Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Take On SOPA and PIPA...It's BAD folks (please read)

For those of you who don't already know, there are two new pieces of legislation that are currently moving through congress with the sole purpose of censoring the internet in order to stop the piracy of movies and music.

Lets take it back a step and slow it down shall we...SOPA (stop online piracy act) and PIPA (Protect-IP Act) is what these bills stand for. Basically in laymans terms this means that any website, any website at all that you can upload to (i.e. wikipedia, youtube, google, facebook, and even this one!) will be censored. And when I say censored I mean shut down. There will quite possibly not be much of an internet to go back to if these two pieces of legislation passes.

So please take out a few minutes to follow the link below and write your local senator to try and stop these vile bills from passing. While I am confident that these two bills will not pass, you can never be too safe. In the words of V for Vendetta "Governments should be afraid of their people, not the other way around!"

P.S. I would be shut down for quoting that because its not originally mine. (Just a thought)

Dan W.


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