Sunday, September 16, 2012

LIVE! WWE Night of Champions 9/16/2012

Welcome to coverage of WWE's Night of Champions 2012 Pay Per View!

YouTube Preshow Match:  Battle Royal (Winner is number one contender to United States Title)
Winner:  Zack Ryder

Brodus Clay makes a full entrance for a battle royal, followed by Primo and Epico with Rosa in tow.  Justin Gabriel, Tensai, Tyson Kidd, Michael McGillicutty, Zack Ryder, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Jinder Mahal, JTG, Drew McIntyre, Ted DiBiase, Heath Slater and Santino Marella fill out the rest of the entrance slots.

I think it might have served well to have a couple guys from NXT (excluding Mahal and McGillicutty) show up here to give NXT a proper link to WWE.  Cesaro came from there but no mention is made of it and it's a shame that NXT doesn't properly tie into the WWE programming.  Slater is out right away after showboating to start things off.  Clay clears house tossing out Primo and then giving Mahal an exploder over the top, followed by a gorilla press to Epico for a trifecta.  My personal choice Tyson Kidd gets powerbombed over the top by Tensai after he jettisons Gabriel as far as the entrance ramp.  The Funkasaurus gets tossed by the remaining men after fighting with Tensai.  Afer a few more eliminations, Santino pulls the Cobra out and drops Tensai with it, then Young, who he pins to no avail.  Santino tries to toss Young, but O'Neil gets rid of him and the Cobra instead.  The final four are Ryder, the Prime Time Players and Tensai.

PTP are still working together until Ryder gets rid of O'Neil.  Young tries to return the favor but ends up tossed.  Ryder tries a Rough Ryder but gets caught and as Tensai tries to powerbomb him over the top, he hurricanranas him, winning.

Pretty standard battle royal, a bit of goofiness from Santino and a win for Ryder.  I'm fine with Ryder/Cesaro but Cesaro NEEDS to have some "real" matches moving forward.  No more 2-3 minute semi-squashes.  Ryder will face Cesaro during Night of Champions for the US Title tonight.

Match 1:  The Miz (c) vs Sin Cara vs Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio, Intercontinental Championship Fatal Four Way
Winner:  The Miz via pinfall

Michael Cole reports on Jerry Lawler with good news:  He's doing much better and is going home to Memphis this week.  Tonight, we get the return of JBL on commentary!

Miz is not happy about the Fatal Four Way and wants to file an official complaint...always a fun gimmick.  Rey interrupts his catchphrase with his entrance, which is always a funny "insult", as if the wrestler is the guy who triggers the videos and music for entrances.

Rey and Cara clear the ring early and tease a face off but Miz and Cody each pick a masked man to fight and it's time to go to work.  Rhodes and Miz are working together, which is odd after Rhodes attacked Miz from behind and Miz expressed being pissed about it.  Sure that won't last long.  Another tease of Cara and Rey and this time there's kicks back and forth.  JBL dropping names for champions of Mexico and he's really the first person to properly give us Sin Cara's background.  Rey and Cara with some good headscissors exchanges, but Rhodes comes in to break things up.  Rhodes and Miz use Cara and Rey to have a back and forth game of oneupsmanship, and now they go toe to toe.  Rhodes ends up tossed from the ring and REy with a schoolboy, but Cara with a sunset flip to break it up and grab a pin on Rey for two.

Cara and Rey with tandem kicks to Miz's skull and Rey kicks away at Cara this time.  Cara takes a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle and Rey heads to the top.  Cara with a rope swing enzuigiri and now he meets Mysterio up top.  Rhodes tosses Cara away and hits the Beautiful Disaster, but Sin Cara kicks out.  Rhodes meets Mysterio up top now but Miz stops a superplex attempt and instead makes it a tower of doom, powerbombing Rhodes as he superplexes Rey.  Miz pins both men, who each kick out at two.  Miz chokes Rey in the ropes and then hits his snap DDT for two.  Rey slides out of the ring and Cara springboards in for a dropkick on Miz then hits a suicide dive.  Rhodes and Rey face off on the floor and Mysterio gets the better of the exchange with a headscissors and a senton off the apron.

Cara with a splash on Miz for two back in the ring.  Miz answers with his corner clothesline, but sits in the rope too long and takes a dropkick from Rey.  Rey hits an arabian moonsault but Rhodes breaks it up then counters the wheelbarrow bulldog, only to have the pin broken up by Cara.  Rhodes ends up on the second rope thanks to Sin Cara, who gets tossed away by Miz.  Now Miz and Rhodes are in the ropes and Rey hits a 619 on just Miz.  Rey hits the splash but Rhodes breaks it up.  Rhodes tries to pin but Cara breaks that one up.  Rhodes is incensed and takes it out on Sin Cara.  Rhodes goes for the mask for the first time and gets treated to a senton from Rey.  Rhodes quickly disposes of Rey, then takes an enzuigiri from Cara who pulls a spare mask from his tights to put it on Rhodes, but Miz breaks it up with the backbreaker/neckbreaker for two.  Miz wants a powerbomb, but Cara sneaks the mask onto Miz to get away.  Rhodes tries Crossrhodes on Sin Cara, but the now-masked Miz semi-blindly hits the Skull Crushing Finale on him to win it. 

No complaints - Very fun, interesting fatal four way with a lot of dynamic among the different styles.  Miz winning while kind of blinded strengthens his reign, as that wasn't a BS win for him at all.  Great open and a good way to spend 25 minutes of wrestling time. 

Eve finds Kaitlyn on the floor in the hall with a hurt leg; she was attacked while warming up and cannot stand up.  Eve says she'll figure something out...maybe she was the masked person who attacked from behind? 

Match 2:  Kofi Kingston and R-Truth (c) vs Daniel Bryan and Kane, Tag Team Championship
Winners:  New tag team champions, Daniel Bryan and Kane via pinfall

I don't think there's anyone watching this show that doesn't want to see Team Friendship win this tonight.  The dynamic between Kane and Bryan is incredibly interesting and more importantly, entertaining.

The challengers argue a bit before the champs enter, but that's more than to be expected.  JBL is the first to point out that Truth probably needs a trip to Dr. Shelby, what with the invisible friend and such.  Already more than worth his salt in his return.  Kane starts the match, much to the chagrin of Bryan.  Kofi starts off with him, even though he lost to him in two minutes this past week.  This is why matches like that are a huge mistake; why should we believe the champs will stand toe to toe?

Bryan tags in and kicks Truth, telling Kane that THIS is how he does it.  Kofi tags back in with a high cross body for two.  Team hip toss on Bryan and Truth hits his silly dancing leg drop for two.  Kane blind tags in and takes Truth down; Bryan gives a bit of a nod of approval for it.  Kane unloads on Truth in the corner.  Kane asks for and receives a good old fashioned tag from Bryan, who hits an axe handle and some kicks on Truth.  Bryan ends with a low dropkick for two.  A snapmare and low dropkick team move from Bryan and Kane who are now working together like a real tag team.  Another cooperative tag and Kane whips Bryan at Truth for a dropkick, but Bryan misses.  Kane stands his partner up and Bryan pushes him.  The crowd chants for them to hug it out and Bryan says they need to work together, calling for a hug.  Team Fire and Yes, Team Friendship, Team Hell No, whatever you want to call them, are back to being a unit.  In the interim, Truth makes a tag.

Kofi is in to run wild and hits his usual comeback, knocking Kane off the apron as he does it, then lands the Boomdrop.  Kofi wants Trouble in Paradise, but Kane trips Bryan and drags him out.  They argue on the floor and Kofi hits a baseball slide on Kane and flip dive on Bryan.  Kofi tries to springboard back in, but Bryan catches him in the Nolock.  Truth breaks it up but gets tossed out and slammed by Kane.  Bryan hits the corner dropkick on Kofi and Kane tags himself in, which Bryan is mad about.  Kane heads up top and Kofi tries a Frankensteiner, but Bryan holds his leg so that he can't get taken over.  Kane shoves Bryan, who gives him a forearm and shoves him off for a big Hell Splash on Kofi to win it!

With the amount of fighting between the new champs, I expected a crummy ending, but everything worked out perfectly for us fans.  Bryan and Kane argue on opposite corners over who is the new tag team champion.  You both are, so just hug it out.  Kane ends the argument by doing his fire summon, which is delayed by about a second or two.  Of all the times to have that delay, now was totally not the ideal one.  Kane storms off, but regardless we have new tag team champs as a result of an amazingly interesting match.  Two for two tonight, WWE!

Eve catches up with Booker T and Teddy Long and we find out that Booker T is going to reward Eve for her good work lately by having her replace the injured Kaitlyn.  I was JUST writing about how nice it was to see an up and comer on the show.  What a shame, but at least something came of the Eve brownnosing angle.

Match 3:  Antonio Cesaro (c) vs Zack Ryder, United States Championship
Winner:  Antonio Cesaro via pinfall

Cesaro says "unfair" in five languages, which is how he feels about the title match at hand.  This "canned" promo thing isn't doing Cesaro any favors as far as growth, but that's kind of WWE's MO as of late.  Cesaro needs to grow in ring and on the mic in the eyes of WWE and they're not really giving him the chance to do so.  Ryder goes into this one having already competed tonight.

Cesaro goes right to work, but Ryder fights his way out.  Ryder never got his rematch for the US Title, so this is a bit of a redemption story.  Ryder hits his flapjack and a dropkick for an early nearfall.  Audible "Claudio" chant from the crowd who know where he comes from.  Cesaro grabs a chinlock on Ryder who fights up but eats a clothesline for two.  Cesaro chokes the challenger in the ropes then hits a high jumping double stomp on him.  Ryder is out in two.  Now a vertical suplex and a float over for another near fall.  Cesaro cinches in a cravat before Ryder fights up to stand toe to toe with the US Champ, but ultimately gets the pop up European uppercut/Swiss Death from Cesaro for a nearfall.

Cesaro keeps the pressure on and drapes him over his back, but Ryder fights out and hits a facebuster, a back elbow and a clothesline.    Ryder ends up in the corner and fights out with a missile dropkick, leaving both men down.  Cesaro tries another vertical suplex, but Ryder flips clear over him and lands with a neckbreaker - amazing spot and picture perfect.  Cesaro rolls to the apron and then tosses Ryder to the turnbuckle.  Cesaro heads up top but Ryder crotches him, then hits a frankensteiner all the way to the opposite corner.  Ryder wants the Broski Boot, but Aksana drags Cesaro out.  Cesaro gets back in first and hits Ryder as he follows with the Neutralizer to retain.

Now that's just what I meant - Good back and forth, truly had people thinking Ryder could win and Ryder pulled out something he rarely uses (the frankensteiner) to cement the idea.  The replays of the Swiss Death should be solidifying that as a Cesaro signature in WWE.  We haven't seen it much with him on WWE TV, but it's always a sight to behold.  Three for three now.

ADR, Rodriguez and Otunga are in the back and the announcer says he feels much better, but the other two bark at him to put the neckbrace back on.  Ricardo does so, but with a grimace on his face.  Maybe Ricardo will finally realize what a jerk his boss is tonight.

Match 4:  Dolph Ziggler vs Randy Orton
Winner:  Randy Orton via pinfall

We've seen this one many times, but it's always a delight.  What would be nice here is to see Ziggler win to remind us he's actually a threat to the World Heavyweight Title, but a clean win from a smarmy heel is about as likely as The Rock showing up on a weekly basis.

Standard fare from both men to open, with Orton using the limb stomps pretty early.  Ziggler takes over and hits a neckbreaker for two.  Orton blocks a suplex attempt and counters into a rope bounce one of his own for a nearfall.  Orton ducks a clothesline and hits his backbreaker, then a pair of clotheslines and a powerslam.  Ziggler rolls to the apron (you'd think he'd learn by now!) and Randy wants the spike DDT, but he rolls inside.  Ziggler with a low dropkick and trying the Namedropper, but Orton with a powerbomb to counter.  I don't know the last time Ziggler actually hit that move.

Orton sets Ziggler on the top rope for a superplex, but Ziggler fights him off then hits a second rope dropkick for two.  The crowd is audibly split between the two men, showing the strong support for Ziggler.  Punches back and forth as both men stand up and Ziggler flys over the top rope to drape Orton neck first across it.  Orton with a big kick out as Ziggler keeps a bit of control.  Ziggler with repeated elbow drops and finishes with the jumping elbow for two.  Ziggler sets in for a chinlock and props up for the headstand, then bridges over Cattle Mutilation-style, which sells some extra pressure.  Ziggler drops and walks his body back around Orton to lock in the traditional chinlock.  Orton fights his way up and hits a belly to back suplex to break it up.  Ziggler fights out of the corner and hits his new jumping clothesline for another nearfall.  Back to a chinlock and Orton fights up again breaking out by headbutts and landing a dropkick.

Ziggler hits the jumping DDT this time, but another nearfall sends Vickie Guerrero into a frenzy.  Ziggler heads up top again and Orton slips in to crotch him.  Orton heads up and this time gets the superplex he wanted before.  Ziggler kicks out in two and another exchange - The crowd gives "boo" for Orton and "yay" for Ziggler strikes.  Boston is a wrestling crowd to listen to, WWE:  Strike while the Ziggler iron is hot!

Ziggler avoids another powerslam and hits the Namedropper, finally, but gets a very close two count.  Even JBL recognizes the Ziggler chants (to a point) on commentary.  Orton coutners a rushing Ziggler to the apron, wanting the spike DDT.  This time, Ziggler slips outside, but gets tossed to the barricade by the Viper.  Orton tosses Ziggler leg first onto the barricade and hits the DDT outside.  Ziggler's body looks like a chalk outline and by all rights he should be done, but Orton rolls him in, not wanting the countout.  Ziggler gets his foot on the rope at the last second to avoid the loss.  Orton starts to stalk Ziggler and coils in the middle of the ring; Ziggler avoids and cradles Orton who kicks out.  Ziggler tries the Sleeper, but Orton gets out and elevates Ziggler up and catches him for a DDP-style pop up RKO.

Great ending and amazing action, but I don't agree with the choice here - Ziggler needs real wins and he never gets them over anyone credible.  As usual, a Ziggler/Orton match is great, but Orton winning is a "send the kids home happy" moment, not a smart choice as far as moving foward, especially after hearing this crowd tonight.  Ziggler is primed to elevate and they just won't pull the trigger for some reason.

Match 5:  Layla (c) vs Eve Torres, Divas Championship
Winner:  New Divas Champion, Eve Torres via pinfall

JBL with a drop of Eve training in Gracie Jiu Jitsu, which she has barely incorporated into her repertoire in the ring.  It would be a big way to differentiate herself from the rest of the pack.  Layla with some hops back and forth over a grounded Eve; this happy go lucky stuff needs to go.  Eve offers a handshake and kicks the leg out from under Layla as she takes it.  Eve tosses Layla to the floor then into the ring apron.  Eve brings the action back into the ring and hammers away at the midsection of Layla.  Eve heads up top and chokes Layla in midair, then drops her.  Back to the hangman's chinlock and then the challenger shoves Layla to the mat and pins her for two.

Eve with a bodyscissors and Layla basically breaks down crying, then elbows Eve.  Bit of an over reaction there.  Eve switches to a headscissor, then rolls it over to bash Layla's head into the mat.  The crowd starts up an El Generico "ole" chant for some reason.  Eve wants a neckbreaker and Layla keeps it rotating to hit a DDT.  Layla kicks the gut and the side of the head of Eve then a facebuster.  Double springboard crossbody, but Eve gets under it and then hits her new neckbreaker for the win.  And clean.

Nothing wrong with the match, although they seemed to lose the crowd.  Good job by both women and hopefully we get some answer about who attacked Kaitlyn, since Eve is suspect #1.  Eve won this one clean, even if she may not have gotten the match in a squeaky clean fashion.  Good stuff.  Missed the first minute or so of this one, as I was being viciously attacked by a mosquito...

Daniel Bryan is walking around the back chanting that he is the tag team champions, meeting Dr. Shelby.  Kane comes in doing the same and the good doctor is about to break it up...until AJ approaches and ballistically stops them.  AJ asks what's wrong with the two of them - They've had breakthroughs and wins and still can't get along.  Dr. Shelby convinces Bryan to congratulate Kane and Kane storms off, only to come back in and dump Gatorade on all three of the others, saying he's going to Disneyland.  Absolutely whacked...and in the best possible way.  AJ wasn't very magerial in that one.

Match 6:  Sheamus (c) vs Alberto del Rio, World Heavyweight Championship
Winner:  Sheamus via pinfall

Jamie Dimon namedrop by JBL - Bet that's the first and last time we hear that name on WWE TV.

Booker T is coming out before the bell - Here we go with some chicanery involving this Brogue Kick angle.  Booker T has concluded his investigation and the Brogue is a go.  So the whole angle is a wash without even a single PPV match without it.  Sheamus Brogue Kicks Otunga off the apron to open this one up and ADR (actually called "ADR" by JBL) starts with some kicks.  Sheamus wants the Brogue Kick again but ADR bails to the floor.  Sheamus explodes out of the corner with a swinging neckbreaker after action makes it back into the ring, but ADR tries to take over.  ADR puts himself on the floor and Sheamus with a shoulder off the apron to the floor.   Alberto uses the announce table to his advantage and rolls the champ back in for a nearfall.

ADR ties Sheamus up on the ringpost and pulls on the arm from the floor, then a swift kick to the shoulder.  Alberto hits a mongolian chop from the top rope for two; maybe the first time I've seen that.  Sheamus approaches ADR near the ropes and ends up hung up in the ropes for a Cross Armbreaker.  ADR has to break since they're in the ropes, but he's still doing damage.  Alberto is back up top but Sheamus greets him with an axe handle, leaving both men down.  Back to their feet, Sheamus hits a pair of axe handles, a corner shoulder but can't hit the knee lift.  ADR wants the double knee armbreaker but Sheamus holds onto the ropes then hits the knee lift and a slam for two.

Alberto escapes to the apron and avoids the forearms to the chest, but Sheamus rams him into the turnbuckle and hops to the apron, bending ADR over the turnbuckle itself for the forearms.  ADR escapes a White Noise attempt and hits a Backstabber for two.  Del Rio with a big stomp on the champion and now wanting the Cross Armbreaker, but Sheamus counters with White Noise.  Sheamus heads to the corner, readying for the Brough Kick.  Del Rio ducks, shoves Sheamus into the corner and hits a step up enzuigiri but only gets a two count.  ADR jaws at Sheamus which just makes him mad.  Sheamus tries to fight but ADR ducks another Brough Kick attempt and lands the Cross Armbreaker which Sheamus tries to roll into the Cloverleaf, but ADR punches his way out.  Alberto low bridges Sheamus and traps his hand in the ropes, then proceeds to lay into it with kicks.  The ref gets Sheamus loose after ADR hits one more kick in.

Alberto finally locks in the Cross Armbreaker - I know Sheamus is Cena number 2, but it would do a WORLD of good for ADR to make him tap here.  Sheamus powers to his feet and deadlifts ADR into a weak power bomb to escape.  Del Rio dodges another Brogue Kick and once again rolls into the Cross Armbreaker.  Sheamus wants the bottom rope and teases a tap, but inches his way over and gets his foot on the rope.  Alberto throws a tantrum and tries a corner dropkick which Sheamus dodges, then hits a Brogue Kick to win.

It's not right that the most disappointing match thus far was the World Title.  Sheamus avoids tapping to multiple arm bars after having his arm wrecked all match, then hits his move out of nowhere, 1 2 3.  Cena booking 101 and nobody but the kids in the crowd enjoy it.  The action itself was fine, but a silly end to choose and a weak "banned move" angle make this the overall lowlight of the show so far.

Match 7:  CM Punk (c) vs John Cena, WWE Championship
Winner:   John Cena via pinfall

Paul Heyman greets us in the ring and says he's here to witness history - CM Punk is at 302 days in this WWE Title reign.  This is CM Punk's first main event since December.  John Cena enters with an anti-cancer themed shirt and gear, as that's the theme tonight.  I think most people expected pink jorts, so in a way, Cena didn't quite deliver.  This is one t-shirt I wouldn't mind seeing every kid and parent wearing; how can you NOT support the pink ribbon?

Punk poses with the belt for well over a minute in the middle of the ring before he hands it to the ref - Big focus on making it "all about him".  Cena tosses his shirt to the crowd and it's caught by (I believe) his dad.

Punk is wearing Yankee pinstripes on his gear to get in the head of the hometown hero.  Tense open with a long feeling out process.  Punk grabs the ropes off an Irish whip; he's in no hurry to throw down with John Cena.  Cena with an early suplex and rear waist lock.  Punk elbows Cena to the mat and throws knees to the midsection, then a headlock takeover.  Cena fights up and out with a back body drop, then rushes Punk in the corner; he dodges and Cena runs himself into the turnbuckle.  Punk with a kick and a quick cover.  Punk keeps the pressure on with more elbows.  Cena takes a whip to corner and after Punk showboats, he lands a DDT for a nearfall.  Punk with elbows to the collarbone and another cover and kickout.  Punk with a chinlock and Cena powers out then shoulders the Champion down.  Punk with a drop toe hold and bridge for a Muta Lock, but Cena fights his way out and ends up on the floor.  Punk suicide dives his way out and laughs as he looks at Cena's dad.  Punk throws Cena in and takes his time, which results in a Cena baseball slide.  Cena puts Punk on the wrong side of the barricade then gives him a fisherman's suplex back over.  Cena rolls the champ in and lifts him for an Attitude Adjustment, but Punk fights out and kicks him in the head.

Punk now tries a Camel Clutch but Cena stands up and Punk drops elbows on the neck again.  Punk with jabs and a runing right hand for two.  Punk slides out and heads up top then lands an axe handle.  Punk takes a lap around Cena, then lifts him for a GTS, but Cena fights out and lands a pair of shoulders - Punk coutners the spin out bomb into a crossbody and hits clotheslines, but Cena answers with one of his own for two.  Cena calls for the Five Knuckle Shuffle but Punk puts his boot in Cena's throat as he drops the fist.  Now a neckbreaker from the champ for two.  Punk is on the apron, waiting for Cena to stand.  Punk with a crossbody, but Cena rolls through and throws Punk to his shoudlers for an AA.  Punk holds onto the rope and gets tossed to the floor.  Cena with a suicide dive and Paul Heyman is flabbergasted.  Punk gets rolled back in and swings at Cena, but he takes the spin out bomb and Five Knuckle Shuffle, which Punk coutners again, this time into the Anaconda Vise, as Punk screams "Best in the World" into the face of the challenger.  Cena powers his way out and locks in an STF.  Punk pops his head out and locks in a Crossface.  Cena stands up with Punk in tow and gives him a side slam to break the Crossface.

Strikes back and forth, but Punk stops it with a leg lariat and a knee in the corner.  Punk hits a clothesline as Cena runs out of the corner, then hits the Macho elbow for two.  Punk says it's time for Cena to go to sleep and stalks him.  Cena catches the knee on the GTS and locks in the STF again.  Punk makes it to the bottom rope to avoid losing, then catches Cena with a GTS for a very near fall.  Heyman and Punk are both beside themselves.  Punk with kicks to a grounded Cena and a clothesline for another near fall.  Punk slaps Cena then wants another GTS, but Cena drops down and hits the spin out bomb and Five Knuckle Shuffle, then the Attitude Adjustment, but the WWE Champion kicks out at the last second.

Punk rolls to the floor for some distance as Cena sits on the mat surprised.  Cena rolls Punk back in and heads to the top rope, but Punk avoids the leg drop.  Big kick to the head of Cena, who kicks out yet again.  Punk slaps Cena again and strikes away at him, then hits a knee to the head but still can't put him away.  Punk tries a moonsault but misses (literally missed - Cena barely had to move) and both men get up at the same time.  Punk hits another GTS and Cena kicks out again.  Punk wants Cena to get up again, and hits Rockbottom but Cena still kicks out.  Punk is losing his mind and Cena can barely move on the mat.  Cena hits a surprise AA, but Punk stays in the fight.  More finishers in this match than the rest of the night combined.

Cena lifts Punk and seats him on the top rope, then follows.  Cena wants an avalanche belly to back, but Punk elbows out.  Cena delivers a second rope bridging German suplex to pin CM Punk and I am ENTIRELY baffled.

Sudden ending via a move we've never seen out of Cena and a title change that accomplishes very little.  As Cena celebrates, the referee hands the belt to Punk - The shoulders of BOTH men were down on the mat and we have a draw.  Punk is ecstatic and Cena is livid that a title match ends in a draw.  Punk with a belt shot from behind to end the show standing tall.

A non-finish is about the only thing worse than a Cena win here.  What this means is that Cena is still the number one contender and will end up getting another shot.  Contrived ending aside, this was an ROH-esque match with both men hitting big move after big move after big move and kickout after kickout after kickout.  That's not a criticism, mind you - Just an observation.  What this match makes you realize is Cena has stuff in the tank he doesn't break out.  Cena suicide dives should become more common place as should his use of new moves on a fairly regular basis.  Didn't at all expect a middle rope German out of John Cena but we got it.

On the whole, a good show.  Not great, but serviceable.  Odd that the undercard was really the overwhelming shine for this PPV.  Sheamus/ADR did what everyone figured:  Reintroduce the Brough Kick and end in the Brough Kick.  All the tension and teasing for no payoff whatsoever and Sheamus introducing and cementing a new move, again, for nothing.  The undercard matches, including the Divas match, were all quite entertaining and the main event was quite frankly a great match with an eyebrow raising ending.  Cena/Punk will definitely continue on, but a sprinkle of someone else being involved would be nice to break up the monotony.  Paul Heyman was surprisingly uninvolved in this one, aside from amazing reactions to things, especially the Cena dive.


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