Friday, April 6, 2012

Can the "Nexus Tablet" save Android?

Google + Asus = Nexus
The skinny.

If you have been keeping up with the tech rumors, you know that something big is coming from Google in the next few months. Rumor has it Google is partnering up with Asus and a handful of others manufacturers to develop tablet hardware. By summer we should see what is likely the next big thing in tablet computing. And this time it may actually sport official Google branding. Referred to by most as the "Nexus Tablet," this new tech toy could potentially be Google's flagship device that could change the Android landscape.


Why it needs to?

The current reality is that Google's Android platform, while far reaching, is splintered. If you have anything other than a brand spanking new Android smartphone, the odds are good that your operating system is out of date, or worse, has reached the end of its life.  Now, that doesn't mean your phone is completely worthless it just means that the system won't be updated and you can't run the newest version until you upgrade to a newer phone. The market for smartphones is nearly split 50/50 iOS to Android (though Research In Motion's Blackberry platform is still kicking around in that lower percentile). Within the Android platform only about 3% of phones are on the latest version. 

I suppose its tough to lump everything together as Android can run on just about any modern device, but the point is that Android exists on millions of phones and tablets yet these different devices come in all different software flavors. The various manufacturers adding their own custom interfaces and programs on top of the "Stock Android Experience" (i.e.: Samsung's TouchWiz and HTC's Sense UI) can confuse old and new users as to what Android is supposed to be. Vendors are certainly free to do this but creating an experience that is different from one device to another is potentially harmful to Android as a brand. 

Is it customized or is it broken?

How can it?

I love Google and their various products, but my frustrations with their missteps have brought me to this conclusion. If they want Android to remain relevant and stand a chance at loosening Apple's grip on the market they should check out some of the ideas I have come up with a few ideas to help them out.
  • The Nexus Tablet is probably your best chance at gaining market appeal outside of smartphones. Use this fact to your advantage! The wireless carriers have ruined stock android and built up their empires on top of your hard work. Don't pair this with any cellular carriers! Keep the stock android experience as pure as possible.
  • Please update this device regularly! Only a fraction of your user base is on the newest version of the OS, don't leave so many of your users behind on the old software. If you cut out the carriers it should be pretty easy to push updates provided everyone is on wifi. 
  • The stock experience stands on its own and if you can convince the novice users of this, they will request it from the carriers on their future devices.
  • Pair this device with solid hardware. Other manufacturers will have a bar to shoot for the healthy competition will only boost your user base. The cheap (and cheaply made) android tab fad will be over.
  • Make the Google Play Store more universal so everyone can use all the apps!  Its great when everyone is on the same page. It would be nice if more stringent rules were in place to get on the market, but there are gems to be found among the weeds. On a side note, getting some high profile multiplayer games will not only help the device 
  • Please don't enforce an archaic DRM policy. You have a vast variety of media outlets, if the Nexus Tablet can leverage all parts of Google media the "Apple Ecosystem" will have a lot of catching up to do.

No Pressure...

With the most recent news of cost and hardware debates possibly delaying a release of the Nexus Tablet for mid summer, the chips are stacked against it.  Launching a brand new tablet into a market flooded with iPads, Kindles, and Nooks wont be easy.  It may be even harder as new Windows 8 tablets and rumored "iPad Minis" will all be fighting for the same territory. 

With a dedicated user base and a ton of media buzz around the tablet, it shouldn't be too hard for the biggest tech company in the world to have a successful tablet. I'm just hoping that the Nexus Tablet leverages the power of Google to be the premier tablet computer and succeeds at unifying Android on all fronts.

Rob Richburg is the co-founder and owner of Enthus Reviews , part of the Enthus Life network. They will be our first affiliate. Full announcement coming soon.

[VIDEO] Seth MacFarlane's directorial debut "Ted" Red Band Trailer

Everyone should know who resident funny man Seth MacFarlane is, the dude behind Family Guy, American Dad, and Cleavland has finally brought his brand of humor to the silver screen.

I wasn't sure what to think of this, seeing as it was released on April 1st, but apparently it's legit. Check it.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

5 iPhone Cases to Stand Out from the Crowd

If you're an extreme iPhone fanatic or just an average iPhone user, finding the perfect case is almost always a necessity.  The iPhone 4/4S is beautiful in its own design, but I found it annoying that my phone looks like everyone else's.  Whether you want a case for the looks or for the protection, it's nice to have something that will make you a little more unique.

There are a lot of mainstream cases that are floating around the marketplace like the infamous Otterbox or the classic Apple Bumper.  There are even countless cheap cases that look similar to each other and offer very little protection too.  I'm sure there are people out there that buy a handful of cases (no pun intended) and are never satisfied.  I am one of them.  So I decided to do a little research on the inter webs for what I thought were the five most unique and functional iPhone cases.

1. Uncommon Capsule Case
We're going to start off with a case that you can fully customize.  Why not?  It's by far the best way to show your personality you little rebel.  Uncommon allows you to pick from a good selection of designs for the back of the case, or you can upload your own picture.  They promise no fading, peeling or chipping either.  On top of that, the case provides all around coverage for your precious.  It's a slider case giving you the option to slide the bottom off if you ever need to dock it.  That's what she said.

Price: $39.95

2. GroveMade Bamboo Case

Here is a beautifully designed wooden case for all you tree lovers out there. Or maybe not, since you indirectly cut down a tree for your case.  Anyway, Grovemade's Bamboo case is a case milled from a piece of bamboo that is hand sanded and laser engraved with some amazing designs.  You can also upload your own art like the Uncommon Capsule.  The front of the case has two different color bezels that gives it a sharp look and help it stand out from other wooden cases.  The case is a slider and in my opinion the most beautiful wooden case out there.

Price: $69.00 - $139.00 (Plain-Bamboo Bezel - Custom-Black Bezel)

3. Element Vapor Pro - Black Ops Case

This bad ass case has an incredible design.  Crafted out of a "solid block of aircraft grade aluminum" this case is tough and is incredibly sleek.  The back comes in a fine ultra suede and Element promises this case prevents "death grip" signal loss.  I never had that problem but the more features the better.  If you are looking for a different color, Element also has both the White and Chrome editions.  It is a little pricey like the Grovemade Case but it sure does look sexy.

Price: $129.99 - $149.99

4. Griffin Elan Form Chilewich Case

This clothy looking case provides a unique texture for your iPhone.  The case comes in two parts: the inner vinyl textile layer and a hard carbonate layer to protect the corners and front.  It is a 2-piece front and back design but the port openings are still accessible.  It comes in a few colors including light grey, light gold and dark walnut and ice.

Price: $39.99

5. SwitchEasy CapsuleRebel Case

If you need a case that gives a little more shock protection, than SwitchEasy's CapsuleRebel is the case for you.  The case comes in a rainbow assertion of colors and sports a cool spine-like design on the back.  The case comes in two parts: the soft inner layer and the hard exoskeleton for drop protection.  The case also comes with two screen protectors, dock adapters, video dock stand, power jack protectors and headphone jack protectors.  The price won't break your wallet either.

Price: $27.99

Going Digital: Resistance is Futile

The rumor mill has been running rampant with talk of the "next generation" of consoles. This is when incessant speculation builds up such a hype machine that it's difficult to ignore. Both Microsoft (next console codenamed Durango) and Sony (next console codenamed Orbis) are hard at work on their respective consoles, and everybody has an opinion on what the next-gen will have in store for us.

There is nothing wrong with having an opinion on the next-gen, we as gamers are a very vocal bunch, and it's always fun to discuss these sorts of things. I'm not really focusing on any rumor or speculation in this particular situation, seeing as we've already discussed the Orbis rumors and its potential to hinder Gamestop's thriving business model.

I'd rather focus on the evolution of the medium: going completely digital. Of course, this is all based on the information available to us at the moment because everything right now is really just speculation. However, the one constant that keeps coming up is the idea of next-gen consoles abandoning physical media. We all saw this coming, and whether we want to admit it or not, this was inevitable.

Over the last 2-3 years we've seen more and more downloadable titles show up on both PSN and XBL. Granted, these are usually older games (Crysis, Farcry 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, and Halo Reach to name a few), but we've seen the shift to digital right before our eyes. Prior to that point, most downloadable titles were reserved for digestible experiences such as Braid or Outland (incredible game). Now that high-speed Internet is more widely available in homes across the world, the shift to digital makes total sense.
Braid represents a bulk of downloadable titles currently available on PSN and XBLA. Small, digestable experiences

This has some people up in arms because this will have an obvious effect on the very profitable used games market. Some of us do buy a good amount of our games used, which is fine, but publishers aren't fond of having their profits messed with. In order to combat this, publishers have found creative, albeit shifty ways of protecting their profits. EA is masterful at this, and when it was announced that going forward they would be charging players $10 to access any online component to their titles if they purchased a used copy, the community was less than thrilled.

Let's face it, games are incredibly expensive. The idea of not being able buy used copies of games is a scary thing. Why? Now publishers would have total control over their content, which from a consumer stand point is a frightening thing. I can see the pros and cons of going completely digital, and I'm willing to embrace a fully digital experience if that is in fact how things end up in the next generation. But having a blind rage or contentment for publishers for wanting to go this direction with no knowledge of how it would work, is pretty ridiculous.

Digital distribution is nothing new to Steam (meanwhile EA tries to emulate the service with EA Origin), whose service has been applauded for years by the masses. Unfortunately, I don't really do the PC gaming thing (nothing against it, just seems like too much work), but I can definitely see the appeal in the service. Especially when games are priced significantly less than console titles. That's a very clear benefit to going fully digital in the console market: Price.

Steam has set the standard for digital distribution
Dennis Dyack of Silicon Knights made some great points when talking to Games Industry about "the state of the industry". Dyack has always been outspoken about various things within the industry, and this is no exception.
"I would argue, and I've said this before, that used games are cannibalizing the industry. If developers and publishers don't see revenue from that, it's not a matter of hey 'we're trying to increase the price of games to consumers, and we want more,' we're just trying to survive as an industry. If used games continue the way that they are, it's going to cannibalize, there's not going to be an industry,"
Dyack goes on to argue that the next generation is going to cost publishers a fortune to develop games for, which makes me think that the idea of publishers and hardware heading toward a fully digital delivery system is the next logical progression. In a sense, this has the potential to mutually beneficial to both the publishers and players if done properly.

In a utopic world, publishers would deliver titles for $10-$15 less than what we're currently paying. They would have less overhead costs, which means they could afford to cut the costs of new titles. Players would be happy because they would see the value and benefit in going digital: saving money. Publishers can also do fire sales on some games and slash prices, making what they need on mere quantity. This would be the perfect setting, but as always, we should expect some growing pains.

I like to compare this scenario with comics going to digital. Comixology has created an incredible system for content delivery as well as an easy means for reading comics. Publishers have embraced going to digital for delivering their comics and readers have the benefit of saving a lot of money.  I buy my comics digitally now, and while this may upset the purist, I'm saving a substantial amount of money. The discounts range anywhere from 40-75% off of retail depending on the sale.

Heather's Two Cents
There's a possible reverse viewpoint here - what if retailers like GameStop could hurt PS4 and the next XBOX sales? GameStop has every right to refuse to carry the console due to the big hit it'd take on its profit from the lack of pre-owned inventory. So if GameStop refuses to sell the consoles, and being that they're a megapower in the gaming world, sales on the consoles could take a pretty big hit.

And did we even consider the other downsides? What about Gamefly, Redbox, Blockbuster - Any of those services? They'd be D-E-A-D. People like us here at GA rely on Gamefly to get you these lovely game reviews that we love to write. So, what we're saying is that if Sony and Microsoft decide to do this, many

Gamestops will shut down, Gamefly will shut down, Blockbuster is already on its way out, and if THAT happens, then keeping you guys in the know with our reviews will be a lot more difficult. We'll have to work more to afford the games you're dying to know about, which means less time for playing and writing... you get the idea. It's a terrible domino effect.

Am I saying that going digital is going to utterly destroy everything as we know it? No, but there are more beneficial compromises that can be made. Once more, everything we know about the next-gen consoles are mere speculation - not concrete. We're assuming the worst so that if and when the news is broken, and our worst fears become reality, we can't say that it wasn't totally unexpected.
Sony's Playstation Plus premium service now offers subscribers a free PS3 title every month, such as Farcry 2
Trades are usually $7-$8 off and same day releases are usually half off. To me as a consumer, the decision is clear. What route saves me money? What people don't seem to understand is that publishers are trying to run a business. Yes, it's okay to be mad when it seems like they're shafting you on certain things (the first day DLC argument could be used here, and I would agree with you entirely on that subject. It's a shitty cash grab system sometimes), but for the most part it's because their trying recoup on a potential loss during the development cycle or something else.

This doesn't absolve them of any lousy business practices, but we have a certain responsibility to know why we pay more than we should. Publishers like EA, Activision, Sony, and Microsoft aren't exactly non-profit organizations. If a project goes over budget or if new things need to be added to a title thus delaying it, this all costs the company more money. Who do you think that cost is offset to? Us, that's who. The publishers have shareholders they have to appease, and if they aren't turning a profit, then what's the point?

I know it's ugly, but unfortunately that's the very basis of capitalism and the free market world. I'm not sure that it makes sense to abandon physical media right off the bat. I think that a gradual "zoning out" process will begin within the next-gen life cycle. I could see publishers churning out "digital exclusives", then they can reserve popular titles to have both digital and physical versions. It should be interesting to see how all of this pans out, but one thing is for sure, going completely digital is a really a matter of when, not if. The sooner we accept it, the better off we'll be.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

[VIDEO] The Walking Dead Season 2 Blu-Ray Collectors Edition

If you are as big of a Walking Dead fan as I am then you sure as hell do not want to miss out on this. As of yesterday The Walking Dead Season 2 Collector's Edition was announced. The Walking Dead Season 2 blu-ray collector’s edition will feature a replica zombie head with a screw driver sticking out of its left eye, which also doubles as a case for the actual blu-ray box that the disc is held in; much like the legendary edition of Halo 3 …awesome.Unfortunately there was no release date or pricing given for this glorious fan boy soaked piece of swag. I know I am going to pre-order this bad boy right away. Keep it locked here at Geek Asylum for more info on this awesome zombie blu-ray.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Comic Book Mixup!

Has anyone's stores mistakenly put this issue on their shelves? I go to several comic stores, and some did while some did not. If you see this comic floating around, be respectful and DO NOT PICK IT UP. Avengers VS X-men Round One is not supposed to be released yet. However, some comic book stores released this issue early on their shelves last week.

What was supposed to come out last week was "Avengers VS X-men #0", which was a book showcasing The Scarlet Witch and Hope in two separate stories right before the big event. We reviewed this issue properly, at the time of release. Incase you missed it, feel free to read it now.

The "Avengers VS Xmen Round One" should be released tomorrow with the special launch parties. The issue was given early so stores could be stocked with them for the launch parties prior to release, rather than recieve them Wednesday after the launch. The issue goes (is supposed to) on sale to the general public on Wednesday April 4th.
The Avengers VS X-men launch parties are special promotional parties to celebrate the start of this epic storyline. Participating comic stores have chosen a side and will celebrate it accordingly. Attendees can get free giveaways directly from Marvel, and most comic stores are encouraged to use other themeful tactics to gain enthusiasm. My store, for example, is holding a special Heroclix Tournament where the winner will recieve the 12 issues of Avengers VS X-men for free, as they are released.

I believe stores that did put the books on sale prior to Tuesday are being noted and pulled from early pick-up on future books (Some are enabled to pick up their books on Tuesdays so they are ready for Wednesdays). If you see it on the shelf and it is not April 2nd or a later date, please do not pick it up. There are some stores that are doing the right thing.
Has anyone else's stores released this issue early?

WWE Smackdown Lowdown 3/30/2012

Two days until Wrestlemania means just one simple thing - a short Smackdown so that they can maximize the hype.  As much as I like wrestling action, I can't entirely disagree with the idea; need to put some food in those mouths and such.  This will be a short write up, since the show's wrestling action was short and I am admittedly mid-preparation for my own Wrestlemania 28 viewing party.  Let's get this train rolling!

Match 1 - Zack Ryder vs Drew McIntyre

All the talent on this roster and they still couldn't help having a Team Teddy vs Team Johnny match.  I'll let it go because Zack Ryder getting back in the mix is a good thing and, despite the way he's been booked for so so long, I want to see more of Drew McIntyre.  He has it in him to be a great heel and I still don't understand why he has been portrayed the way he has.  Drew opens with an early back body drop and uses his strength to his advantage.  Ryder answers with a japanese arm drag and okana roll but Drew fires back with strikes and a headbutt to the back of the head, then one to the front.  Zack starts fighting back again with a high dropkick and a flapjack.  The back and forth continues with Drew countering a corner attack with a boot to the face, followed by stomps and a snap suplex.  Drew settles into a chinlock and armbar, but Ryder elbows out.

Ryder once again tries to fight back but walks into a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster for a two count.  Drew follows with stomps in the corner and reapplies the chinlock/armbar combination.  Ryder fights out again but eats a boot to the face.  Drew jumps from the second rope, right into Ryder's boot and he finally fires back - A forearm, a clothesline and a facebuster.  Ryder hits a big corner elbow and continues the assault with the Broski Boot for two.  Drew slips out of the ring and back in after the referee becomes distracted, landing another boot to Ryder's face.  Drew tries to attack Ryder in the corner, but he gets double knees up into Drew's chin and lands the Rough Ryder for three.

Winner: Zack Ryder

That's a strong look for Team Teddy heading into Sunday and a good back and forth match from both men.  It really would be nice to see more of this type of action on a weekly basis, instead of on a show that's meant to be a bit of filler.  Zack is always fun to see in the ring; his vignette and promo work is still the 'goofy' side of his character, but in the ring, he's been far more serious.

Big Show enters the ring and tells us that he's never really had his Wrestlemania moment.  And that he will.  Basic promo, nothing really accomplished.  As I said in my Wrestlemania predictions, I hope to see Cody Rhodes kick his head off.

Match 2 - Chris Jericho vs Kofi Kingston

Jericho opens with an arm drag and celebrates like he won the match.  Jericho ties up Kofi with a hammerlock, but Kofi slips behind.  Jericho elbows out and shoulder blocks Kofi down.  Kofi leapfrogs Jericho twice and lands a jumping back elbow.  Kofi knocks Jericho out of the ring and lands a baseball slide.  Back in the ring, Kofi tries a springboard, but Jericho knocks his feet out from under him, leading to a commercial break.  Back from ad-time, Jericho slingshots Kofi throat first across the bottom rope and then baseball slides Kofi right out of the ring.  On the floor, Jericho throws Kofi's head into the announce table and then an exposed portion of the steel barrier.  Back in the ring, Jericho lays boots to Kofi.  Jericho rubs his forearm across Kofi's face and then settles into a chinlock.  Kofi fights to his feet and lands shots to Jericho's gut, then a schoolboy for a two count. 

Jericho lands an enzuigiri for two to answer.  Jericho repeatedly chokes Kofi on the middle rope, first with his knee, then standing on his back.  Jericho hits the ropes and tries to land on Kofi one last time, but Kofi dodges.  Kofi puts boots to Jericho's face and then tries the SOS, but only gets two.  Kofi hits signature clotheslines, double chops and a dropkick, then lands the Boomdrop.  Kofi whiffs on the Trouble in Paradise and Jericho attempts the Walls of Jericho, but Kofi spins out.  Kofi goes up and over onto the apron and lands a high crossbody for two.  Jericho gets an elbow in Kofi's face and tries the Lionsault, but Kofi gets his knees up.  Kofi tries the Trouble in Paradise one more time, but Jericho catches the foot and drops Kofi, locking on the Walls of Jericho for the win.

Winner: Chris Jericho via submission

Immediately, I'd like to say that I'm thrilled to have seen Jericho not only lock in the Walls, but apply it like the old-school Liontamer; a very deep lock.  We've seen him able to do this to Punk, when he attacked him on the stage, earlier in the month.  This was once again very back and forth, which is always a more fun match.  Team Teddy takes a win and a loss in the show and Jericho looks strong against someone who is usually shown as a credible opponent in Kofi Kingston.

The rest of the show consisted of shots of WWE Axxess in Miami ahead of the big show and some review of the matches by Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.  Like I said before, there wasn't much to take a look at here, as we've all seen the hype videos, we know all the matches.  On the off chance you don't, head on over to our Wrestlemania predictions ( ) and catch yourself up and let us know what you think of what we've picked.

We'll be back soon with thoughts on Wrestlemania, after the show!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

[VIDEO] Hitman Absolution: "She must be special..."

Hitman: Absolution is getting me more and more excited to play as Agent 47 again. It's been nearly eight years since we've had the pleasure of completing a few contracts, and this new trailer should give you even more reason to look forward to latest installment in the acclaimed series.