Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Look at Ninja Gaiden 3

We're still a little more than a month away from the release of Ninja Gaiden 3 but it's never to early to get some juicy details on what to expect. GameTrailers.com was able to play a level or two from the Xbox360 version and they got to see some of the new abilities that Ryu Hayabusa has gained since we last met.

The dragon sword ability has somehow transferred itself into Ryu's arm which should make for some very excellent kill combos. Also he can now slow time while jumping to aim that insane bow he has. Team Ninja has said they calmed down with the difficulty of Ninja Gaiden 3 to help the noobs out. That might save me an aneurism or two this time around.

Source: GameTrailers


Anonymous said...

Holy shit!! Thats right on my list of things I am obviously getting along with Mass Effect 3!


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