Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ocean Marketing PR Debacle Leads To Internet Crucifixtion

If you haven't already heard about the Ocean Marketing sh*t storm, what's wrong with you? Joking aside, the Ocean Marketing story made the Internet implode upon itself and then regurgitated the finest meme's this side of imgur. We could bore you with the details that have been covered by dozens of other outlets, but what fun would that be? Instead sit back in your cubicle prison and laugh out loud at these absurdly clever meme's.

These meme's are priceless.

Apparently Chistoforo did some name dropping. He was boasting about
how he knew several EIC's from prominent gaming websites (Kotaku, Penny Arcade, IGN, etc)
One of them happened to be IGN's Scott Lowe, who swiftly told the twitter-verse that Christoforo
was "manic and unprofessional". Christoforo's rebuttal was the best burn ever.


Now that all the dust has settled, Christoforo effectively sabotaged not only his reputation, but his business as well. Let this be a lesson kids. Don't be a douche.

Sources: Examiner, Know Your Meme

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Kennedys

The Kennedys are one of the most talked about American families, fitting that a drama piece would be made about them. Now remember the show is a fiction, liberties are taken, it’s not 100% accurate to history but it does a fine job of capturing the Kennedy family. The mini series is laced in controversy, for good reason. Corruption and death seem to follow the family during the 60s. It’s a must see drama. The show takes the powerful family and their real life drama and fits it into a perfect 8 part mini series that really gives you a great look at the family.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 First DLC Announced

Developer Infinity Ward has announced its first Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 3 DLC will be available January 24th for Xbox 360. No info for PS3 (sorry dudes).  One photo and map name (Park) has been released following the announcement. It has also been said by one employee that new Spec-Ops will be included and also there will be things that players have never seen before in a DLC. Interesting.. More info and media will be released in the coming weeks.

First Screenshot
Source: IGN

Limbo Now Available on Steam and Mac App Store

One of the best Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Store games get some PC and Mac love. Developer Playdead has released its Best Puzzle Game of the Year onto Steam (50% Discount) and the Mac App Store for $9.99.


"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" Trailer Is Up Along With Release Date

Peter Jackson and crew have given fans exactly what they've been waiting for since the release of the last Lord of the Rings. The official announcement trailer for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. And it won't disappoint.

Warner Bros. announces Release Date is December 14, 2012 


Monday, December 19, 2011

New Dark Knight Rises Trailer Makes Your Loins Swell

The new Dark Knight trailer makes me moist. I'm talking soggy britches moist. The trailer made its debut during the Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (read our review punks) this past weekend. Apparently it changed the lives of about 130 people in a packed theater. One man was quoted as saying "I've seen the face of glory and his name is Batman". That's a total lie, but I can't stress how perfect a trailer this is. This is how to do a trailer properly

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Review

2009's Sherlock Holmes was a welcome surprise when it came out. It seemed Guy Ritchie (director) had finally found the big budget franchise he was born to make. Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law were great together, and the story was wrought with all the mystery we could ask for. By the end of movie, it had become apparent that a sequel was almost mandatory. Sequels, however, can be very dangerous. They can be amazing, mediocre, or simply awful. 

It's hard to see where exactly A Game of Shadow's fits into this equation. This time around we follow the brilliant, yet deranged, Holmes as he stalks his arch nemesis Moriarty (played by the one and only Jared Harris of Mad Men fame) in an effort to foil some plan about world domination. There was something in there about money, causing a World War, and killing some people. If it sounds a bit convoluted, that's because it is. A Game of Shadows starts with all the potential in the world, but somewhere along the ride things just fizzle. Where did it all go wrong?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Drawing Sand from the Creative Well

When it comes to good shows I find that eventually they become double edged swords. On one end, the show is so good that you never want it to end. One the other end, sometime shows seem to outlive their quality. 

24 was a prime example. It had a large, rabid fanbase. A fanbase that made them tons of money and support to carry them through eight seasons. But the problem with that was: what do you do with a show that prides itself on being shocking and surprising? I was a huge fan of 24, until it seemed like the show became predictable. There was always a mole inside CTU. A member of the President's staff was always truing to undermine him. Nobody ever listens to Jack. Jack was always going around the system to get results. And Jack was never going to have a good day.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Grand Theft Auto III Anniversary Edition Available Now

Grand Theft Auto III 10th Anniversary has arrived on select iOS and Android devices for $4.99. Let the nostalgia begin.

  • Apple iOS Devices:
  •  iPad 1 & 2, iPhone 4 & 4S, iPod touch 4th Generation 
  • Android Phones: HTC Rezound, LG Optimus 2x, Motorola Atrix 4G, Motorola Droid X2, Motorola Photon 4G, Samsung Galaxy R, T-Mobile G2x 
  • Android Tablets: Acer Iconia, Asus Eee Pad Transformer, Dell Streak 7, LG Optimus Pad, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 and 10.1, Sony Tablet S, Toshiba Thrive 

                                                                                                                              Source:(Rockstar Newswire)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Expendables 2 Trailer Has Arrived!!

Chuck Norris, Jean Claude Van Damme, and Arnold Schwarzenegger ARE BACK!! 

Source:  IGNApple Trailers

Rockstar Games Shows Max Payne 3 Multiplayer Sneak Peak

      Rockstar let the guys over at IGN into their secret lair (that's what I think it is) and let them do a hands on preview with the Max Payne 3 Multiplayer. In the new "Gang Wars" mode Rockstar is attempting to combine a few standard multiplayer modes (Deathmatch, CTF) into a narrative driven, round based experience. One example given is your part of a drug bust gone bad so both teams are trying to steal the drugs and money. After one team is successful, a short narrative by Max himself will start and will then lead you into the next rounds objective like defend or attack. (IGN) This sounds similar to something like the Firefight game type in Halo: Reach or the Battlefield 3's Rush mode. The difference should be Rockstars ability to add a great narrative and the grimy feel that the Max Payne franchise offers.

Christopher Nolan talks "Dark Knight Rises" and the type of villain Bane will be.

In an interview with the L.A. Times, Christopher Nolan talks about why he decided to go with Bane as the villain in this Batman film and some of his feelings about this being his last raump with the caped crusader.
When looking at possible canidates for who would be the antagonist in this film Nolan admits at first he only knew the character of Bane by name and had no idea about his origins or abilities. But after getting an education he realized that Bane is "a very cool character".

"With Bane, the physicality is the thing,” Nolan said. “With a good villain you need an archetype, you know, you need the extreme of some type of villainy. The Joker is obviously a particular archetype of diabolical, chaotic anarchy and has a devilish sense of humor. Bane, to me, is something we haven’t dealt with in the films. We wanted to do something very different in this film. He’s a primarily physical villain, he’s a classic movie monster in a way — but with a terrific brain. I think he’s a fascinating character. I think people are going to get a kick out of what we’ve done with him.”

When talking about this being his last Batman film he seems to have some attachment to the series and the characters. Nolan says “I tend not to be too emotional on the set, I find that doesn’t help me do my job,”. “But you definitely get a little lump in your throat thinking that, ‘OK, this is going to be the last time we’re going to be doing this.’ It’s been quite a journey."

Read the full interview: here

Source: HeroComplex

Android Ice Cream Sandwich Web Browser gets put thru its paces. iOS5 still wins

Not that anybody really understands the test results or how they do them, but the stats do tell us that Apples iOS5 browser has better HTML5 performance than Android 4s. FACE! See the full results: Here

Sources: SenchaTechCrunch

G.I. Joe Retaliation Gets ActionStar Power

The Rock and Bruce Willis join G.I. Joe to take back America. Seeing is believing.

Source: Coming Soon

"I'm not wearing hockey pads!" "But we are" Says This Batman FPS

Bet you never thought a Batman First Person Shooter would ever see the light of day. Well I never thought I would anyway. But here it is. The only catch is that there's no real Batman in this one, only looneys in hockey pads and crazys in wanna-be Joker makeup. Check the video.

Source: GameSpot

Maynard James Keenan Singing Makes For a Badass Transformer's Trailer

The new Transformers: Fall of Cybertron trailer was revealed during the VGA's and what a saucy trailer it was!  The game seems to have a slight cartoonish style but dons a dark theme. Cinematic Director, Dave Cravens said, "we really wanted fans and non-fans alike to look at Transformers like they've never seen it before." This Transformers is definitely something fresh and sets such a stronger emotional appeal than the recent films by Michael Bay, so far.

Maynard's song, The Humbling River, reflects hopelessness and despair on the game's plot and sets a perfect tone for the end of Cybertron. We also were able to see a handful of characters including, Optimus Prime, Bumble Bee, Grimlock, Megatron, and the Combaticons. 

Too bad we will have to wait until Fall 2012. Check out both the trailer and the making of the trailer here.

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Reveal Trailer

The Making of Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Trailer

Source: Youtube

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Verizon FIOS App hits Xbox Live Marketplace

Verizon has put its anticipated/delayed TV app into the Xbox Live Marketplace. (Hopefully HBO GO is soon to follow) What the hell are you waiting for, get your system booted and start downloading!?

Source: Engadget

Bioshock Infinite VGA Trailer is all In Game

Irrational Games new trailer for Bioshock Infinite is a montage of in game footage played along with a slow folk song by Elizabeth (Courtney Draper). There is nothing really new to see but the trailer definitely sets the tone for the city of Columbia. Big hopes for this one in 2012.

Irrational Games Article on the trailer

Naughty Dogs "The Last of Us" Gets Late 2012/Early 2013 release window

The hottest game reveal of the 2011 Video Game Awards has got to be "The Last of Us" by Naughty Dog studios. 

A USA Today article shows some love and gives some new details about the origins of the game and the direction the studio wants to bring their video games as a whole.

Microsoft releases "Kinectimals" for iOS platform

For $2.99 you can bring your "Kinectimals" with you on your iDevice. Microsoft realizes resistance is futile.

Tales From Skyrim: The Wench of Markarth

Dusk, Windhelm, 21st of Heartfelt.

After a day of traveling I was able to find the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. I spent a week with them and realized that Astrid was right, I belong here. The Sanctuary was filled with a diverse bunch. I saw Argonians, Redguards, Nords, Apprentice Conjurerer's, and a Jester. Upon meeting Astrid, she gave me a tour of the cave dwelling. It was clear they didn't want to be found. They almost seemed imprisoned in the confines of this stronghold.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It is the Age, the Age of Ra!

Some of you might know who Ra is just by hearing the name while others might confuse it with part of a cheerleading chant. For those of you who aren’t caught up with your mythology; Ra is the Sun God in Egyptian mythology. 

The Age of Ra is a great book written by author James Lovegrove. Lovegrove manages to do something that to me has been absent for far too long in modern culture. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tales From Skyrim: A Khajit's Dark Deed

Skyrim is getting so much love it's almost sickening. Almost. The game deserves all the praise its getting, I assure you, but there is nothing I can say that could describe how incredible the game is that hasn't already been said. So I've decided to take a different approach to exzibhit my love for Skyrim. I'm going to regail you eith tales of my charcters journey throughout Skyrim. I am currently sporting a level 18 Khajit named Liono. This is his story.

Midnight, 14th of Heartfelt, Whiterun

I've just purchased my first home in Whiterun after being honored with the title of Thane of Whiterun by the Jarl. After a weary battle with the Storm Cloak invasion on Whiterun, I have been tasked with a mission to deliver a young man's satchel to his estranged daughter. The man mines at Darkstar, and has no means of communicating with his daughter.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Survivor Series 2011 Recap

I love wrestling. I really do. And last night I was hoping that the WWE would really blow this PPV out of the water. Madison Square Garden. The Rock. All the ingredients were in place for this to be as memorable as this year's Money in the Bank PPV. But...for wasn't.

Now this was a mix of me having to deal with hopefully genius story progression and blatantly crappy storytelling. I'll get this out of the way first, the divas match wasn't the best. I just wish that the WWE would get people to write better plots for these girls. And maybe better ring training. I'd like to see that division get more respect, and I think after the past few months their mindset is to do just that.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Coming Soon: Snow White and the Huntsman

Saw this trailer and couldn't help but post this. What do you all think about the re imagined look on a classic tale? Discuss in the comments section below!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Immortals: How It Was A Mount Olympus Sized Waste of Time

Immortals. A movie brought to you by the producers of 300. Ergo, this movie was made to capitalize off of the immense success of 300. Yes Gerald Butler isn't in it. But we have The Tudors Henry Cavill! Yes the majority of the backdrop of this movie was entirely CG, but come on. What movie today isn't puffed up by one of us nerds behind a computer?

Resistance, Halo and the Future of the FPS

I've played many first person shooters. I love them. It's my gaming niche. I can say with confidence that I'm pretty damn good at these games. I enjoy making others weep when I utterly decimate them online. Over the course of time, I've developed strategy to make the AI my bitch. But Resistance made me feel like a small child in a prize fight with Tyson.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stalk My Friends?!?

I feel like I’ve been using Apples new FindMyFriends app a little more than I should. Don’t get me wrong. Its not like I’m tracking my friends every move, but it is pretty cool to see what they are up to and maybe send off a funny text. Getting over some of the privacy issues I see, this app does make me think about some of the cool and helpful ways it could improve some people’s lives.

​FindMyFriends is a simple app, almost to simple, with a very basic setup. You’re not going to need any codes or knowledge of GPS systems to get online. All you need is your Apple ID along with your password and you’ll be signed right into the home screen. From here you can send either a “temporary share location” request and set the time limit for how long you want to be sharing or you can send a permanent share location request. Now this is where I fumbled with the app a little bit. I sent a request to a pal of mine and he accepted so I could then see his location on the map but when I asked if he could see me he said no. He then sent me a location share request that I accepted and then it worked. I guess this is just a safeguard against sharing your location unknowingly. Besides being able to get directions to a friend’s location, this sums up all the functions in the app. It’s definitely not any sort of new extreme social networking tool. Even with a lack of functions, this app definitely opens up some great possibilities for real life situations.

​FindMyFriends is a really cheap solution to what is usually a high cost system for small businesses. Imagine the owner of a small delivery company that does nights out on the town and airport runs. It would be convenient to see the location of the cars and their ETA to destinations. With a couple Internet connected iOS devices you have a gps tracking system for your business. Voila.

​Apply the same concept to a family of five. It’s a good way for a mom and dad to keep track of the youngings (and keep track of each other). Now if you read the link you could see where this app could start some problems. In a relationship this could be the beginning of the end for some. For anybody reading this who has a significant other that is a little abusive on the telephone/texting, this is not an app you want to make them aware of.

​All in all, this app is really great in terms of ease of use and overall design. The iPod/iPhone version looks great and the iPad version is impressive in itself. Again, the app does lack in-depth functionality, but this is also the very beginning of Apples stroll into mostly uncharted territory. Lets see if this is just another one of Apples “hobbies” or the start of something much grander in the Live Social Networking Experience.

Vincent V.

Monday, October 24, 2011

RAGE: That's it?

Rage is a gorgeous first person shooter that brings rich apocalyptic landscapes and breath-taking skylines. The textures and detail are amazing to look at and even the weapons feel solid and versatile with different ammunition types. Rage also incorporates fun vehicle gameplay and a basic engineering craft to create sentry bots, exploding RC cars, etc. But, once you start mowing down the mutants and bandits throughout the Wasteland, there really isn’t much else. In other words, the lack of story made me want to shoot myself in the face.

The game kicks off with your character being stowed away in a bunker called an ARC to survive the apocalypse. Brought to you by the most glorious asteroid that annihilates almost all life on the planet. Upon waking up years later after impact you find your fellow crewmates dead in their cryo-beds and you step in to a world where no one likes you. A man named Hagar saves your ass shortly after leaving your cocoon and you start running errands for him. Like killing bandits and stuff, no big deal.

You find out early in the game that you are a special class of soldier that has microscopic robots in your body that regenerate your health, called Nanites. You also have a large bounty on your head by the Authority (a corrupt Government agency) because of your special ability. Luckily, you fell into the hands of the rebelling heroes and are the key to winning the fight for the Resistance. Nothing to ground breaking but it works as a basic story.

The main problem I had with Rage after playing for a few hours was that the story really did not go anywhere. I ran around helping Hagar at his settlement, and some other locals around the Wasteland. You eventually make your way to the first protected town called Wellspring (one of two towns in the game) and start to find your way into the Resistance. But that was pretty much it. Throughout the game you know that the Authority want to control the world with a mechanical fist and that the Resistance just want to be free. There is some extra storyline that connects the mutants that were said to be from the asteroid radiation to the Authority, but nothing to surprising.

The only enjoyable part of the game was traveling through Dead City and encountering the countless amounts of mutants, both small and really damn big. It was terrifying and suspenseful and really put you at the edge of your seat. Plus, (Spoiler Alert) the only real boss in the game.

Towards the end of eight hours of gameplay, you start the main mission to destroy the Authority once and for all. You are given a brand new mini gun with secondary BFG rounds (thank you DOOM) and some advice of caution. Without any deep story to drive me, I was revved up to get chaotic with what was ahead of me. It seemed the game was finally going to pick up. It didn’t. I found myself at the top of an Authority stronghold as I blazed through standard enemies ready for the big boss fight. Instead, I was welcomed with a CG cut scene and the end of the game as I cried out “That’s it?”

Overall, if you want to play a fun FPS with solid gameplay, go for it. If you want to play a game with a great story that makes you want more and more, just walk away from this one.

Eric G

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Resistance 3: Isn’t humanity exterminated yet?

Wrapping up on Sony’s exclusive FPS trilogy, Insomniac creates a game with a more emotional storyline and environment with no hope in sight. At the start of Resistance 3 you are put a handful of years later into the Chimeran invasion after the death of Nathan Hale.

You play as Joseph Cappelli, the man who merc’d Hale at the end of the second game. Joseph is part of a small survival group including his wife and sick son underneath some desolate town. At this point, it looks like what game is there left to play since the introduction leaves you with a situation where the Chimerans have pretty much stomped all over every continent. Don’t forget that the planet is being terra-formed into a cold wasteland too.

So where do we go from here? The plot kicks off with the Doctor who created the antivirus for the Chimeran disease finding Joseph Cappelli and asking for help on a mission to save the world of course. And to do that, you must battle your way to the ultimate end in New York.

Compared to the last Resistance, I was particularly happy with the weapon wheel coming back. Being able to choose from a plethora of weapons in Fall of Man to only carrying two weapons was disappointing in the second installation. Thank you Insomniac for the multi-weapon carnage again.

In Resistance 3, the old favorites were brought back like the Bullseye, Carbine, and Auger. But there were new refreshing additions that spiced up combat like the mutator and cryogun. It was a blast being able to shoot enemies with infected gobs of goop and gas clouds just to see them bubble up and explode. Pun intended.

Unfortunately, my precious air-fuel grenades were taken out of the game and replaced with the EMP grenade. The EMP grenade was mainly used for taking out Stalkers and enemy shields. It was added to give more diversity in killing certain enemies, but I truly didn’t care for them and it was really only necessary in a few battles.

The levels in Resistance 3 did start off rather bleak as many people have said but it is the end of the world in a nutshell. What would you honestly expect from a post alien invasion set to freeze the planet? The color palettes do change further into the game from the depressing browns as you head into the tundra conditions of New York.

Level designs were also much more diverse in their gameplay leaving you to fend off feral Chimera through canals of flooded towns, destroy human renegade vehicles during a speeding train pursuit, and carefully walking through frightening towns and mines to kill the “Demon”. I enjoyed the change in pace very much and it did make Resistance a more dynamic experience.

Overall, Joseph Cappelli’s story is much more heart-felt than the previous games where carnage was the only plot point. I felt the main character’s struggle through a journey he did not want to be a part of but had to for the sake of his family. It gave depth and I appreciated that. Levels designs were more diverse in their gameplay with end of the world scenery and every weapon worked well and packed a punch.

-Eric G.