Thursday, December 1, 2011

It is the Age, the Age of Ra!

Some of you might know who Ra is just by hearing the name while others might confuse it with part of a cheerleading chant. For those of you who aren’t caught up with your mythology; Ra is the Sun God in Egyptian mythology. 

The Age of Ra is a great book written by author James Lovegrove. Lovegrove manages to do something that to me has been absent for far too long in modern culture. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tales From Skyrim: A Khajit's Dark Deed

Skyrim is getting so much love it's almost sickening. Almost. The game deserves all the praise its getting, I assure you, but there is nothing I can say that could describe how incredible the game is that hasn't already been said. So I've decided to take a different approach to exzibhit my love for Skyrim. I'm going to regail you eith tales of my charcters journey throughout Skyrim. I am currently sporting a level 18 Khajit named Liono. This is his story.

Midnight, 14th of Heartfelt, Whiterun

I've just purchased my first home in Whiterun after being honored with the title of Thane of Whiterun by the Jarl. After a weary battle with the Storm Cloak invasion on Whiterun, I have been tasked with a mission to deliver a young man's satchel to his estranged daughter. The man mines at Darkstar, and has no means of communicating with his daughter.