Retrofix: Goodfellas
If you ask any film buff what their favorite movie is, chances are they’ll tense up and think hard about their answer before saying, “I dunno, man, I like a lot.” I can identify with these people -- for a long time I had a hard time answering this question with less than five titles. It wasn’t until recently that I actually thought about all of my favorites and decided which one is my numero uno: Goodfellas.
True Blood Recap: Episode 1 "Turn! Turn! Turn!"
Last night, HBO premiered season 5 of True Blood, a premiere that had been much anticipated since the finale last summer. Well the finale was not at all what I expected it to be, and that's not a good thing...
What Next: Avengers 2?
“AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!” A battle cry familiar with any self-respecting Marvel fan and a line many fans like myself were anxiously awaiting the “star-spangled man with a plan” to cry during this summer’s blockbuster. I think at least most of us can agree that Avengers provided many of us with great joy and satisfaction in its execution.
Completely Random Episode 2: Coffee and Idle Banter
In this episode of Completely Random, Jon, Drew, and Chad discuss the effect of dating on video game play time, The Walking Dead Game, The Avengers, guns, the idea of a Justice League movie, and much more. Take a seat and absorb your sermon for the week.
Max Payne 3: Pain as art
Rockstar Games has accomplished what few games in the industry have: they have made gaming an art form. After playing Grand Theft Auto IV, Red Dead Redemption, and now Max Payne 3, I can say with honesty and a straight face that these three games delivered in ways many Hollywood movies can't.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Diablo 3 Open Beta Weekend
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
WWE Raw Wrapup 4/16/12
Punk responds with more kicks, but runs into what looked like a try at a back body drop, but quickly converted into a spinebuster slam. The action spills outside and Punk lands a suicide dive. Henry responds with an irish whip into the stairs and then throws Punk into the ring post, followed by a choke. Henry rushes Punk, but he gets his boot up into Henry’s face twice, then runs the barricade and lands a jumping bulldog, which was a great spot.
Punk struggles to get Henry into the ring and yells at the ref to give him a hand. Punk lands kicks into Henry’s back and attempts a hurricanrana off the apron, but Henry catches him and flings him into the barricade to lead us into commercial. Back from break, Henry has control in the ring with a neck wrench, which he follows with a body attack in the corner. Henry stands on Punk’s chest, but Punk rolls to the apron and hotshots Henry across the top rope. Landing outside, Punk heads over to the announce area and grabs a steel chair.
Rolling back in, Punk lands a jab to Henry’s gut followed by a chest shot, both with the chair, but it’s only good for a two count. Punk lifts the chair for an apparent head shot, but Henry lands a back kick and takes the chair from a fallen Punk. Henry whacks Punk across the back, then wedges the chair into the corner (Mark, you should know better – this ALWAYS backfires!). Punk stops Henry from whipping him into the new hazard and lays into Henry with strikes in an adjacent corner. Punk hits the ropes for momentum, but Henry clotheslines him. Henry then settles into a bearhug.
Punk elbows his way out, then chopblocks Henry and lands a DDT while the big man is on his knees for another close two count. Punk ascends the top rope and ties a cross body, but Henry catches him. Henry goes for the World’s Strongest Slam, but Punk goes up and over and kicks Henry in the side of the head, which leads to Henry stumbling to a corner. Punk lands the running knee, but gets tossed off on the bulldog follow up. Henry charges Punk, but he dodges and Henry runs into the chair (told you!). Punk rolls out to grab the chair, climbs to the top and delivers a flying elbow drop with the chair across Henry’s chest. It’s good for the win.
Winner: CM Punk via pinfall
Santino tries his split dodge, but Otunga has wised up, stops short and boots Santino in the mush. Santino gets up and walks into The Verdict from Otunga, followed by Otunga hitting the mat for a cover and then immediately floating over to the other side to allow Santino to get his foot on the ropes for a break as the ref counted three. The match doesn’t end, leading to argument from Otunga. Santino hits his split dodge, hip toss, headbutt and The Cobra for a clean win to retain
Bryan bridges Kofi’s arm up and stomps the elbow. Kofi gets to his feet and begins to fight back, but Bryan gives him a European uppercut and a kneedrop. Bryan keeps Kofi grounded with a hammerlock. Kofi gets to his feet and swings up for an elevated snapmare (which Bryan ends up taking a header into the mat from), followed by signature double leapfrogs and a back elbow.
On the outside, Bryan whiffs a knee off the apron and Kofi hops to the top turnbuckle and springs off to the outside with a cross body. Since something happened outside the ring, we head to a commercial! Back to the action, Kofi counters a hip toss into a monkey toss. Bryan answers with a drop toe hold to the turnbuckle then stands in Kofi’s chest and neck. Bryan lands kicks to the chest in the corner to a chorus of “YES”. Out of the corner, Bryan takes Kofi over with a snapmare and a kick to the back.
Bryan settles into a chinlock, but Kofi fights out. Kofi starts with his usual loose and sloppy clotheslines and double chops, followed by the Boomdrop. Kofi preps for the Trouble in Paradise but Bryan dodges and goes for the Yeslock, which Kofi counters into the SOS for a close two count. Kofi lands boots in the corner, then counters a rushing Bryan with a kick to the head, then heads to the top rope. Bryan looks for a superplex, but Kofi fights him off and goes for a flying crossbody, but comes up empty. Bryan immediately hops on Kofi and locks in the Yeslock for the win.
Winner: Daniel Bryan via submission
Cena picks up the stairs and hits Tensai in the head with them. He then rolls Tensai back in the ring. Sakamoto kicks Cena in the back on the outside and Otunga (who came out with Lauranaitis to observe the match) rolls him back into the ring. Tensai lands his signature stalling butterfly suplex for a two count. Tensai grips Cena with a nerve hold, but Cena fights to his feet. He tries to lift Tensai for an Attitude Adjustment, but can’t land it.
Tensai whips Cena to the corner again (that’s a lot of whips) but whiffs the body avalanche this time. Cena lands a shoulder and begins the usual routine. When he gets to the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Tensai gets to his feet quickly and chops Cena in the face to stop him in his tracks. Tensai lands a standing senton for a two count. Tensai drops a leg across Cena’s arm and settles into a fujiwara armbar. Cena rolls through into a crossface, which was admittedly smooth, but Cole manages to ruin the moment by calling it an STF.
Their match is a Chicago Street Fight…which is also basically an extreme rules match. Daniel Bryan continues to be a self-made fan favorite; here’s hoping he doesn’t get the Zack Ryder treatment any time soon. The Yeslock is going to be beloved by the fans over; much more so than his boring old finisher, the Labell Lock.
The beauty and mystery of Fez
Monday, April 16, 2012
Tron Uprising trailer is 30 shades of sweet
Alright, I'm upset. Kids today have all these awesome animated shows. When I was growing up, we didn't have this fancy stuff. It was all GI Joe, Thundercats, Silverhawks, DBZ, and Reboot. Okay, so maybe it wasn't so bad, but nowadays everything is all CG and pretty.
Disney's new animated series Tron: Legacy starts in June, and it looks damn good. Not to mention that they have top talent to do the voice work, with Elijah Wood, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Mandy Moore, Lance Henriksen, and Paul Reubens--yes even Pee Wee Herman.
To be honest, I can't wait for this. I was a fan of the Avatar series (easily the best animated show of the last decade. Yea I said it), and this looks to have all the makings of a great series. Check the trailer.
Via: i09
[Video] What would Battlefield 5 look like with Google glasses?
It reminds me of the movie "Gamer" in how the HUD displays itself. You essentially just enter this augmented reality on the fly while wearing your Google glasses. I fell in love with this concept, now if only it becomes a reality.