Saturday, September 15, 2012

WWE Smackdown Lowdown 9/14/2012


The Brough Kick:  Banned?!  However will Sheamus handle his opponents?  With White Noise, the Celtic Cross and the Cloverleaf, of course.

Alberto del Rio opens the show in the ring with Ricardo Rodriguez and David Otunga, both in neck braces.  Ricardo breaks down on the mic, thanking people for their support and Otunga takes over.  Otunga calls AJ irresponsible for putting him against Sheamus and calls her unstable.  ADR shows us video of Christian being Brough Kicked at Night of Champions last year.  Christian joins us via satellite and is less than thrilled to be on.  Christian says he doesn't like Alberto and hopes Sheamus beats him at NOC.  Christian says he's doing this for all the superstars - He says that since the Brough Kick last year he hasn't been the same.  Christian says that the Brough Kick should be banned even though he respects Sheamus and Otunga cuts the feed.  ADR goes back to calling Sheamus a peasant and Daniel Bryan, the man beaten at Wrestlemania by the Brough Kick, interrupts.

Bryan comes out and asks the crowd not to say YES, so of course they do.  Bryan thanks the crack legal team in the ring for bringing this "case" to light.  Bryan says that he's only a goatface because Sheamus has kicked him so many times.  Tonight will be a Wrestlemania rematch between Bryan and Sheamus.  The crowd starts a "goat face" chant and Bryan loses his mind, yelling at the crowd that he won't be taken by surprise again.  Sheamus comes out and says Brough Kick or not, Bryan would have been taken by surprise.  He continues that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Otunga approaches Sheamus on the apron and he grabs him by the neck brace, dropping him across the top rope.  Otunga sells it like a shotgun and holds his neck on the mat.

Interesting angle - A bit over the top as far as the "courtroom cheese" and Christian comes off like a whiner because of where Otunga cut him off, but it's effective none the less.  Bryan is embracing the "crazy man" bit he's been working - His beard is obviously not being trimmed to make him look like a nutjob, and it damn sure works.

Match 1:  Sin Cara vs The Miz (Intercontinental Champion), non-title
Winner:  Sin Cara via pinfall

Miz is visibly upset by Cara's lighting but goes to work booting away at the luchador.  Miz picks up Sin Cara for a vertical suplex for a near fall.  Miz with a whip and Sin Cara with a hurricanrana after ducking a clothesline.  Miz punches Cara from the floor to stop the momentum and head into a commercial.

Miz is still in charge with a chinlock and Josh Matthrews calls Sin Cara "MISTifying" (cute call back to Mistico, yes we know you know your stuff).  Miz keeps Cara grounded and then backs him into the corner with more striking.  Miz heads to the opposite corner and hits the running corner clothesline, then heads to the top for an axe handle for two.  Back to a chinlock and Sin Cara fights to his feet and elbows out, then lands a schoolboy off the ropes.  Miz responds with the backbreaker/neckbreaker combo for another two count.  Miz wants the corner clothesline again and this time Cara dodges, leaving Miz to crotch himself.  Cara with kicks to the leg then a quick dodging sequence ending in a hurricanrana and an enzuigiri from the apron.  Miz tries for Skull Crushing Finale but Sin Cara counters and tries for La Mistica - Miz doesn't seem to quite know how to take it and Cara ends up landing on his feet holding Miz's arm.  They call an audible and Cara wins with a majistral cradle.

Not bad, but it's a little odd that Miz didn't seem to know how take his opponent's finisher - Not like we haven't seen it enough on TV.  Kudos to (I assume) Cara for calling the majistral switch up to avoid any further awkwardness.  He's someone who gets a lot of flack for botches and sloppiness, so that's a tick in the "good" column for him tonight.

Matt Striker catches up with Miz and says that he's been beaten or embarrassed by Mysterio, Cara and Rhodes lately.  Striker asks him how he feels about facing a mystery opponent and Miz mocks his "brainbusting" question (I laughed).  Rhodes walks in and says he attacked Miz from behind because he wants the IC title.  Mysterio says he pinned Miz in the tag match and deserves a shot.  Sin Cara points at the belt; Rhodes says you don't get anything by pointing.  Teddy Long walks in, so I guess we're getting a tag match for the IC title..Nope, it's a Fatal Four Way for the IC Title at Night of Champions.

Kane is in the back with Dr. Shelby and a stress ball.  In walks Bryan to critique Kane's use of a stress ball, as well as his use of Daniel Bryan as a weapon on Raw.  Dr. Shelby makes a couple of ball jokes and both men seem to enjoy the stress relief.  Kane says his is bigger and walks off.  Both men also say they want to be Tag Team Champions.  I am SO looking forward to this moving forward.

Match 2:  Kofi Kingston (Half of the Tag Team Champions) vs Kane
Winner:  Kane via pinfall

Kofi tries to open up with speed and avoids being thrown out of the ring, but Kane takes over with a right to the face.  Kane punishes Kofi in the corner and nets a near fall.  Kofi fights up from the mat, but Kan puts a stop to it with a knee.  Kane with a clothesline in the corner, then one in the opposite corner.  Kane wants a side slam, but Kofi floats around him for a DDT.  Kofi wants Trouble in Paradise but Kane catches him by the neck.  Kingston avoids the chokeslam and tries to attack from the top rope, but jumps into a Chokeslam.

Ok, so Kane just beat half of the tag champs in about two minutes, with no issue.  How are we supposed to believe that Truth and Kingston have any chance on Sunday?  Dr. Shelby comes out on the stage and looks at Kane; he gets back in the ring and picks Kofi up by the neck.  Shelby looks at Kane again and he hugs it out with Kofi.  Kofi goes bug eyed with shock and Doc Shelby gives Kane a golf clap.  That's it, Kane and Bryan need to win on Sunday AND Shelby needs to stick around and "manage" them.  There's just no getting around it.

Striker has Orton in the back, questioning why Orton would ask for a match with Tensai.  He wants a tune up for Sunday.  Orton is excited for Night of Champions because he wants to tear Ziggler a new one.  As usual, Orton talks for two minutes to make a 5 second point.  He ran through a whole rigamaroll about Ziggler cashing in on someone at NOC which could mean Orton leaving as champion.  Who says their match would then be for the title?  Bad logic leads to bad promos.  Orton should just stick to being the tough, monotone guy.

Match 3:  Randy Orton vs Tensai
Winner:  Randy Orton via pinfall

Tensai backs Orton into the corner and is immediately greeted by "Albert" chants.  Albert blocks a clothesline from Orton so he throws  a spinning back elbow and a dropkick, but gets swatted away.  Tensai tries an elbow, but Orton dodges and then drops a bevy of knees.  Tensai takes over with a throat thrusts and gives Orton a couple elbows in the corner.  Orton kicks his way out, but Tensai won't give up the control.  Tensai with headbutts now.  Orton ducks a right hand and unloads in the corner with rights and clotheslines.  Off the ropes, Tensai explodes out of the corner and shoulders him down.  Orton rolls outside for some space and Tensai gives chase.  He rolls Orton in and is slow to get in himself, which leads to Orton holding him back first over the top rope, delivering European uppercuts to the back of the head - That's new.  We always say Randy needs something new, and there you go.  A dropkick sends Tensai back to the floor and us to a commercial.

Tensai hits Orton in the corner and wants a Vader Bomb; he lands it for two.  Tensai with elbows to the back of the head.  Now a nerve hold, which Cole actually calls.  Orton tries to fight up but Tensai grounds him then tries it on both sides.  Orton fights out and strikes away at Tensai then hits a powerslam.  Tensai rolls to the apron and Orton wants the spike DDT.  Tensai fights it but ends up getting spiked for two.  Orton stomps at the limbs and Sakamoto gets on the apron to get punched right off.  The Viper coils on the mat but Tensai avoids the RKO and hits the chokebomb, but Orton rolls away from the Senton and hits the RKO for the win.

Vickie Guerrero comes out to ruin Orton's celebration and says Ziggler didn't appreciate the comments earlier tonight.  Vickie advised him to take the night off and says that at Night of Champions he'll defeat Orton.  Orton says that since Vickie is talking to him and his back is turned it can only mean...Orton spins and coils as Ziggler is about to roll into the ring.  Ziggler turns tail and runs around the ring and up the ramp.  Now, wrestlers are NOT supposed to know when they're getting attacked from behind.  That's some fourth wall breaking stuff there.  Hard to call this one.  If Orton is going to be back in the title picture, he needs to beat people.  But Ziggler really needs to be getting strong wins, preferably without any chicanery.  I'll guess Ziggler, if only to set up the two of them for a title chase once Ziggler cashes in.

United States Champion Antonio Cesaro is in the ring with Aksana.  Cesaro is upset that a battle royale will determine his challenger and says "outraged" in five languages.  Tyson Kidd comes out to interrupt.  Kidd says he'll make things in clear in Canadian.  After Sunday, he'll be a former US Champ, eh?  Cesaro tosses Kidd over the rop rope and challenges anyone else to come out...leading to Brodus Clay storming the ring.  Cesaro tries to calm the Funksaurus down and turns into a Tyson Kidd kick, then back into a Clay headbutt.  Clay and Kidd dance.  Aren't these guys theoretically opponents in two days?  Also, I was absolutely looking forward to Kidd starting a program toward a title, but I guess I should have known better.  He's still one of the most grossly underutilized talents in WWE and I don't know what it will take for them to realize it.

Wade Barrett comes out and reminds us that he's open for business.  Next week, someone "samples the product" and then business will be booming.  Barrett is a welcome return, as he's just great at being a smarmy, full of himself SOB who can actually back it up.

Match 4:  Kaitlyn vs Beth Phoenix
Winner:  Kaitlyn via pinfall

The two strongest divas in WWE going one on one.  Beth with an early headlock and when Kaitlyn throws her off, she hangs onto the hair to keep hold.  Odd transition into some mix of a backslide and a reverse snapmare and Kaitlyn gets thrown off then ends up on the apron.  She slides under the bottom rope and between Phoenix's legs into a pin, then tries a jackknife pin.  Phoenix powers out of both and lifts her into a Canadian backbreaker but Kaitlyn slips out and shoulders her down.  Phoenix answers with a knee and then runs Kaitlyn into the top rope after she tries a rear waistlock.  Phoenix tosses her to the mat and rubs her face on the mat for a two count.  Kaitlyn fights to her feet but gets deposited into the corner.  Kaitlyn gets the boot up as Beth rushes her and hops to the second rope, but Phoenix drags her to the mat.  Time for the Glamslam, but Kaitlyn slips under and hits a Reverse DDT for the win.

Aside from the odd backslide thing in the open of the match, pretty solid action.  It's expected as both women are very athletic.  Personally, I'm sad to see Kaitlyn using a reverse DDT instead of the lotus lock/leg full nelson she was using on NXT and on various other shows, but I'm a submission guy.  I am happy, however, to see a young fresh diva have a title shot on a PPV.  Not on the pre show, not some other nonsense, but actually on the PPV.  I don't expect her to win, as Layla really hasn't done anything with her title run and it would be pretty anti-climactic, but something with Kaitlyn moving forward would be appreciated.

Raw Rebound, Punk, respect, etc etc.  It was a strong close to Raw with Punk, Cena and Hart in the ring.  Curious to see how Heyman ends up involved.

Eve is in the back and congratulates Booker T on his choice to ban the Brough Kick.  Long repeats the sentiment and we get an awkward fist bump/handshake moment.  Eve has business with Booker and Long is left alone.  They've been playing at this for a while with Long being envious of Eve, but they've done nothing with it so far.

Match 5:  Sheamus (World Heavyweight Champion) vs Daniel Bryan, non-title
Winner:  Sheamus via submission

Arm wrenches back and forth and Sheamus knocks Bryan down with a shoulder to open.  Otunga, Rodriguez and ADR are watching in the back.  Another "goat face" chant breaks out and Bryan does some breathing exercises to settle himself.  Sheamus with another shoulder block and when Bryan tries to leapfrog him off the ropes, Sheamus catches him for the rolling fireman's carry.  Bryan kicks Sheamus, but runs into a back elbow, then gets clotheslined to the floor.  The commentators tout (not Tout) the Cloverleaf, mentioning Dory Funk Jr and Dean Malenko - I guess Sheamus plans on keeping it around this time.  Bryan drops Sheamus on the apron then hits a low dropkick on the floor to take some control back.  In the ring, Bryan hits the running dropkick in the corner for one.  Bryan drapes Sheamus' arm across his shoulder then kicks away at him.  Another arm breaker and now a hammerlock on the mat from Bryan.  Sheamus fights out but gets a knee to the gut.  Bryan wants another corner dropkick but whiffs this time and Sheamus pulls himself up to the top rope and hits a diving shoulder.  Sheamus now with axe handles, a shoulder in the corner and a knee lift.  Sheamus tries a powerslam but Bryan avoids it, then runs into a tilt a whirl backbreaker, which Cole calls the Irish Curse yet again.

Bryan avoids the Cloverleaf but ends up on the apron and Sheamus catches him for the chest forearms.  Bryan screams no as he's bent backwards and Sheamus screams yes as he goes to work - nice verbal spot.  Sheamus rushes Bryan on the apron but he quickly sneaks in and around for a schoolboy.  Sheamus is out in two and gets a drop toe hold into the second turnbuckle, then Bryan kicks the rope into his face.  Bryan with a kick to the side of the head and another near fall.  Bryan is starting to lose his temper and takes it out on Sheamus' chest with kicks.  Sheamus catches the attempt at another head kick and backs Bryan into the corner, but Bryan fights out and jumps off the middle rope.  Sheamus catches him and goes for the actual Irish Curse this time, but Bryan catches him in a guillotine.  Sheamus immediately backs him into a corner, but Bryan holds on.  Sheamus is down to one knee but gets back up and toesses Bryan over, who makes it a sunset flip for two.  Bryan wants the Nolock but Sheamus fights off and finally lands the Irish Curse.  Cole:  "Another Irish Curse backbreaker!"  Not all backbreakers from Sheamus are the Irish Curse, damn it.  Sheamus locks in the Cloverleaf and Bryan screams "NO" to tapping.  Sheamus drags him back to the middle of the ring and Bryan squeaks out a "yes" as he taps.

Great match - Sheamus and Bryan are a great dynamic with Sheamus' power and Bryan's technical/striking game.  I'll admit I see the logic in Sheamus beating the premier submission specialist in WWE to "establish" his Cloverleaf, but I've never been a fan of a non-submission guy tapping out a submission guy.  If Sheamus keeps the Cloverleaf around, it's a bit more of that "next John Cena" evidence we've been seeing, with suddenly including a signature submission hold in the repertoire.  Regardless of all that, a solid main event with great integration of Bryan's current gimmick.

The Champion stands tall amidst a disadvantage, Bryan and Kane are poised to become Tag Champs and the challenger to the Divas title is a young up and comer.  Interesting dynamics at play for Night of Champions, since the matches tonight all contributed in one way or another.  The Smackdown before a PPV usually isn't that solidly focused on building the show, so congrats to them.


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