Thursday, December 1, 2011

It is the Age, the Age of Ra!

Some of you might know who Ra is just by hearing the name while others might confuse it with part of a cheerleading chant. For those of you who aren’t caught up with your mythology; Ra is the Sun God in Egyptian mythology. 

The Age of Ra is a great book written by author James Lovegrove. Lovegrove manages to do something that to me has been absent for far too long in modern culture. 

Marry famous mythology with science fiction and not get stupid while doing it. 

The Age of Ra is about Earth after the Egyptian gods have eliminated all other religious figures and pantheons from existence and now rule a carved up world. War still exists, people still fight, but there is no separation of church and state because without this church there is no state. War is no longer fought over border feuds or religious crusades, but now they are fought because your representative god is at ends with another god. That is how world alliances take place and shape, it is also how instantaneously alliances can change.

Unlike most mythology books today the characters are modern men and women. They use balances which are ranged weapons that are infused with godly power, guns, and close range weapons that coincide with the god that rules that area of the world. Lovegrove also thought out which god(s) would rule which area. The personalities of certain gods better fit the cultural attitudes of certain areas of the world so that god rules that land. The book is a little under 450 pages long but it reads quickly and enjoyably. Personally one of my favorite things about this book is how ancient mythology is tied in with the modern world.

If you aren’t interested yet, the plot thickens! 

The country of Egypt the area that birthed these myths is the only part of the world that is free of godly rule. Now known as Freegypt, an individual rises up known as the Lightbringer and with him the offer of a god-free world. There is more to this Lightbringer then meets the eye of course. That you will have to find out for yourselves by reading the book. You didn’t think I would actually spoil the ending now did you?

The Age of Ra is the first book in a pseudo-trilogy that Lovegrove is calling The Pantheon Trilogy. I call it pseudo-trilogy not due to the content, but due to fact the books do not need to be read in order. The three are The Age of Ra, The Age of Zeus, and The Age of Odin. These three all fall under the umbrella of mythology based science fiction, but are not related in any other way. 

Each book has its own unique story and characters and operates independently of the other titles. The books are great and this is just the review of the first of the series.

Andrew M.


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