Sunday, April 29, 2012

WWE Smackdown Lowdown 4/27/12

WWE Smackdown - April 27th, 2012

It's two days to the Extreme Rules pay per view, so it's WWE's last chance to set the stage, rally the fans and get us excited.  So of course, we open with a replay of something from Raw.  Brock Lesnar destroying Josh Matthews is replayed, amid grim voices from Michael Cole and Booker T.

The show proper opens with Daniel Bryan, out to a chorus of "YES" chants from the crowd, despite WWE's best efforts to pipe in boos.  WWE absolutely must stop this campaign to teach their viewers how to feel about wrestlers; to make new stars, they've got to let us decide for ourselves.  Bryan is excited to tell us that he has finally rid himself of AJ.  Wrestlemania's 18 second loss to Sheamus should go on AJ's record; not Bryan's.  Bryan is upset that Sheamus is walking around with his belt, as if he won something.  He is convinced that Sheamus couldn't beat him once, let alone twice in one night.  Bryan is proud of how he handled his referee duties on Monday, despite the accusations that he counted fast.  Cut to a video of the Henry/ Sheamus match with the pinfall count slowed down significantly.  This is one of those visuals that doesn't work in text form, but the ludicrousness of Bryan's smug smile following the video was great for a laugh; Bryan is right at home as a smug heel.  Bryan says he's disappointed that the World Heavyweight Champion lost his cool during a match, followed by a replay of the result:  Bryan locking on the Yes!lock and Sheamus unable to escape.  Bryan then announces Q&A time: Did Mark Henry beat Sheamus?  YES!  Did Bryan make Sheamus tap afterwards?  YES!  Is Sheamus' title reign a fluke?  YES!  Will Bryan regain his title at Extreme Rules?  YES!!!  Enter Alberto Del Rio to ruin Bryan's fun.

Alberto takes over the Q&A session:  Has Daniel Bryan been making excuses?  Si!  Will the winner of the title match subsequently lose to Del Rio?  Si!  Will Bryan be forgotten when ADR is the World Heavyweight Champion?  Si!  Big Show makes his way out to further ruin the fun.  Big Show asks (About 12 times) if it's "Si!"  or "Yes!"?  Show threatens Bryan, who bails, and the pattern follows with Del Rio.  Ricardo Rodriguez gets caught by Big Show and takes a Chokeslam.  That's your face Intercontinental Champion, folks - Picking on poor Gomez.

Match 1 - Alberto Del Rio vs Big Show (Intercontinental Champion)

We join this match in progress back from a commercial; I hate when they do this.  Our first shot of the match is a big frying pan chop to Alberto's chest.  Big Show rushes in and ADR gets his boots up into his face, but walks into strikes from Show.  Del Rio escapes a powerslam attempt and kicks at Show's legs, but he answers with a shoulder block.  ADR bails outside and Big Show lifts him up by his head onto the apron.  Del Rio drops Big Show's arm across the top rope then scampers back in to follow up, continuing to work the arm.  Del Rio attempts to mount the arm for an armbar, but Big Show lifts him for a slightly off-kilter belly to back, similar to his counter on Raw.  Show runs ass first into ADR in the corner, hits the ropes and lands a spear.  Cody Rhodes hits the ring to attack Show.  Cody chopblocks the giant and Del Rio hits a low enzuigiri.  Cody hops outside and grabs a kendo stick and steel chair.  Cody swings at the back of Big Show's neck with the kendo stick, with no effect.  Cody grabs the chair, but Show punches it out of his hands.  Rhodes pulls off his belt, but Show boots him to the mat then grabs the belt himself.  A couple shots to Rhodes' back and Cody escapes.

Winner:  Big Show via disqualification

It's good to see them continue to build the feud, but I sincerely hope to see Rhodes finagle a win this Sunday and begin to move on to a program with someone a bit closer to his size, as that would allow him to have more solid matches.  There's only so much that can be done with a giant opponent and they've pretty much exhausted the options here.  The match (while it was in process) was pretty standard fare for Big Show.  Alberto Del Rio is another guy who could truly use an opponent his size and speed to shine.

John Lauranaitis and Eve are shown in the back and Johnny tells Eve to make changes as she sees fit.  She wants all the back stage crew to wear name tags.  Enter Teddy Long to be embarrassed in some way, shape or form.  Johnny tells Teddy that he now answers to Eve and to grab himself a name tag.  Whoop de doo.

We're treated to a replay of Nikki Bella capturing the Diva's title in a lumberjill match on Monday - now we know that a diva's match is upcoming.

A new Damien Sandow vignette plays:  Sandow plans to bring enlightenment to the masses and we finally find out when he will make his debut.  It's next week!

Match 2 - Alicia Fox vs Nikki Bella (Divas Champion), non-title match

Alicia gets the jobber treatment; no entrance.  The two women kind of tie up and a jawbuster is delivered to Fox.  Bella presses Fox's throat to the ropes, using her ass.  Yeah, sure; that's a thing you can do.  Bella follows with a snapmare and neck snap for two.  Bella settles into a seated abdominal stretch, which Fox breaks out of by elbowing Nikki's knee.  Brilliant strategy.  Fox follows with an armdrag, and the women slam each other face first by the hair.  Fox continues the attack with single legged dropkicks and a back elbow from the middle turnbuckle.  Fox goes to his the ropes, but Nikki grabs her hair and gives her a backward mat slam (very much an Edge-o-matic by the hair).  The ref checks on Fox and Nikki and Brie switch places for a bit of twin magic.  The fresh twin kicks Alicia Fox in the gut, which she sells hard by dropping to her knees, making it awkward for Brie to land the Bella Buster, but she does so for three.

Winner:  Nikki Bella via pinfall (via Brie Bella)

That was the longest divas match in a long time; wasted on Fox being in the ring at all.  The Bellas are rumored to be leaving WWE soon, which we can likely assess after Sunday, depending on who is holding the Divas title.  All of this should be leading to Kharma making her way back to the ring some time soon to run roughshod over the division.

Yoshi Tatsu is warming up in the back when Titus O'Neil and Darren Young should happen across him.  They tell him that they are fast rising stars, then try to slow down and break down the English for him; that's disrespectful.  They question who Yoshi's tag partner will be when Ezekiel Jackson shows up and says he will be.  O'Neil and Young dance and sing their way out of the shot, which seems like might be their gimmick at this point.

Teddy Long is in a maid's outfit with a chest-sized nametag.  Aksana enters and Teddy stumbles over his lines.  Johnny enters with Eve and tells Aksana that her requested favor has been granted; Antonio Cesaro will get a try out match tonight.  Teddy will be given an announcer's table tonight, where Johnny will feed him lines.  I feel like they're self-deprecating the oft-noted fact that all those things Michael Cole says (all those things we hate so much) are fed to him from the back.  Odd for WWE to poke fun at itself.

Match 3 - Yoshi Tatsu and Ezekiel Jackson vs Titus O'Neil and Darren Young

Tatsu and Zeke are given the no-entrance treatment, despite the fact that Ezekiel Jackson was Intercontinental Champion just a short while ago.  Tatsu and Young open the match with forearms fired back and forth.  Young hotshots Tatsu across the top rope then tags in the powerful O'Neil, who clubs Tatsu's back for a one count.  O'Neil delivers a scoop slam and tags Young back in.  They deliver a double shoulder block and Young drops an elbow for two.  Tatsu fights back with chops, but gets reversed, meanwhile Zeke gets punted off the arpon.  O'Neil takes Tatsu up into powerbomb position and Young leaps from the second rope with a clothesline, which is good for the win.

Winners:  Titus O'Neil and Darren Young via pinfall

I quite like the idea of a new duo, introduced as a capable tag team instead of some hodgepodge screwed up way.  The finisher was once again a bit sloppy; seems like the positioning between the two is a bit off, but we'll chalk that up to doing something new.  Hopefully we continue to see matches with the new team, preferably a bit longer and less one sided, in the future.

Randy Orton comes out for an interview with Michael Cole.  Orton checks over his shoulder as he makes his entrance, showing just that tiny bit of tentativeness concerning the goings on with Kane.  Michael Cole informs Orton that Johnny has passed down an order that no superstar may touch any announcer after the events of Raw (We all love to hate Johnny, but to be fair, that's a good call).  Orton informs Cole that he's not a rational man; he tends to shoot first, ask questions last.  Cole throws to a recap of the Kane/Orton feud.  Orton has pushed Kane to be the monster he is right now.  Orton says at Extreme Rules, he doesn't want to just pin Kane, he wants to inflict suffering.  Kane messed with Orton's family; there's a part of Orton that wants to respect that, but he refuses to accept it.  Jinder Mahal comes out and says he's thrilled that Orton and Kane will take each other out, making room for the "new breed", such as himself.  Mahal says he'll be waiting after Extreme Rules.  Orton asks Mahal if he's an announcer, then after hearing "no" he delivers an RKO.

Typical Orton fare - "I'm not rational, I'm going to beat someone up."  It works for him and they kept it simple.  With any luck, this won't mean a program with Mahal is impending for Orton...or anyone else for that matter.

Aksana is the special ring announcer for the next match; God help us.

Match 4 - Tyson Kidd vs Antonio Cesaro, "try out" match

Cesaro opens with a gut shot, a boot, a headbutt and another boot.  With Kidd down, Cesaro rubs his face into the mat.  He then deadlifts Kidd into a gutwrench/side salto and stomps away.  Kidd gets to his feet and goes up and over Cesaro, then lands a spinning back kick.  Kidd hits the ropes, but runs into the Swiss Death (Cesaro's elevated European uppercut).

Cesaro immediately follows with what's currently being called a Gotch Style Neutralizer; it's a cradle reverse mat slam, likely to be named with a rugby and/or European pun.  Regardless, it's good for three.

Winner: Antonio Cesaro via pinfall

Long is told by Johnny to get in the ring and raise Cesaro's hand, and afterwards Aksana kisses Cesaro.  Long is visibly distraught at the harlot's actions; the rest of us don't give a damn.  An expected strong initial showing from Cesaro; of all the 'indie' guys coming into FCW recently, he has one of the best chances to shine in WWE, even if they've diluted his character a bit here.  Also, the music he came out to was ludicrously generic and bugged the hell out of me, but then I chalked it up to it being a "try out" so he was given just any music.  I suspect in his next appearance he'll have something a bit more unique.  Also, Tyson Kidd being on TV is great, but he absolutely deserves better; one of THE best wrestling talents on the roster.

A summary of the Lesnar/Cena ongoing issues is played; a well done video.

Match 5 - Great Khali vs Cody Rhodes

Khali doesn't appear to be selling his leg anymore; I guess one show was good enough for him.  Cody shoots right for the leg, but gets clubbed in the back.  Rhodes throws a dropkick at the knee of Khali, then begins to work the leg over by DDT'ing Khali's foot.  Khali powers his way to his feet, but Rhodes comes off the top with a missile dropkick for two.  Rhodes drops an elbow across the knee then wrenches the leg.  Khali clubs his way out, and Rhodes tries to control with a chancery, which Khali powers out of.  Khali lands clotheslines and tries the Punjabi Plunge, but Rhodes kicks the knee to escape.  Rhodes tries for the Beautiful Disaster, but Khali catches him with the Punjabi Plunge for three.

Winner:  Great Khali via pinfall

So Cody Rhodes loses clean to an injured Great Khali two nights before his shot to regain the IC title, which will have a stipulation determined by the spin of a wheel...I hate everything about the sentence I just typed.  Khali needs to get gone, real soon.

Abraham Washington is in the back with Primo, Epico and Rosa.  A lot yapping goes on and he tells them to make a decision on his representing them by Monday.  Ryback walks by and AW gives chase to hand out his business card.  If something doesn't happen real soon, this angle needs to end.

Match 6 - Jacob Kaye vs Ryback

The Usos watch in the back, once again showing us how to react to a guy in the ring; piss off.  Kaye goes for a crossbody block, but gets set like a volley ball, which looked awesome.  Ryback boots the little fella after he hits the ropes, and manages to keep his foot on his throat, all the way to the ground; also awesome.  Ryback lifts Kaye into a gorilla press, then catches him in a powerslam.  Ryback lifts Kaye to his feet by his neck, then lays him out with a big larait.  The Torture Rack Muscle Buster Samoan Drop follows for the win.

Winner: Ryback via pinfall

The internet/Wikipedia are calling his finisher a delayed fisherman's suplex, but I don't think that at all does it justice.  Now's about the time for Ryback to start moving into some kind of program.  Every week, the entire locker room is impressed by Ryback, but simultaneously mocks the petite gents he mows over.  That seems a bit backwards.  Have him beat someone worth beating if you want us to be impressed as well.

A recap of AJ getting dumped and going ballistic on Natalya plays, so we know an AJ segment is coming soon.

AJ is in the back (called it!) and Matt Striker enters to ask her questions on the goings on with her and Daniel Bryan.  With each question, she blows Striker off and goes to leave, but he continues to press her.  Kaitlyn shows up to tell Striker to back off because AJ is obviously not having it tonight.  Kaitlyn tells a distant AJ that Bryan was a jerk; he didn't respect her, he didn't love her.  Bryan did nothing for her.  This apparently upsets AJ further, as she slaps the taste out of Kaitlyn's mouth, then immediately shows remorse for her actions.  She's continually distancing herself from people and attacking old friends; I sincerely hope a legitimate program comes out of this.

Match 7 - Mark Henry vs Sheamus (World Heavyweight Champion), non-title match

The two big men tie up and Henry throws Sheamus down twice.  Henry throws a headbutt to Sheamus who responds with rights, but takes a clothesline.  Sheamus ducks the next one, then chopblocks and single arm DDTs Henry for two.  Sheamus keeps on the arm of Henry, but Henry shoves Sheamus over the top rope by his neck.  Henry follows then rolls Sheamus back in; that should really happen more often.  Sheamus makes his way out to the apron then attacks Henry with an over-the-top rope shoulder block for a one count.  Henry bails to the outside, leading to a commercial.  Back, Sheamus runs into a scoop slam.  Henry tries for a splash but comes up empty.  It's Henry's turn to roll to the apron, allowing Sheamus to land signature forearms to the chest.  Henry elbows his way out then hip tosses Sheamus to the floor through the bottom and middle ropes.  You don't often see someone fight out of the apron forearms from Sheamus and you definitely don't see someone hip toss someone out like that.  Henry continues the attack by throwing Sheamus into the barrier.  Sheamus is rolled into the ring and covered for a one.  Henry lands a headbutt and settles into a nerve hold.  Sheamus fights up to his feet, but runs into a boot from Henry.  Henry follows with a clothesline for two.  Henry continues applying pressure in the corner.  Sheamus fights back from his knee, but takes another headbutt.  Henry locks in a neck wrench, but Sheamus fights up and begins to land axe handles, followed by a DDT for two.  Henry dodges a Brough Kick attempt and lands a big clothesline for two.  In the corner, Sheamus gets a boot up, allowing him time to climb to the top.  Sheamus comes off at Henry, who dodges - Sheamus lands on his feet and shoulder rolls then quickly pivots and lands a Brough Kick for the win.

Winner:  Sheamus via pinfall

Daniel Bryan comes out clapping for Sheamus.  Sheamus asks Bryan to come down to the ring and says Bryan is scared that he'll get his head kicked off in 18 seconds.  Sheamus tells "Danny Boy" that he's not getting off easy.  This Sunday, Sheamus' win won't be a fluke and Bryan won't be able to blame AJ.  Sheamus asks "Will I kick your arse at Extreme Rules?  YES!  YES!  YES!"

So that's our go-home Smackdown.  Wrestling wise, the show was up and down - A new tag team continues to win and a new singles star wins strong in his debut, not to mention the World Heavyweight Champion beating an always-strong opponent nice and clean in the middle of the ring.  Then of course, there's the Great Khali and Alicia Fox.  Every coin has two sides.  As a "go-home" I would have said this was pretty weak until the end, with Sheamus beating a threat clean and having a hands-off confrontation with his rival.  It's such a simple equation and all too often WWE uses the wrong variables.


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