Friday, January 20, 2012

Resident Evil 6 Trailer Has Zombies and Guns In It

Another Resident Evil is on the way. That means another story about some village and Wesker. Then some shit explodes and Wesker. Then some gigantic creature emerges from some lagoon and then Wesker shows up. Then Leon brushes his hair aside and says something stupid. Then Chris takes some more human growth hormone and shows off his python arms. Then Chris gets a machine gun and staright effs things up. Then Wesker shows up, does a maniacal laugh, and goes on some tirade about power or something. Then a buliding blows up. Then some zombies moan and Leon goes all Bloodsport on them dudes. Check the trailer.

DC Comic of the Week: Green Lantern Corps #5

This week I want to go over and cover the newest Green Lantern Corps #5. The series has been pretty kick-ass so far. I have to admit I haven't read a great deal of DC titles going into the New 52 and although GLC is one of the few titles not effected by Flashpoint I was able to jump right into it and enjoy the hell out of it so far. One of my favorite things that has been going on with the New 52 books in DC is that a lot of these titles are introducing new villains and not just reintroducing old ones in a new way. These Keepers that are in the books are really whipping the GLC's ass something serious.


In issue five Guy Gardener gets together a bunch of Green Lanterns after an "enhanced interrogation" of a Keeper prisoner. The Green Lanterns are the ones we saw from the first five issues. Guy also recruits a group of certified bad ass Lanterns to go in shoot first and ask questions later. They remind me of the elite force that doesn't get sent in unless things are really ugly and the soldiers need to do some dirty work. I guess I could reference something like "The Expendables" as a direct comparison of the type of Lanterns that get sent in to clean house.

These Lanterns suggest using a "Fear Bomb" and guns. The Fear Bomb is two Sinestro Corps Lanterns named Fat Man and Little Boy. The history fan in me had to laugh inside and if for some reason you slept through all of history in school Fat Man and Little Boy are the names of the nuclear bombs dropped during WWII. So obviously this Fear Bomb is going to be some wicked shit that gets dropped on the Keepers. Then since the Keepers are mostly immune to the green power ring the Lanterns attack a pirate ship in space and raid it for all of the extremely heavy artillery on board to open up a can on the Keepers.

I give this a 2 thumbs up and definitely recommend for purchase and reading. Be on the look out and if you want to catch up now is the time, come February issue 6 of most DC titles will be a conclusion of whatever arch is occurring and some major crap is going down.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Take On SOPA and PIPA...It's BAD folks (please read)

For those of you who don't already know, there are two new pieces of legislation that are currently moving through congress with the sole purpose of censoring the internet in order to stop the piracy of movies and music.

Lets take it back a step and slow it down shall we...SOPA (stop online piracy act) and PIPA (Protect-IP Act) is what these bills stand for. Basically in laymans terms this means that any website, any website at all that you can upload to (i.e. wikipedia, youtube, google, facebook, and even this one!) will be censored. And when I say censored I mean shut down. There will quite possibly not be much of an internet to go back to if these two pieces of legislation passes.

So please take out a few minutes to follow the link below and write your local senator to try and stop these vile bills from passing. While I am confident that these two bills will not pass, you can never be too safe. In the words of V for Vendetta "Governments should be afraid of their people, not the other way around!"

P.S. I would be shut down for quoting that because its not originally mine. (Just a thought)

Dan W.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Golden Globes Live Blog

8:00pm- Golden Globes open up with the amazing Ricky Gervais. And yes, he is still ranking on The Tourist.

8:00pm- Christopher Plummer wins best Supporting Actor. Yeah...he was also awesome in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Umm....why is it that listening to older actor's acceptance speeches is like being water-boarded? Nicole is snoring......

8:15pm- Laura Dern wins Best Performance by an Actress in a Television Series. Dr. Sattler looks hot. And I cared more about seeing Mila Kunis' nip through her dress than Ashton's haircut. And I think Nicole and Dan agree!

8:20pm- Downton Abbey wins best Mini Series. Teleprompter  for Rob Lowe & Julianne Moore screwed up. God I love technology...and live TV.

8:24pm- Kate Winslet wins best actress in a mini series. Kate wins everything because of two reasons: one is that she awesome and two James Cameron owns Hollywood and rules it with an iron fist.

8:35pm- Best Actor in a  TV Drama goes to Kelsey Grammer for Boss. As a Breaking Bad fan my heart is crushed. But I hear great things about Boss so I look forward to watching it in its entirety.

8:40pm- Homeland wins for best TV drama. I NEED TO SEE THIS SHOW!!!

8:45pm- Best Original Score goes to Ludovic Bourcic (sp?) of hands of people who care about this category unless Howard Shore or Hans Zimmer is in it?

8:50pm- Best Original Song goes to Madonna. She is as immortal as Hulk Hogan. Seriously.

8:52pm- I don't know who that is but her dress is horrible. It was like a sleeveless Snuggie!

9:00pm- Catherine McPhee...marry me.

9:00pm Idris Elba wins Best Performance by an Actor in a Mini Series for Luther

9:01pm- SETH ROGAN IS STILL FUNNY! KATE BECKENSALE IS STILL HOT! and Michelle Williams wins for Best Performance for an Actress in a Mini Series for My Week with Marilyn

9:10pm- Peter Dinklage wins for Best Supporting Actor for Game of Thrones. You all should worship him.

9:15pm- Best Animated Feature Film award goes to The Adventures of Tintin. Spielberg is the most powerful Jew since Jesus.

9:20pm- Woody Allen wins Best Screenplay for Midnight in Paris. Woody couldn't except the award in person because he is picking up chicks at an elementary school.

9:25pm- Jessica Lange wins Best Supporting Actress in a TV Series for American Horror Story.

9:30pm- Best Foreign Film goes to the film The Separation.  *insert inappropriate joke here*

9:35pm- Dustin Hoffman is the man. He made Tootsie! If you haven't seen Tootsie.....then fuck you.

9:35pm- Claire Danes wins the award for Best Actress in a TV Series Drama for Homeland.

9:45pm- PENIS JOKE!

9:45pm-Matt LeBlanc wins Best Actor in a TV Series Comedy. His face was like "I WON AN AWARD AND I'M NOT ON FRIENDS ANYMORE?!?!"

9:50pm- Octavia Spencer wins actress Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture. Someone literally screamed her name at the top of their lungs like they watching the NBA playoffs at a barber shop.


10:05pm- Morgan're brilliant.

10:15pm- Martin Scorcese wins Best Director for Hugo. His eyebrows have accepted the award on his behalf.

10:20pm- Best TV Series Comedy or Musical goes to Modern Family......I'm Spanish and I have no idea what's going on. But Sofia Vergara is hot.

10:26pm- nope...not posting this...honestly... it's honestly a waste of my time.

10:35pm- Meryl Streep wins. Everything. I'm surprised she hasn't won Best Actor yet...but she will.

10:40pm- Jane Fonda....wanna go out on a date?

10:40pm- The Artist wins for Best Musical. I sigh deeply because as Editor of TV/Film I am obliged to watch this film. I don't want to. But I have to. Chances are I'll eat my words because I have a very accurate trend of hating some movies before I see them then becoming very embarrassed when I actually like it.

10:50pm- George Clooney wins Best Actor in a Drama. He's the reason why Meryl Streep will never win Best Actor.

10:55pm- The Descendants wins Best Drama. Fox Searchlight puts out good shit.