Monday, April 2, 2012

WWE Smackdown Lowdown 3/30/2012

Two days until Wrestlemania means just one simple thing - a short Smackdown so that they can maximize the hype.  As much as I like wrestling action, I can't entirely disagree with the idea; need to put some food in those mouths and such.  This will be a short write up, since the show's wrestling action was short and I am admittedly mid-preparation for my own Wrestlemania 28 viewing party.  Let's get this train rolling!

Match 1 - Zack Ryder vs Drew McIntyre

All the talent on this roster and they still couldn't help having a Team Teddy vs Team Johnny match.  I'll let it go because Zack Ryder getting back in the mix is a good thing and, despite the way he's been booked for so so long, I want to see more of Drew McIntyre.  He has it in him to be a great heel and I still don't understand why he has been portrayed the way he has.  Drew opens with an early back body drop and uses his strength to his advantage.  Ryder answers with a japanese arm drag and okana roll but Drew fires back with strikes and a headbutt to the back of the head, then one to the front.  Zack starts fighting back again with a high dropkick and a flapjack.  The back and forth continues with Drew countering a corner attack with a boot to the face, followed by stomps and a snap suplex.  Drew settles into a chinlock and armbar, but Ryder elbows out.

Ryder once again tries to fight back but walks into a tilt-a-whirl gutbuster for a two count.  Drew follows with stomps in the corner and reapplies the chinlock/armbar combination.  Ryder fights out again but eats a boot to the face.  Drew jumps from the second rope, right into Ryder's boot and he finally fires back - A forearm, a clothesline and a facebuster.  Ryder hits a big corner elbow and continues the assault with the Broski Boot for two.  Drew slips out of the ring and back in after the referee becomes distracted, landing another boot to Ryder's face.  Drew tries to attack Ryder in the corner, but he gets double knees up into Drew's chin and lands the Rough Ryder for three.

Winner: Zack Ryder

That's a strong look for Team Teddy heading into Sunday and a good back and forth match from both men.  It really would be nice to see more of this type of action on a weekly basis, instead of on a show that's meant to be a bit of filler.  Zack is always fun to see in the ring; his vignette and promo work is still the 'goofy' side of his character, but in the ring, he's been far more serious.

Big Show enters the ring and tells us that he's never really had his Wrestlemania moment.  And that he will.  Basic promo, nothing really accomplished.  As I said in my Wrestlemania predictions, I hope to see Cody Rhodes kick his head off.

Match 2 - Chris Jericho vs Kofi Kingston

Jericho opens with an arm drag and celebrates like he won the match.  Jericho ties up Kofi with a hammerlock, but Kofi slips behind.  Jericho elbows out and shoulder blocks Kofi down.  Kofi leapfrogs Jericho twice and lands a jumping back elbow.  Kofi knocks Jericho out of the ring and lands a baseball slide.  Back in the ring, Kofi tries a springboard, but Jericho knocks his feet out from under him, leading to a commercial break.  Back from ad-time, Jericho slingshots Kofi throat first across the bottom rope and then baseball slides Kofi right out of the ring.  On the floor, Jericho throws Kofi's head into the announce table and then an exposed portion of the steel barrier.  Back in the ring, Jericho lays boots to Kofi.  Jericho rubs his forearm across Kofi's face and then settles into a chinlock.  Kofi fights to his feet and lands shots to Jericho's gut, then a schoolboy for a two count. 

Jericho lands an enzuigiri for two to answer.  Jericho repeatedly chokes Kofi on the middle rope, first with his knee, then standing on his back.  Jericho hits the ropes and tries to land on Kofi one last time, but Kofi dodges.  Kofi puts boots to Jericho's face and then tries the SOS, but only gets two.  Kofi hits signature clotheslines, double chops and a dropkick, then lands the Boomdrop.  Kofi whiffs on the Trouble in Paradise and Jericho attempts the Walls of Jericho, but Kofi spins out.  Kofi goes up and over onto the apron and lands a high crossbody for two.  Jericho gets an elbow in Kofi's face and tries the Lionsault, but Kofi gets his knees up.  Kofi tries the Trouble in Paradise one more time, but Jericho catches the foot and drops Kofi, locking on the Walls of Jericho for the win.

Winner: Chris Jericho via submission

Immediately, I'd like to say that I'm thrilled to have seen Jericho not only lock in the Walls, but apply it like the old-school Liontamer; a very deep lock.  We've seen him able to do this to Punk, when he attacked him on the stage, earlier in the month.  This was once again very back and forth, which is always a more fun match.  Team Teddy takes a win and a loss in the show and Jericho looks strong against someone who is usually shown as a credible opponent in Kofi Kingston.

The rest of the show consisted of shots of WWE Axxess in Miami ahead of the big show and some review of the matches by Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler.  Like I said before, there wasn't much to take a look at here, as we've all seen the hype videos, we know all the matches.  On the off chance you don't, head on over to our Wrestlemania predictions ( ) and catch yourself up and let us know what you think of what we've picked.

We'll be back soon with thoughts on Wrestlemania, after the show!


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