Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tales From Skyrim: The Wench of Markarth

Dusk, Windhelm, 21st of Heartfelt.

After a day of traveling I was able to find the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. I spent a week with them and realized that Astrid was right, I belong here. The Sanctuary was filled with a diverse bunch. I saw Argonians, Redguards, Nords, Apprentice Conjurerer's, and a Jester. Upon meeting Astrid, she gave me a tour of the cave dwelling. It was clear they didn't want to be found. They almost seemed imprisoned in the confines of this stronghold.

I had just fulfilled my first trial with Zaeer. There were 3 simple contracts consisting of rag tag bandits of no value. They were testing my commitment. Astrid seemed anxious. She had something on her mind and I felt that I had something to do with it. Astrid had told me earlier that she had planned to use me on an important contract.

"Zaeer tells me you've taken care of your initiation contracts," Astrid said as she poured wine for herself. "A dear friend of mine has come into a lot of money. She also performed the black sacrament, which is where you will be needed."

I knew where this was going. I also began to get the feeling that Astrid's future, rested on my shoulders. Why else would they go so far as to groom me for high priority contracts? Frankly, if I wasn't a Dragonborn I would have seen the end of Astrid's blade buried into my chest.

"You will be setting off to Markarth on the western coast of Skyrim," Astrid said nervously brushing her brow. "Her name is Muiri, and she will fetch good coin. After all, she is within The Reach, the safest place in all of Skyrim."

It was a two day journey to Markarth. I had never been to Markarth, or anywhere near The Reach for that matter. When I arrived in Markarth, I was spellbound. It is a beautiful coastal city that overlooks a ridge line with gorgeous waterfalls. It is a majestic place. I met with Muiri in the Silverblood Inn. I told her immediately that I hailed from The Dark Brotherhood. She was a beautiful woman who carried the aura of aristocracy with her.

"Oh, well, I finished the black sacrament and wondered when you would come," Muiri said skittishly. "Alain must pay for his deceit. I despise that louse for exploiting my good nature."

She goes on a tirade about a debonair pirate who swept her off her feet, along with a good portion of her fortune. Alain had seduced her into a false love affair and fooled Muiri into parting with her most prized possessions. She was fueled by anger, betrayal, and jealousy.

I could empathize with the poor woman. She had fallen for a man who was a scoundrel. He had nothing to offer her but lies.
"He called me the 'beautiful lillie of his dreams', what kind of man does this?" Muiri said perplexed. I could see this man had torn her life apart. The least I could do was take Alain's life on her behalf. If that would bring her the closure or peace she seeks, I would gladly do it.

She tells me Alain is burrowed in Raldbthar, a notorious den for thugs. I would make short work of this.When I arrived in Raldbthar it was overrun with bandits. I was immediately bombarded by archers. I had little time to recover. I had to flee and reassess the situation. I was paying the consequence for underestimating Alain. The man had his own fortress.

There were archers posted on the front towers. I armed my bow and took aim for the right tower. It was time to end this. I calmly let my first arrow go and it pierced the archer in the throat. He clamped his hands around the wound in a fruitless effort to stop the bleeding. What he didn't know, or rather what he was unwilling to accept, was that he was already dead.
Directly in front of me were two brutish Nords. One was wielding a broad sword, the other an imperial sword and shield. I had to think fast, the Nord with the broadsword was running toward me shouting like a madman. I unsheathed my Elven sword to parry his attack. I quickly shifted my position and mash the butt of my blade directly into his face. Blood spews from his nose and mouth. With the Nord disoriented and staggered, I plant his face into the dirt and stick my blade into the base of his spine. He was killed instantly.

The second Nord caught me off guard and mashed his shield into my sternum. I could feel the wind exiting my body. This Nord was ferociously determined to kill me. I leaped to my feet as quickly as I could, my life depended on it. I was unarmed. I frantically reached for my mace as he attempted to bring his blade down upon me. I managed to block his strike in time and pushed him backward.

As the lumbering Nord lost his footing, I smashed my mace into his leg and I could hear the bone shatter followed by a piercing scream of agony. The Nord sunk his head in shock. Grasping at the air, the Nord begged for mercy. I plunged my mace into the back of his skull, effectively caving it in. Suddenly, there was silence. I ran to the stronghold where Alain had housed himself. I had to be silent. I had to keep steady. I had to be deadly. I was vastly outnumbered and I was far too clever to disturb the hive of bandits.

I made my way to Alain's position. He was sharing meade with two of his cohorts completely unaware that his life was about to end. The situation was perfect. I knew I had to create a diversion. I take my bow and fire an arrow above the two men guarding him in order to distract them. While the men were busy searching for nothing, I seized the one opportunity I had to terminate Alain. Alain stood up from his chair and looked directly at me, only he didn't realize I was there. I took aim for his head and fired. The arrow entered through his left cheek and exited through the back of his head. Alain was clueless as to what had just occurred. It was perfect. The contract had been fulfilled.

I headed back to Markarth to collect my bounty from Muiri. She paid me handsomely for getting the job done. She appeared to be happy, but something told me that she was harboring some regret for what she had done. I left Markarth with a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not sure why, but I felt I was getting too used to being a part of the Dark Brotherhood. It was only the beginning. Astrid had told me of the issue with the jester. The jester had to be taken care of. As I said, my descent into madness was just beginning.

Jon O.


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