Monday, March 12, 2012

Geek Community Spotlight: CineFantasy

Our first Geek Community Spotlight goes out to CineFantasy. CineFantasy is a small post-production group based out of Italy. Luckily, YouTube has given them the ability to channel their fan-made video expertise to the masses. Their goal, “to create films and (web) series ever more beautiful.” In my opinion, more bad ass as well.

These geek connoisseurs have a sweet collection of self-made action sequences with the use of air soft weaponry, abandoned warehouses and great visual effects. The popular Call of Duty and Battlefield franchises also inspire their videos.

Was that an RC-XD car I just saw?

Not to shabby for a group of individuals with no serious funding backing them. They use a Canon EOS 5D and 60D cameras for it all. You can find their YouTube channel right here. Show some love.

Watch the video below for a little taste.


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