Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Netherlands first country in Europe to gain net neutrality,confirms the Dutch are awesome

With all kinds of craziness going on over net neutrality here in the states with the CISPAS, pippa, sipppa, or whatever, the Netherlands was all like, nah we're good. As of May 8th, 2012 the Netherlands was the first country in Europe to pass significant legislation leading to net neutrality.

There are also provisions in place that protect users from wiretapping and disconnection.

The net neutrality law prohibits Internet providers from interfering with the traffic of their users. The law allows for traffic management in case of congestion and for network security, as long as these measures serve the interests of the Internet user. A technical error in the law might still be corrected in a vote on 15 May. In addition, the law includes an anti-wiretapping provision, restricting internetproviders from using invasive wiretapping technologies, such as deep packet inspection (DPI). They may only do so under limited circumstances, or with explicit consent of the user, which the user may withdraw at any time.

So ISP's can only disconnect users under a very specific set of circumstances.This is the kind of progressive thought process should be applauded. Let's hope this trend continues, and the entire world can be treated to the same fair and open internet policy.

Via: Bits of Freedom


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