nothing else of note here.  Ryback can continue this style for a while, as squashes are a cornerstone of pro wrestling, but people will eventually get tired of it, so I hope something is planned for him moving forward.

Match 5 - Alex Riley vs Antonio Cesaro
Winner: Antonio Cesaro via pinfall

Cesaro still has the ludicrously generic music and Titantron he had in his 'tryout'; here's hoping he gets something a bit more character-specific in the near future.  Cesaro comes out with Aksana.  Quick back and forth action until Cesaro catches Riley in the Gotch Style Neutralizer (still not sure where this name came from aside from the Internet) and wins it.

Aksana tells Long that she and Cesaro are lovers.  That was unnecessary.  The implication was there; a bit of subtlety goes a long way.  More from Cesaro moving forward, I hope; he has the potential to be a great WWE talent.  Possibly the best chance of the 'indy' guys that went through FCW.

Match 6 - Randy Orton vs Alberto del Rio
Winner: Randy Orton via DQ

Normally I'd piss and moan here that the entrances were not shown; we already saw them tonight, so it's ok to skip them to save time here.  Ricardo attack's Orton's arm without getting caught then eventually climbs the top turnbuckle to stop Orton coiling for the RKO.  He flies at Orton, who catches him with the RKO, but gets wrapped in the Cross Armbreaker from ADR.  At this rate, everyone in WWE is going to have a busted arm.  This is the second time recently that Ricardo has interfered this way; he's wrestled in FCW, perhaps they're going to let him stretch his wrestling muscles in WWE sometime soon.  Or at the very least, touch on the fact that he's not JUST an announcer.  Either way, he's one of the best on screen personalities we have right now.

Match 7 - R-Truth vs Jack Swagger
Winner: R-Truth via pinfall

The usual Little Jimmy nonsense goes down, with Kofi confused by Truth.  The match ends with both partners (Ziggler and Kofi) with shenanigans on the outside and Swagger taking a Trouble in Paradise from the floor and stumbling into the Little Jimmy jumping reverse STO.  Now the teams are 1-1 in wins going into Over the Limit.  WWE, please let that record stand and have both teams do something else until the PPV; maybe have the heels interfere on the faces in another match, but no more direct matches between the four men.

Match 8 - Santino Marella and Zack Ryder vs Darren Young and Titus O'Neil
Winners: Young and O'Neil via pinfall

Pretty standard tag, which is not a bad thing.  The new guys continue to look strong by beating guys with pinfalls and the shenanigans kept to a minimum.  The best part of this team right now is their after-match promos and songs.  They're silly, they're fun and they're entertaining.  Just let these guys continue to show their personality and be smug and beat opponents in the middle of the ring; that's all it takes, WWE.  The team finished the match off with a sidewinder elbow drop (backbreaker -> elbow drop) combination.  It's been different every week - Hart Attack from the top, Powerbomb/Clothesline combo and now the sidewinder (Which Booker T called the "Ghettoblaster").  I have a feeling they'll settle on the the sidewinder, but no idea if Booker's name will stick.

Damien Sandow has a short interview and vows to expose the false prophets of enlightenment, as well as apologize to Matt Striker for frightening the former teacher with his vernacular.  The verbiage is there; we need to see him get in the ring eventually.

Match 9 - Brodus Clay vs Hunico
Winner: Brodus Clay via pinfall

Hunico and Camacho attack before the bell.  Clay still wants to fight.  He does.  An exploder and a splash.  We all know how this goes at this point.  The kids still enjoy the shtick, as do quite a number of fans, which is fine.  Personally, I'm entirely burnt out on it.  There's only so many ways to say "I want to see something new" from the guy; as of now, there's no indication of a change pending.

Match 10 - Chris Jericho vs Sheamus (World Heavyweight Champion), non-title
Winner: No contest OR Chris Jericho via DQ

As usual, no announcement is made after bedlam breaks out, but Jericho was thrown into the stairs by del Rio, which by all rights makes him the winner via DQ.  The match itself was fine; Chris Jericho always stands to have a good match.  After the match's breakdown, del Rio slaps the Cross Armbreaker on Sheamus' bad arm, then Orton slides in and breaks it up.  Sheamus and Orton fight over who's going to fight ADR and Jericho sneaks in to deliver a Codebreaker to ADR.  Del Rio then takes an RKO and a Brough Kick.  Poor guy.

Normally this would be a bit odd, but ADR slammed Jericho into the stairs to end the match, so this is why the heels are at odds here.  There's tension between all the men for the match at Over the Limit, so the odds of some temporary alliances are pretty slim.  Sheamus will go into the match with a hurt arm, so we'll see how that plays out.  Sometimes he's unable to lift a guy; other times he can do the Irish Curse with that same bad arm.

This leads us the weekend, which leads us to Raw

HHH tells Ace that he'll head to the ring and tell the world how he feels about the current goings on.  In a very long winded fashion, HHH tells us that Lesnar has offended himself, the WWE Universe and the legends of the sport.  HHH takes a pot shot at Lesnar and says that Cena never quits.  Lesnar's music hits and outcomes Paul Heyman.  He has a lawyer with him, serves HHH with papers and readies to leave.  He tells HHH that he should have expected this when he brought a "fighter" into an "entertainment company".  It's not Heyman's fault, but this is the worst possible verbiage to use in professional wrestling.  Way to suck that legitimacy that Lesnar was supposed to bring right back out.  He delivers a message to HHH from Lesnar that on a personal level, he's disappointed in how things turned out.  HHH slaps the mic out of Heyman's hand and grabs him by the face and Heyman is able to squeak out "what are you doing" over and over , which is hilarious.  Now HHH has two lawsuits on his hands.

Heyman plays the part of a sneak and sleazy creep so incredibly well, on top of being solid on the mic.  The more time Heyman spends in front of the crowd with a mic in his hands, the better.  He will continue to keep Lesnar's name fresh in people's heads without Lesnar being physically present.

Match 1 - CM Punk and Santino Marella vs Cody Rhodes and Daniel Bryan
Winners: CM Punk and Santino Marella via pinfall

Two shows in a row with the respective champ jerking the curtain.  An all around solid and fun tag match.  Three of WWE's champions are in the ring and everyone looks solid in their roles.  Santino plays the comedy man as good as anybody, and one of the visual highlights of the match is his attempt at the hot tag coming up short.

So close, yet so Santino

The end with Cody being scared of the Cobra and stumbling into the GTS is another great spot, but more importantly, Punk gets a win over the IC champ and never takes his eyes of Bryan who leaves Rhodes to rot.  The match between Punk and Bryan at Over the Limit has all the potential in the world to be a top notch match.

Match 2 - Alicia Fox vs Beth Phoenix
Winner: Beth Phoenix via pinfall

Standard Beth squash - a press slam, a Glamslam and a solid win.  Layla watches from the stage to assess her next opponent, but when Beth continues to attack Fox after the match, Layla hits the ring and protects her, sending Phoenix scampering away.

Layla's been gone for a while, but she's a solid worker and if WWE just gives them a few minutes at OtL, they should be able to put on a good showing for us. 

Match 3 - Big Show vs Kane
Winner: Kane via pinfall

A video package is shown concerning Show's voice-related transgression from last week, so we know right away that will play in.  Mid match, Ace demands Show's apology, causing him to walk into a Kane Chokeslam and lose.  Ace demands a damn good apology from Show and eventually tells him to hit his knees and beg.  Show fights it, and spills his heart to Ace, who eventually leaves and says he'll reconsider.  When he reaches the stage, he gives his decision; after Show has begged on his knees to keep his job because he loves it so much, Ace wishes him his best in his future endeavors.  This dragged on a bit, but it's alright; they gave Show time to express his passion for the business.  He was willing to never have another title shot just to continue coming out for the kids.  Very Cena-esque here.  Ultimately, he's made to look like a crybaby, even if he does have a huge passion for what he does.  For now, bye-bye Big Show.

Match 4 - Brodus Clay, Kofi Kingston and R-Truth vs The Miz, Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger
Winners: Clay, Kingston and Truth via pinfall

What an atrocious juxtoposition.  An icon of pro wrestling for nearly 20 years just cried to keep his job and we follow it with the Funkasaurus.  We get standard tag fare until Ziggler runs into a headbutt from Clay on the apron, followed by a brutal looking Trouble in Paradise to Miz and the big Funkasaurus Splash.

Abraham Washington, the Colons, Rosa and Mason Ryan watch from a skybox.  One more week of establishing that these people exist, but doing nothing productive with them.  Mason Ryan just keeps coming back like a big bulky boomerang.

The WWE Rewind: Smackdown's main event breaking down and more reason for the Fatal Four Way at Over the Limit for Sheamus' World Heavyweight Title.

Match 5 - Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton
Winner: Chris Jericho via DQ

Sheamus is on commentary and repeatedly tells Michael Cole what a dingus he is; I'm fine with this.  Orton starts his usual ending sequence, but Jericho and he wind up on the floor.  Jericho whips Orton into Sheamus and rolls Orton back into the ring, but ends up in the second rope DDT.  Orton coils for the RKO, but Sheamus drags Jericho out and levels him.  The ref calls for the bell and Orton is none too happy about it.  I like this; it gives the men all the more reason to all be at odds with one another come Sunday and it's that rare reinforcement that wins matter.  Orton is mad at Sheamus specifically because he cost him what was soon to be a victory.  The two want to fight, but it gets broken up, which is another good choice here.

During the commercial, Eve tweets that Orton and Sheamus will wrestle on Smackdown.  There goes that good decision.  And it was done via Twitter.  Then announced on TV.  That's so unnecessary.

We end Raw with a painfully drawn out John Lauranatis and John Cena promo.  Ace tells us that Cena and all his fans are losers.  Cena comes out and mocks Ace's voice; apparently this is no longer a punishable offense.  Cena says Ace was a scumbag before but now he's the "king of all douchebags".  Just leaving it there would have been fine, but we get 10 minutes of Cena trying to channel Jim Carrey and calling Ace a loser everytime he tries to speak.  It's just WAY too much.  The happy go lucky Cena is back when just a week ago, he was all intensity, all focus, all drive, all business.  Now he's just altogether annoying.  To top it all off, Cena goes for the cheap Pittsburgh Penguin pops from the crowd.  Cena then pulls a puck out of his pocket, tosses it at Ace and tells him to "go puck himself".  Ace tells Cena he's taller and better looking than Cena, then gets a memo from Eve.  Cena rips it out of Ace's hands and reads aloud that the match on Sunday will be one on one and no shenanigans are to ensue:  No special refs, nobody allowed at ringside, can only win by pin or submission and if any superstar interferes, they're to be immediately terminated.  On top of all that, if Cena wins, Lauranaitis is fired.  Ace slaps Cena and leaves.

"Superstar" is the key word here.  This is a dead give away that OTL will either see a non-superstar appear or a recently departed ex-superstart interfere.  How badly does Big Show want his job back?  Enough to screw John Cena?  I hope not; the 'captive' heel thing was done with Cena a while back and it was awful.  Either a setup where Ace and Show were in cahoots all night or someone else interfering could come as well.  WWE seems to like changing things at the last minute when something seems 'too' obvious.  Most of the time that's a bad call.  A bit of predictability isn't bad; it's just important to find that balance. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What next? A look into comic book movies in a post-Avengers world - Prologue

By now everyone and their mother has seen The Avengers. That's not a joke, my own mother saw the Avengers opening weekend and wants to know who "the purple Hulk guy" at the end credits was. It's made over a billion bones worldwide and stands to make more as the weeks go on. Why? Because it was that damn good.

About a year ago I wrote an article showcasing how Christopher Nolan and The Dark Knight has changed the comic book movie landscape forever. With it's down to earth, gritty portrayal of one of comics darkest heroes, it stood out as one of, if not the greatest comic book movie of all time.

With the release and subsequent success of The Avengers, where does this leave movies like The Amazing Spiderman and The Dark Knight Rises? The latest reboot of Spiderman seems to be taking a cue from Batman Begins and The Dark Knight with a darker kind of storytelling. To me, these movies aren't made to be "blockbusters".

Granted, they will attract massive crowds and make boatloads of cash but when you think blockbuster you think lavish CGI special effects and a larger-than-life story. Batman isn't a blockbuster, Nolan has created a superb retelling of The Caped Crusader as a crime drama.

It's about the philosophy of crime and the odyssey of one man crawling from grief and fear into a modern day savior. Each installment in these Batman movies showcases the evolution of Bruce Wayne and Batman as he struggles to grasp the concept of being a hero, to face true corruption, and how to rise above it.

Spiderman is the ultimate underdog. A kid that is blessed/cursed with amazing abilities and having wisdom beyond his years to utilize these powers for the greater good. With no parents, and no huge bank roll to back him up, he struggles to balance the everyday mundane life of a college student with the titanic weight of a hero on his shoulders.

After The Avengers, I feel like audiences now are waiting to be wowed by a spectacle, but I feel if you go to these films with that mindset you are not only missing the point but you are cheating yourself from a equally fantastic experience.  These two films are taking two iconic characters and making them bleed, making them hurt, and bringing them down to their knees.

It makes for a much more compelling story when you can relate to these characters, or when a director and  writer can bring these characters down to our level. We see what makes them tick and what they are up against.

In the next few days we will be dissecting the first two installments of Nolan's Batman trilogy as well as speculate about the Spiderman reboot and The Dark Knight Rises in hopes that you can enjoy these two potentially great films for what they were meant to be, or at least measure them with the correct measuring stick.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Rumor: iCloud upgrade could lead to photo and video sharing with iOS 6

The Rumor mill has been going crazy over the new iPhone, or anything Apple related for that matter. Well, this particular rumor doesn't seem nearly as outlandish as some other claims (7 inch iPad anyone? Not going to happen), but the talk on the street is that in the next iOS update iCloud will feature photo and video sharing capability.

The news would also seem to support rumors that iPhoto 12 for for Mac is coming at the same time. That redesign is expected to align with iPhoto on Apple’s mobile OS. So clearly we have the cloud — iCloud namely — playing a starring role in Apple’s future as it gears up to compete with Facebook and Google. With iCloud set to be featured in the upcoming OS X Lion, the cloud is set for the big screen for sure with iOS so dominant.
If this is true, it would mean that Apple plans to get agressive in the increasingly competive cloud-based services arena. With the massive aquisition of Instagram by Facebook, Google Drive launching, and Micorsoft announcing some recent upgrades to their Skydrive cloud service, this move makes sense.

Source: Wall Street Journal Via: Wired News

[Video] Watch the pilot episode of 'Tron Uprising'

So the Disney XD YouTube page has decided to share the pilot episode of Tron Uprising with the rest of the world (well unless the uploader has made it unavailable in your country) before its June 7th premiere.  I had the chance to watch the episode, and I was impressed by the shows animation and story.

This is something I could see turning into a series of direct-to-DVD feature length movies, or hell, maybe an actual theatrical release.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

This is ROH - 5/12/2012

Ring of Honor - May 12, 2012
Courtesy of Adam Iorio, @adamshaska

We open the show with a recap of Kevin Steen's attack on Kyle O'Reilly from last week’s main event. We're only hours away from Border Wars and a championship match actually seems important; am I really watching professional wrestling?

Match 1: Bodysnatcher and Black Ice "D-Line" vs. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas "Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team"
Winner: Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team via submission, length:  5 minutes 54 seconds, Code of Honor: Denied

It was an impressive debut showing from D-Line, especially considering it’s against WGTT. The match was a little short by RoH tag team standards but as I said D-Line was rather impressive, put up a good fight but eventually fell victim to the Haas of Pain.

A short "serious" interview involving "the Prodigy" Mike Bennett with "The First Lady of RoH" Maria making fun of Lance Storm.

Match 2: El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr "Los Ice Creams" with Ophidian vs Soldier Ant Fire Ant & Green Ant "The Colony"
Winner: "The Colony" via pinfall, length: 13:28 - 18:06 4 minutes 38 seconds, Code Of Honor: N/A

This was an interesting match to say the least. I'm not too familiar with Chikara Pro but I have seen enough of it to know the basic rules (luchador). Very fast paced, and honestly who doesn’t love a good six man tag? 

The anthill finish was a very nice move and that’s the kind of action Chikara offers on a regular basis I wouldn't mind seeing more of it.

Match 3:  Ricky Reyes vs Jay Lethal
Winner: Jay Lethal via Pinfall, length: 3 minutes 22 seconds, Code of Honor: No

I won't lie Jay Lethal isn’t one of my favorite wrestlers, I know he's loved by a lot of people but something about him just screams, or whispers, boring to me. And this match was no exception, clocking in at just under an impressive 3 and half minutes one might see why. Solid finish, which is rare form for Lethal, but Reyes, could have taken it little better.  

Short Interview with Davey Richards about his upcoming match with Rhino

Promo with Eddie Edwards and Mike Bennett on their match next week

Promo with The Young Bucks and the All Night Express about their match next week

Promo with "The Wrestling Greatest Tag Team" about their match with The Briscoes at Border Wars

Promo with Rhino about his upcoming match with Davey Richards

Match 4:  "The Man Beast" Rhino vs Davey Richards
Winner: Davey Richards via Pinfall, length: 14 minutes 39 seconds, Code of Honor: No

Rhino dominates Richards for the majority of this match, which I wasn't surprised by at all. Richards tries too hard with his submissions against Rhino which wouldn’t be a problem if he didn't win with a sunset flip. After the match Strong attacks Richards from behind then Truth jumps in with a few kicks to Richards before Jay Lethal comes out to save the day, I guess he wants the TV title back more than breaking Ciampa's undefeated streak.

Not as great as last weeks show but still entertaining; my only gripe is the promo/interview placements, one or two back to back is fine, but not five or six. I know you're only working with about 45 minutes of air time, but you could space them out a little bit. Having both main event promos right before the match is a little stale, opening up the show with one of them would work well.