Saturday, March 31, 2012

WWE Wrestlemania 28 Predictions

So here we are, just under a week away from Wrestlemania 28 in sunny Miami.  It's time to take a look at the card for the biggest wrestling show of the year and start making predictions.  As a preface, I will be predicting who I believe will be booked to win - not necessarily who I would like to win.  The order of matches is also up in the air, and we'll see how close I get to predicting that as well!

Steve's Predictions

Match 1 -  Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan (c) for the World Heavyweight Championship

Sheamus has been on one of the strongest win streaks in the WWE in a long time.  From the Royal Rumble until now he has been a devastating force in the ring and has held his own on the mic with everyone placed in front of him.  If I had my choice, I'd like to see Bryan win, perhaps with AJ turning heel and leading to a heel power couple, but I absolutely expect Sheamus to take this and for it to be the opener.  I do sincerely hope that if Bryan loses the title here, he isn't dropped off the face of the Earth like so many former champs.  I hope for a chase back or even for AJ to nab the Divas title and end up the champ half of the underdog couple, more than likely leading to some great television.
Match 2 - Team Teddy Long vs Team John Lauranaitis - Winning team determines General Manager of Raw and Smackdown

I expect this to be nothing shy of a clusterfuck, with Dolph Ziggler stealing the show and Santino pleasing the crowd.  As of now, this has not been announced to be an elimination match, so everyone will likely cycle in and out, exchanging signature spots and finishers.  With Drew McIntyre replacing Christian on the team and Miz added, I'm willing to bet one or both of them takes a flurry of finishers at one point.  Again, not quite my choice, but I see Team Johnny taking this one, perhaps with Captain Otunga finishing up Captain Santino.

Match 3 - Kane vs Randy Orton

This really seems to amount to nothing more than "We wanted Orton on the show, but had nothing for him".  If this program is coming to a close, I'd expect Orton to win.  If it will continue, I'd say Kane.  Out of sheer desire to not see this feud continue, let's say Randy Orton.  I'd really like to say more on this but given the 'build' to the match and the feud that ensued, there really isn't much left.

Match 4 - Big Show vs Cody Rhodes (c) for the Intercontinental Championship

This is where match order starts to get a bit tough.  By all rights, the Intercontinental title shouldn't get higher billing than either of the 'major' titles, but a hot start to the show with a title change is a pretty safe bet.  So the IC title plays in the middle of the show.  As I've said for weeks, I cannot fathom WWE putting the Intercontinental title on Big Show in 2012, so one of my most steadfast predictions this year is Cody Rhodes, possibly via nefarious means.  He was shown able to topple Khali on his own, and I hope that's a sign of things to come.

Match 5 - Beth Phoenix/Eve vs Kelly Kelly/Maria Menounos

This match is basically filler.  It's a shame that divas matches all amount to time killing, bathroom breaks and time to get a pretzel or t-shirt at the arena, but that's what they've become.  If Kharma will be making any kind of impact, it should be in this match, attacking Phoenix and declaring that she'll run wild all over the divas division for the title.  This of course puts a damper on the slightly-rumored push that AJ might get toward the Divas title, but any kind of shake up would be welcome.  I hope to see Phoenix get some retribution this year, but with WWE being the company it is, the easy money is on Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos.  That said, I'd love to be surprised by Phoenix dropping Maria with the Glam Slam to make up for her loss at Wrestlemania 27.

Match 6 - HHH vs Undertaker (Special referee: Shawn Michaels) in Hell in a Cell

This might be, in spite of "the streak" being the most important 'title' in WWE right now, the hardest to call.  There are so many possibly outcomes that make sense and lead into a year of build, on top of so many rumors floating around that it's kind of a coin flip.  HHH has a propensity for going over in matches like this, but Undertaker has the streak.  Shawn Michaels is a huge wildcard in this, as one of the biggest egos in WWE history - does he stop the streak to avenge himself or does he stop HHH from doing what he himself couldn't?  If HBK screws either one of them in any way, it all but sets up a program leading out of Wrestlemania this year or even leading to Wrestlemania next year.  'Taker has focused on verbiage of the match remaining 'pure' for weeks now; I don't think anyone actually expects it to be.  Tough to call, but I believe in the streak (and more importantly, I believe WWE believes in it) so I give this one to The Undertaker.

Match 7 - Chris Jericho vs CM Punk (c) for the WWE Championship

There's a small bit of self-serving I've done with putting this match here in the line up.  For far too long, the major titles of WWE have essentially meant nothing.  Bryan and Punk have both held the titles for a relatively long time which is a welcome change, but not a paradigm shift.  If Jericho takes this, it will lead to a chase from Punk to recapture the title, and if Punk pulls it out, it's a bit of a torch passing.  As a fan of both men, I don't hate the idea of either one carrying the WWE title, but I would like to see a continued strong reign from Punk.  CM Punk winning this could also lead to a Jericho chase to desperately prove he is the best in the world, culminating in a big blowoff match at a later PPV, like Extreme Rules.  CM Punk needs a Wrestlemania moment far more than Chris Jericho does.  Above all else, I predict this will be an excellent match, and that prediction I'm confident in.  One negative aspect of this placement (should I be right) - This match will be considered a 'wind down' match between the two "billed" main events of HHH/Undertaker and Rock/Cena.  Normally this is where a divas match would go, but I refuse to consider the divas match would go second to last at Wrestlemania.

Match 8 - John Cena vs The Rock

If this ends up not being the main event, I would be flabbergasted.  There's rumors all around, talking about a rematch for next year, Cena heel turns, Miz interference and so on.  The only way I see Miz interference in this match is if he just gets laid out by both men and has no legitimate impact on the outcome of the match.  And now that Miz is in the GM 12 man tag, it's far less likely.  A Cena heel turn is about as likely as this not being the main event.  My gut instinct is John Cena taking this.  With no continued program, there's absolutely no reason for Rock to beat Cena.  This match just begs of a 'torch passing' and it will more that likely be bestowed upon Cena with a victory.  I'm not especially interested in another year long build to Rock/Cena II, so I hope for some kind of closure here.  What I would like to see is a strong, aggressive, almost vicious streak out of Cena in this match, and to continue that intensity on past Wrestlemania.

With eight matches announced, the only unannounced match I can imagine is a Brodus Clay squash of somebody.  He was brought back just in time for 'Mania, so it would be a bit odd to not include him in some fashion.  Of course, there will be a few vignettes, celebrity appearances and so on.  These time wasters will detract from matches getting more time, so the only prediction I have as far as they go is they'll piss me off. 

Eric's Predictions
It's that time of the year again. the time where all of WWE's frustrating shorelines come to a head at the showcase of the immortals WRESTLEMANIA. So lets begin the as per usual predictions that make the event so much more enjoyable.

Sheamus v Daniel Bryan for the Heavyweight Title

I'm enjoying the face push that Sheamus is getting now. I dunno, something about a large happy go lucky Irishman just makes me want to root for the fella. But I feel like we've only seen the tip of the iceberg with Daniel Bryan. but alas this all isn't up to me and I can only assume how Vincent K McMahon will toy with my emotions. I'm going with D Bryan FTW! YES! YES! YES!

Chris Jericho vs CM Punk for the WWE Title

Been waiting for this match since Y2J came back. Come now. With the push CM Punk has been getting for the oats year you really think that he's gonna lose Sunday? Puhleeze! It's certain to be a fantastic match. With Punk winning and retaining.

HHH vs Undertaker Hell in a Cell w/ HBK as guest referee

I honestly never know how these 'Taker 'Mania matches will go. But I can see Taker walking away with the win, the streak and away from the WWE. Along with HHH.

Beth Phoenix/Eve vs Kelly Kelly/ Maria Menounos

Why? Just why? Guest celebrity wrestlers always win somehow. It's a Divas match ergo I don't care, I'll be taking a dump at that time or getting another slice of pizza. Kelly Kelly wins. My sexual frustration loses.

Team Teddy vs Team Lauranaitis

I hate both of these GM's. I wonder if they can both lose. Whatever, I get to see the cobra strike at Wreslemania so I'm satisfied. Bitches love Big Johnny.

Kane vs Randy Orton

A filler match. Gives Randy a reason not to pout backstage for not getting screentime since he's as fragile as Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable. Kane wins this though because he can.

Big Show vs Cody Rhodes

After Big Show had the title for about three minutes this year I'd say he's due for some happiness. And since Cody is a douche, I say justice will be served. 

John Cena vs The Rock

I'm of the opinion that the Rocks gimmick is old. It's nothing I haven't heard before and it's only working because he's bringing Attitude Era/ real world language to the PG WWE. I respect Cena. As a person and as a performer. He has taken more crap from the fans than a lot of the guys in the locker room. Do i think he needs a heel turn? Hell yeah! will he get one? no. Because it's about money. Punk got his push because he became too popular to overlook. His t shirts were selling out as much as Cenas where. Cena makes too much money for the WWE as a face than a heel.

There just aren't enough of us cynical bastards out there to make them change him. Anywho, that being said its hard to tell whats gonna happen. Rock is gonna be at next years Mania but we don't know in what capacity. Rock v Cena 2? Who's asking for the rematch? I say Miz interferes and gives Rock the victory and Cena spends the next year telling Rock he didn't prove shit and gets him to fight one last time. One last time…seems like another cliche WWE tag line. Perfect. Rock with the unclean win.

Let us know what you think in the comments - title changes, "extra" predictions, match order.  We want to hear it!


Steve Berkman said...

I believe the above gentleman gets a good feeling

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