Friday, February 24, 2012

Safe House: Mediocrity at its best

When I purchased my ticket for Safe House I really wasn't expecting much. After watching a trailer here and there I immediately drew the conclusion that the producers of this film just wanted to inject as much action as possible into the two hours that they were allotted.

Hell, one of the reasons this film is rated R is “Intense violence through out”. To be honest, after reading that I got pretty excited as I just wanted to watch Denzel and Ryan Reynolds kick ass for two straight hours For the most part this would be true if it wasn't for the “Ehh” moments.

The film centers around Matt Weston, a safe house keeper with a smokin' hot French girlfriend (who happens to know nothing about what he does, it being the CIA and all.) About 5-10 minutes into the film we learn that Matt has the job equivalent of the person that has to make cold calls for a telemarketing firm. Matt is eager to step out into field work and prove himself to the agency. Now enters Tobin Frost. A CIA agent (who is illustrated as a badass incarnate) gone rogue...which spells bad news for everybody.

Before long, Tobin is brought into Matt's humble safe house to be “interrogated” until he gives up whatever information they are looking to obtain. They don't even get through two full minutes of the “interrogation” before the safe house is breached, the interrogation team is killed, and Matt is forced to release Tobin from the now compromised safe house and take him along to the next safe house... so says protocol.

From this moment on the film basically becomes an intense chase/run of the mill action flick. Besides the performances of Denzel and Ryan Reynolds, which in my opinion carried the film, everyone else just feels like they are along for the ride. On top of that, the plot was a “Wow, I guessed that coming a mile away!” type of thing. I almost felt like the writers of this film said “Okay, good news boys, we got Denzel on lets just pump out a standard “government espionage” style plot out, and let Denzel and Ryan Reynolds look pretty for the rest of it!”

However, I must say if nothing else, the one thing that this film did outstandingly well was the audio. The audio in this film was off the charts. Never have I been scared by an action film, and this film pulled that off not once, not twice, but on three separate occasions. I literally jumped up out of my seat because I didn't see the next shock and awe hurdling towards my face.

Now with all of that aside I truly do not believe that this movie was worth the $12.50 I paid to watch. Whats even worse than that, is I had to pay for my date's ticket as well. So I paid a total of $25.00 to be underwhelmed in a movie that I thought was going to have kick ass action for at very least a good hour and a half.
Bottom Line: Denzel and Ryan give strong performances, but Safe House has little to offer in the plot department.


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