Tuesday, June 19, 2012

True Blood Recap: Episode 2 "Authority Always Wins"

"Authority Always Wins"

*Warning Spoilers Ahead*

This week True Blood was a bit better than the premiere. Some things are starting to clean itself up a bit.

Tara's storyline is still a miss for me. I've lost my connection with the character seasons ago, and her vampire storyline isn't helping. We started the episode off with an extremely bizarre vampire Tara. She decided to run around Sookie's house trashing the place. Stupid and slightly amusing. The next night, Tara woke up sane and more pissed than ever. She berated Lafayette and Sookie, then took off. Probably not the best idea for a new vampire.

I loved both Sam and Alcide this episode. Alcide basically told off the werewolf clan and Sam didn't put up with his girlfriends bad attitude. I need them to interact more. Both characters are great and I can't wait for more trouble with the werewolf clan.

Pam flashback? Yes please! Pam has always been a solid character, so the edition of her past with Eric is a great touch. I'm curious to find out more about her early relationship with Eric. The flashback scenes just gave me more reasons to love her, so yes, let us have more.

Terry seems to have some demons. I'm a bit curious about the fires and if there is some sort of supernatural occurrences in play there. This storyline is already cleaning itself up a bit.

Bill and Eric went through some interesting torture by the Authority this episode. Silver in their iv drips was a nice touch. The authority leaders tried to play mind games with the two, but it didn't work. We soon were introduced to the Authority council, and the Guardian. They had a mini ceremony that was similar to a certain communion section of mass in the Catholic Church. Not sure I cared much for it, I feel like they could have done something a bit more original. The Lilith section was interesting. But out of this plot line with the Authority, I honestly only care about them finding and dealing with Russell Edgington. I happened to love him, and I feel like that plot line can really help this season. So I'm anxiously awaiting his full return.

Steve Newlin storyline is probably the most useless one currently. I'm just finding him irritating and wishing the screen time used for the storyline could be giving to something much more interesting.

All in all, I could have lived with about half of the scenes in the episode being cut. I am grateful that the episode was slightly better than the previous disaster.

What did you guys think of the episode? It still holding your interest? Leave some comments.


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