Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Marvel Comics Review: Ultimate Spider-man #7

Lucky number 7! Or is it?

If you've been keeping up with the new Spider-man of the Marvel Ultimates universe, you'd say so. Miles Morales is the new Spider-man, and so far we've gotten to see a wide variety of powers and abilities that just make your mouth water with excitement. He's got the respect of SHIELD, a bad-ass Red and Black suit, more powers that Peter Parker had in both comics and movies combined, and an amazing team of writers to keep em coming!


We get to see a decent portion of home life for Miles in this issue. First we see him trying to keep the powers a secret from his mother. He's trying out things in his room, just as we saw Peter do in the first Spider-man movie. The second portion of home life is the usual opinions ordeal. Miles and family are discussing their own opinions of Spider-man, especially since one had been killed and the new one just kind of appeared.

Next we get to see Spider-man on patrol. He's still developing his powers, so despite the ability to do camouflage, he just doesn't know how to activate it. He also hasn't completely mastered web-slinging either, and that's only slightly less awkward than having to go through some guys apartment to get back to ground level.

As he zips through the city, he comes across a bridge battle with what I'm assuming is Omega Red. I've never picked up an Ultimate Comics book before Spider-man, so if that isn't Omega Red (White face, Red color scheme, tentacles, the Omega symbol...) please correct me. Anyway, pick up the issue- it's an interesting fight to say the least and I thought it was pretty impressive.

We also see Miles' uncle, AKA the Prowler, approaching (and killing) the Tinkerer for making him faulty equipment that ultimately caused his Mexican jail time. During the conversation though, we see that he begins to deduce that his nephew is Spider-man, which we can only assume as he approaches Miles directly at the end of the issue.

I'd pick this issue up; if nothing else you get the book plus a free digital copy too. It's fairly decent, and if you aren't too familiar with Miles' abilities, this is a decent showcase. I honestly don't know where this storyline could head, but I do like the idea that a criminal and Spider-man are in the same family, and I'm more than interested to see where they bring this plot. In case you didn't know, the next issue has the Scorpion on the cover, and if his looks aren't convincing enough, I can only imagine what the insides would be like.


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