Thursday, March 15, 2012

DC Animated Movie: Justice League - Doom

Justice League: Doom is a new DC Universe animated film released just recently on DVD, February 28th 2012. There's a special edition coming out in April, but why wait- get it now and enjoy it.

So why write this article? It's just a movie, and a cartoon at that. It's based around the Justice League, and probably won't appeal to you unless you enjoy other features like these. Any other human being can tell you that you have two choices: Watch it, or don't watch it. I'm here to tell you my answer- Watch it.

You see, this fun little movie does several things. Let me start by giving you the plot summary, nothing with spoilers of course, but enough where if you neglected to read the back of the DVD case or Wikipedia you aren't at a complete loss.

In this film, the Justice League is hunted down and defeated one by one. While it seems impossible, these plans were made possible by Batman, who had devised these methods should any member of the Justice League go rogue and become an enemy. The problem here is that when a villain gets a hold of these plans, the Justice League are targeted and defeated. This animated film is a fair adaptation to the JLA storyline, "Tower of Babel", with some minor tweaks and changes for the film.

Cyborg. Where can you go wrong?
There's many reasons to watch this movie. Let me introduce the first: Victor Stone. The Cyborg. That's right, the Teen Titan. The newest member in DC's "New 52" Justice League series. If you don't know who Cyborg is, or if you want to see more Cyborg action than you did when reading the new Justice League comic, this is where you'll go. Don't be fooled by the childish character portrayed in the "Teen Titans" animated series, this Cyborg will leave even veterans to Comics going "Whoa."

Here's the second: The Justice League is defeated. I think it's safe to say that if you ever wanted to see this, watch it happen. You'll learn why, watch how, and see each member fight to their fullest because of it. If you aren't aware, this doesn't happen often, and you'll get to see each member bask in their own individual moment of glory as they fight.
Action. Lots and Lots of Action.

Here the third: It's a good movie. It has a good plot, a good beginning, a good middle, excellent climax, and an amazing finish. It's what you expect from a film, and not some cheap knock off where they take a few episodes from a series, cut the commercials, and ask that you enjoy. It's jam-packed with action too, so you're not going to be disappointed if all you are looking for is a flat out brawl. Sure- you'll need to know a little bit about Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and the Flash; but let's be honest, who hasn't at this point?
Oh yeah- maybe you didn't catch that, but the Martian Manhunter is in it too! So if you're pre-New52 reader you get a nice addition to your collection to watch some old school heroes take on their classic villains, whereas if you're just getting into comics you get to watch the New 52 Justice League (plus Martian Manhunter) in action with the aid of Cyborg.

I give the film a 9/10. It's got everything you need, except for one minor flaw- It's animated. While it's always good to watch an animated film (and DC does some of their best work in animated features), it's a turn-off for many who see it as a children's flick. Now that you know better, pick it up. Get past the part where it's animated, and bathe in the amazing quality this film provides.


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