Tuesday, March 6, 2012

DC Comic Recap: Justice League

Your "New 52" Justice League

Way back in September, DC launched it's "New 52" series. For those who don't know, it was a major turning point where DC scrapped ALL of it's titles and began with 52 new #1 issues. This change was brought about at the end of the previous "Flashpoint" story that occurred over the summer, having altered the timeline permanently. The New 52 are the changes and new beginnings that occur due to this major change. This past February, DC wrapped up the first arc to one of the most anticipated titles of the New 52, the Justice League.

Before the New 52, everyone knew the Justice League. Whether you remember them from many years ago reading the comics, or from more recently watching them as a cartoon, you know of the core members. Most recently, you probably remember a team consisting of Superman, Batman, The Flash, Wonderwoman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Hawkgirl. You may throw Aquaman around here and there, or you might even go so far back as to wonder how a team existed without Robin or the Wonder Twins.

This time around, we see the same core five (Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, The Flash, and one of the Green Lanterns) and then two not-so-new members. If you divert your eyes to the image above, the first incarnation of our New 52 Justice League will have Aquaman and Cyborg, previously affiliated with the Teen Titans.

Justice League, as it appears now, ran for 6 issues in it's first storyline, which introduced its readers to how the team was formed and established who was on it. Additionally, it gives us a slight look into one of the biggest villains both before and after Flashpoint, Darkseid.

So by now, you're probably itching to know what went on in these six monumental issues. If you aren't, you should be, so either continue reading or go to your local comic store and pick them up. If you're patient or low on cash, wait for the trade paperback or hardcover graphic novel. I'm telling you, it's worth it!

Let's say you're just lazy. Or maybe you like the way I write. Maybe you just want to know NOW. So, here you go. This is my issue-by-issue summary of what went on.


We begin this storyline with Batman being chased by the police. We're not sure why, but he's apparently a wanted fugitive. In fact, as we later are told, most super-humans are. He's seen tracking a strange creature with a small box. Saved by the Green Lantern, who is surprised to see that a Batman even exists, the two notice the creature explode itself praising "Darkseid". After investigating the box, the two take to the skies to interrogate Superman, the only other alien life-form on Earth, to see if he knows anything.

Superman begins to attack them both, and while he has the upper hand, the Green Lantern phones in Barry Allen. Barry Allen is the Flash, and as the name implies, is there in just that- a Flash. After a small scuffle, Batman intervenes and the four discuss the box. As they discuss it, the box activates, teleporting many of those creatures, minions of Darkseid, to their scene and they begin fighting them off.

During this, Victor Stone witnesses the Green Lantern and Batman flying to meet Superman and a fellow teammate of his football team makes a remark how Mr Stone is a scientist studying super-humans at S.T.A.R. Labs. Later, when Victor is visiting his father at the lab, he notices the box being studied when it activates as well, transporting minions there and severely injuring Victor. Mr Stone straps his son to a machine, which assimilates with his body immediately, and begins activating various programming. It decodes the box, and transports Victor away temporarily.

Diana, the Wonder Woman, notices a horde of Darkseid's minions attacking and decides to attack them for the thrill of battle. Her fighting eventually leads her to the scene where Batman, Superman, Flash, and Green Lantern are fighting Darkseid's minions as well.

Aquaman is also introduced, having informed the other five that they are invading the sea as well. After showing off a bit of his talent for calling on various predator fish, he kills a large minion by impaling it with his trident through it's head.

At this point, Victor Stone returns, teleporting himself involuntarily to the scene to join the six heroes, murmuring something ominous. At that moment, Darkseid himself appears, fire in his eyes and all.

This is where issue #4 ends. I'd go on to give you a summary of what has happened in issue #5, but it's been done previously by Andrew M., which was posted to The Geek Asylum at the time of it's release. Feel free to read the full summary by clicking Here. You've made it this far, so show some support (and some interest!) and read his summary.

We move on to the last issue of this particular storyline, where we get a reality check on page 1. We see innocent civilians being attacked, and then subsequently saved by the remaining members of the team. As Aquaman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern and Cyborg repetitively make attacks on Darkseid, Batman is shown trying to rescue Superman. We see that he overhears some of Darkseid's minions mentioning the importance of the Kryptonian in helping locate Darkseid's daughter. Of course we don't know who that is, but I have a good hunch it'll come into play later in the series.

Cyborg activates one of the boxes, transporting the team and Darkseid to Superman's location, where Superman breaks free and unloads on Darkseid. After a severe pummeling, Cyborg teleports all of the team back to Earth, and deactivates all of the boxes left behind, at least delaying the return of Darkseid for the moment.

The team is congratulated and praised, although everyone agrees they are no team. They all feel as though they coincidentally joined forces to face a common threat. When asked what they would call themselves, the Flash takes the opportunity to call themselves a team, naming them "The Super Seven".

When you go to your comic store, or if you see it in a book store, pick up the issues. Don't wait. Don't be that guy or that girl. Don't be the one buying a graphic novel. Buy the 6 issues. It's worth the money.

These 6 issues lay down the foundations that the rest of the series will build upon. It has established at least the first seven members and started a plot line that probably will play a major role down the line in the series. The issues have amazing artwork, amazing detail, and really give you a good outlook on each character's individual powers. Go get them!


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