Friday, March 16, 2012

Marvel Comics: Thoughts on Norman Osborn

Norman Osborn. The Green Goblin. The Iron Patriot. Director of H.A.M.M.E.R.

If you haven't heard of him by now, where have you been? For those of you who don't know, Norman Osborn is the main archenemy of Spider-man under the monicker "The Green Goblin". Maybe you've heard of him, with green skin and purple clothes, you probably saw him on a glider throwing pumpkin bombs from a satchel at the waist. He was the villain in the first Spider-man movie, played by Willem Dafoe and sporting a green armor-costume.


In recent comics he has been a member of the Thunderbolts, the driving force behind H.A.M.M.E.R. during the "Dark Reign" storyline, the mastermind behind the events of the Asgardian Seige and the Dark Avengers, and most recently the head of an alliance of HYDRA, AIM, and H.A.M.M.E.R.

His most recent stunt? Trying to make the avengers look like vigilantes. He does this throughout all three Avengers titles (The Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Avengers) by pointing out their flaws, having solved problems before the Avengers could arrive, and taking down the Avengers themselves. This storyline ended this week in Avengers #24.

Norman Osborn has also utilized a variety of resourceful tactics. Of course as the Green Goblin he has created his own tech, including pumpkin bombs, blades, and the glider itself. He also has enhanced strength and stamina due to his goblin serum, and amazing regenerative capabilities. It was believed for a while that he was dead, although he was just recooperating in Europe and appeared later in the timeline.

The most recent two ideas of Osborn came in the form of his own team of Avengers. The first incarnation had a variety of villains posing as a member of the Avengers, such as Venom posing as Spider-man, Bullseye posing as Hawkeye, or Daken posing as his father Wolverine. Norman gained access to Iron Man's armory, and took it upon himself to utilize a red,white, and blue armor and become the Iron Patriot. This costume came up during the Dark Reign storyline, and was used not only as propoganda to gear views towards his patriotic side, but was also a viable piece of weaponry to try and hunt down the heroes still in hiding. The armor was seized and presumably disassembled after the events of the Asgardian seige, where Norman was not only defeated but also put into a prison.

The second incarnation came when he broke out of the prison, enlisting Skaar as his Hulk, Trickshot as his Hawkeye, and Gorgon as his Wolverine. This incarnation lasted only 3-4 issues, but over all of the Avengers titles as his big return. During these issues he was able to showcase an increased strength, as well as a few other powers that surprised everyone who witnessed it.

The reasoning behind this was simple- he was made into a Super Adaptoid. This was revealed in Avengers #24, where he touched the Red Hulk and "hulked-out". Norman Osborn was quickly defeated, as many of the heroes touched him within a short time period and his body got overloaded and began to deteriorate. Presently, it was confirmed that Norman's body was not only a mess, but that he was in a coma as well.

Unfortunately, Norman Osborn is a repetitive failure. He always fails, and his partners and team-ups are all aware of this, making jokes of it mid-comic and planning around it. Because of this, Norman Osborn has been both a major threat and a minor threat. As a major threat, he is an individual that can become a villain against many heroes at once. Between his own talents and his own genius, he is more than a match for even a full team of Avengers, of which he's proved on several occasions. \

On the other hand, he is a minor threat in that, as we can see with Avengers #24 that he can be easily stopped in less than in an issue. If you read Avengers #24, you can see that his powers are not only revealed, the background of these powers are revealed, he showcases the extent of these powers, and he is defeated all in one issue, with extra pages to spare. As a quick review- That's all that Avengers #24 is. So aside from a collection, just move right into issue #25, because the only thing you need to know that Norman Osborn is in a coma and that HYDRA has reformed underground.

This most recent storyline I am disappointed in, and it feels rushed. Rightfully so, as any comic reader is more than likely waiting patiently for the Avengers VS X-men beginning next month.I feel that he was misplaced, because we should have really gotten a decent segue between what's happening now and how the battles begin. As the last story before a major arc like that, I'd have preferred Norman to surface after or even during Avengers VS X-men, and become a major threat, rather than a filler villain that he's been grounded to.


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