Friday Night Smackdown – March 23rd, 2012
So I can tell WWE has read the past couple weeks’ worth of
articles, since Josh Matthews informed us that it is 9 days until Wrestlemania
28 to open the show. We’re close; that
countdown is important. Expect plenty of
General Manager associated shenanigans tonight, as that seems to be the main
storyline aside from Rock/Cena.
First thing’s first though:
Our World Heavyweight Champion has something to say. Michael Cole now loves Daniel Bryan, since he’s
an egotistical heel. Very nice, Cole –
you hated him months ago, pretty much just for existing. Journalistic integrity at its finest,
folks. Daniel Bryan has one thing to say
to the WWE Universe: “Yes! Yes! Yes!”. This is such a fun heel gimmick and the crowd
absolutely eats it up. Bryan gets a bit
more serious and asks AJ what it’s like to love the World Heavyweight
Champion. The little lady answers “Heaven”. She then makes the mistake of addressing him as
“Danny” which draws his ire – Seems like something a wrestling crowd would just
love to chant. After some more prepared
statements about Bryan’s ability as a lover (I love the idea of the heel
champion prepping his girlfriend for his own interview), Bryan asks the crowd
to cheer for AJ. And even better, he’d
like them to cheer for him! Bryan thinks
he’s all wrapped up, and Sheamus enters the scene. Sheamus calls Bryan a sniveling little coward
plays off of AJ’s flub, calling him “Danny Boy”, which leads to an immediate
chant. Wrestling fans are so easy to
please. He tells Bryan in no uncertain
terms that he’ll kick his teeth down his throat at Wrestlemania.
First Raw replay of the night: Otunga and Santino, leading
to a GM-related match-up.
Match 1 – R-Truth vs Mark Henry
Henry with the usual strong start with big strikes. Truth starts to fight back and Henry levels
him with a clothesline. Henry tosses
Truth out to the floor and tells the crowd “Taking out the trash”. There is nothing better than a vocal heel in
wrestling. Henry palms Truth’s head and
squishes it into the steel steps.
Rolling him back in the ring, Henry lands a big right hand for a two
count. Henry whiffs an elbow drop and
Truth lands a dropkick to the knee.
Truth does a Miz-style DDT but only gets a one count. Truth ascends the top rope and goes for a
crossbody, but gets caught and given the World’s Strongest Slam.
Winner: Mark Henry via
Our next Hall of Fame inductee this year will be a
posthumous induction for Yokozuna.
Rikishi makes an appearance in the video. Mil Mascaras also appears on the HoF roster
graphic, but I don’t believe he was ‘officially’ announced. I guess this counts.
Raw replay #2 – The Ryder Rally. This leads to Team Teddy in the back, and
Ryder asking again to join the team.
Teddy says that Ryder’s situation with Eve could lead to too much
distraction and it may not be a good idea.
To change his mind, Ryder brings in their new mascot, Hornswoggle, with
a Team Teddy flag, as well as Khali, dressed as “The Great Broski”. This is enough to convince Teddy. If that’s enough to change his mind on a
relatively important decision, maybe he’s not
the man for the job?
Match 2 – AJ vs Brie Bella
Bryan and Nikki are ringside in their respective corners. AJ didn’t get a full entrance here, which is
odd, considering word is she may get a legit push soon. I for one would be thrilled to see this, as
when she’s allowed to get some momentum going, she’s actually quite good in the
ring, and as seen earlier in the night, she’s not afraid to be on the
microphone and she’s far less awkward or ‘actress’-like than the rest of the
divas. Bryan gives AJ a kiss for good
luck. Brie opens with a headlock and
tosses AJ down by her hair. Bryan shouts
for AJ to use her speed in this match.
That’s actually good advice.
Another headlock, which AJ escapes and lands a back elbow after, but she
gets caught and dropped on the top rope for a hotshot. Brie stomps AJ awkwardly and covers for
two. She bashes AJ into the mat then
interlaces hands with AJ and mounts for a two count. AJ fights out, but eats a clothesline for her
efforts. AJ is stretched on the mat by
Brie and Bryan screams at her to not tap.
I said earlier nothing is better than a vocal heel in a match; a vocal
heel in someone’s corner might be even better.
“You better not tap” is a hell of a way to motivate the girl. AJ fights out with kicks and elbows, then
lands a headscissors to a fujiwara armbar (La Mistica, if you will). Brie managed to take this simple bump, where
she should end up flat on the mat, horrifically and made AJ struggle just to
make her flat. Nikki hops on the apron,
there’s referee-distracting shenanigans, AJ ducks Brie and manages a schoolgirl
roll up for the win.
Winner: AJ via pinfall
Booker T once again heels on a legit win by a perceived
underdog, solely because she’s associated with the heel champ. Booker has no independent thought process on
the mic – he just supports faces and hates heels, without any regard for
logic. Please put William Regal into
this booth! The Bellas get in the ring
and Nikki, who didn’t lose this week roots for Team Teddy and Brie roots for
Team Johnny. Nikki does an awful cheer-leading spot and makes the crowd spell.
Great use of air time.
Raw replay #3 – Ziggler pins Truth, thanks to nefarious
circumstances courtesy of Vickie Guerrero.
“Excuse me!” starts our next segment, with Vickie
introducing Jack Swagger. Still not sure
why she gets to introduce her clientele whenever she feels like it.
Match 3 – Jack Swagger vs Zack Ryder
Swagger comes out and does his pushups and line-cross bit,
while Ryder comes out with Hornswoggle and the Team Teddy flag, which Cole
heels on. The match starts out with
Swagger completely out-wrestling Ryder, which is fair enough, given his
background. Ryder fights back with a
schoolboy and a dropkick, but ends up eating the turnbuckle as he runs in,
followed by a big overhead powerslam from Swagger. Swagger lays boots to Ryder in the corner and
follows with a shoulder throw and a keylock.
Ryder fights out to the apron and dodges a rushing Swagger, putting a
boot into his chest. Back in the ring,
Ryder gets knees up to block an incoming Swagger, then lands a forearm,
clothesline and a facebuster. Ryder hits
a running elbow in the corner and the Broski Boot for two. He sets up for the Rough Ryder, but gets
caught and takes a bucklebomb and a Swaggerbomb as a counter. Swagger lays elbows into Ryder’s ribs (becoming
a bit of a signature for Swagger) and Hornswoggle chases Vickie up onto the
apron. Swagger protects her from what is
apparently a vicious little person and turns around into the Rough Ryder for a
Winner: Zack Ryder via
Not exactly clean, but Ryder makes his return to Smackdown and
gets a win over the man who took his United States Championship from him when
he was injured. The commentary booth
made a passing reference to this.
Raw replay #4 (this is getting to be a bit much) – Cody Rhodes
lights up the Big Show. This leads to a
quick “earlier today” segment with Cody saying that on April Fool’s Day the
biggest fool of them all will once again choke on the big stage. This continues to point to Show giving Rhodes
his comeuppance at WM, but I still do not want to see Rhodes lose his
Intercontinental title to Show. They
keep talking about Rhodes being one of the longer reigning IC champs, as well.
Flo Rida will be playing The Rock out at Wrestlemania. This is a horrible idea: The entrance is one of the most important
parts of a wrestler’s personality. When
that music hits, you know exactly what is about to happen. My prediction is the usual “IF YA SMELLLLL”
clip will play and then Rida will play a remix of Rock’s theme.
Match 4 – Big Show vs Kane
Punches and throat thrusts to start out. Show knocks Kane down with a clothesline and
the fight goes outside. Kane dodges a
clothesline and Show ends up wrapping his own arm around the ring post. Maybe this will play in, leading into
Wrestlemania against Rhodes? Kane lands
boots and a low dropkick for one. Kane
settles into a chinlock, but Show powers out and they hit a double clothesline
on one another. Think that’s the biggest
set of wrestlers I’ve ever seen do that spot. They land big rights on their
knees, get to their feet and trade headbutts and clotheslines. Show lands a corner buttbutt and a shoulder
tackle (Booker T was calling for a spear – can’t call things right when they
happen, so don’t bother predicting, Book) but Kane answers with a running DDT
for a two count. Kane climbs up top for
his signature clothesline, but jumps into a Big Show chokeslam. Rhodes slides in and Show tosses him
out. Rhodes runs and Show chases. Back in the ring, Randy Orton slinks in and
lands an RKO on Kane. Faces are looking
strong after this one.
Winner: Big Show via
I don’t believe the outcome of this was actually announced,
but that’s not surprising at this point.
Rhodes continues to heel on Big Show, but Show saw it coming this
time. This might be the match I have the
least idea of what they’ll do with at ‘Mania, and that’s not a bad thing. Some surprises are always welcome.
Match 5 – Brodus Clay vs Heath Slater
They tie up and Brodus drops Heath straight down, face
first. Heath fights up to his feet and
dropkicks Brodus in the knee, followed by an enzuigiri. He may be the first person to actually knock
Clay down since the Funkasaurus gimmick debuted. Brodus stands up and delivers a headbutt to
the chest, sending Slater flying. He
lands a knee, a t-bone suplex and a big splash for the win.
Winner: Brodus Clay
via pinfall
Starting to allow some offense to befall Brodus is
important, as the dancing squash machine is getting a bit tired at this
point. Brodus’s splash looks so much
better than Henry’s.
Raw Replay 5 (If they cut two of these out, AJ could have
gotten her entrance) – HHH/HBK/Taker
The Lord Tensai spot replays, which is one replay that’s
actually okay by me. At least it’s for a
new comer.
Match 6 – The Great Khali vs Dolph Ziggler
Each man enters with his GM.
Christian is on commentary. A
heel on commentary? With a vested
interest in the combatants? I wonder
what will happen! Ziggler opens with
strikes that have no effect. After a tumble
outside, the men end up back in the ring and Ziggler takes frying pan chops
from Khali. Ziggler gives Khali a
dropkick and locks in a front chancery.
Khali tosses Ziggler off and gives him a clothesline. Ziggler dodges the Brain Chop and locks on a
Sleeper and the bell immediately rings.
Lauranaitis just montreal-screwjobbed Khali, apparently. Teddy disagrees and restarts the match, but
Ziggler makes no effort to reenter, so Khali wins.
Winner: The Great Khali via countout
Kofi and Santino run out and toss Ziggler into the ring to
take a Brain Chop to end the segment. On
their way, they bump Otunga and he spills his coffee. That part was far more entertaining to me
than it should have been. Nobody really
looked great here leading into the 12-man tag match. Ziggler looked great in the ring, but he can
take a broomstick to a five star match, so that goes unsaid.
Match 7 – Sheamus and CM Punk (WWE Champion) vs The Miz and
Daniel Bryan (World Heavyweight Champion)
Sheamus and Bryan to start, but a quick tag out to Miz. We’ll see a lot of that tonight. Sheamus with a big headlock takeover. Sheamus blocks a hip toss attempt and
delivers a clothesline. A tag out to
Punk, who comes off the top with an axe handle to Miz’s arm and a scoop
slam. Punk continues the attack with an
arm wringer and tags to Sheamus, who delivers an over the top rope shoulder
block. Sheamus lands an early Irish
Curse backbreaker, but Bryan breaks it up, drawing Sheamus to chase him. Miz knocks Sheamus to the floor and Bryan
delivers a low dropkick to Sheamus – the same kick that cost Sheamus a match
one week ago. With a face in peril on
the floor, it’s the perfect time for a commercial break (it’s really not).
Back from break, Miz delivers a boot to the
face and slaps a chinlock on Sheamus. Sheamus
fights out and lands a back body drop, then tags in Punk. Punk lands a flying clothesline, a
neckbreaker, a knee and bulldog in the corner and climbs to the top for an
elbow drop. Bryan distracts and this
leads to Miz landing his swinging DDT and tagging in Bryan, who is met with “Danny
Boy” chants (told you!). Bryan kicks
Punk and lands knee drops. He then
wrenches Punk’s arm back and delivers another knee drop for two. Bryan stretches Punk with a surfboard, but
Punk fights up and chops Bryan, only to get cut off with a knee to the gut and
a kick to the back. Miz tags back in and
lands a knee lift for two. Punk fights
back with rights, but Miz catches him for the Reality Check. Punk escapes the neckbreaker portion of the
combination and lands a big kick to the head.
Miz makes the tag first, but Punk dives for Sheamus – our Wrestlemania
opponents are finally in the ring together.
Bryan turns tail to tag Miz, but nobody is in his corner, since Punk
kicked Miz’s head clean off his shoulders.
Sheamus runs wild on Bryan and lands forearms and a powerslam. Miz finally makes it back to the apron and
Bryan makes a desperation tag. Sheamus
again gives chase, but this time he gets the better of his opponents and delivers
a Brogue Kick to Miz for being in the way.
That’s good for a three count.
Winners: Sheamus and
CM Punk via pinfall
So there’s Smackdown with just over a week left until the big
show (which will feature The Big Show).
Teams Teddy and Johnny exchanged actual wins and settled for a silly
count out to round out the threesome. AJ
is on a bit of a roll, backed by her champion boyfriend – for her sake, I hope
something comes of it. Brodus Clay
continues to be a monster, but actually receives a tiny bit of punishment this
week. Brodus happens to be my pick for ‘unannounced
match’ at Wrestlemania. Big Show and
Randy Orton looked strong against their respective ‘Mania opponents this
week. Far too much Raw Replay time this
week for my taste – I’d much rather see some matches get more time or a
potential-push recipient like AJ actually get to make her entrance. Seven matches sounds like a lot for a two
hour show, but 4-5 of them clocked in under five minutes. More wrestlers wrestling leading into
Wrestlemania isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it’d be a welcome change.
We’ll have some Geek Asylum Wrestlemania predictions coming
up this week for you – Please chime in via comments or Twitter (@thegeekasylum
and @sbfantom) and let us know what you think will happen and what you think of
what we think!
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