Thursday, May 3, 2012

Avengers Movie Primer: Fury's Big Week

Are you ready for The Avengers TONIGHT!? We are, but you might need some help (And if you do, you might need some serious help).

We've tackled each movie leading up to the Avengers, and while we've already tackled The Incredible Hulk,The Invincible Iron Man, The Mighty Thor, and lastly Captain America, there's an unforgettable character that we've all come to know and anticipate. That's right, Nick Fury has had a big week, and Marvel Comics has it all covered in 4 short issues. We're going to take a look at the four issue series that  ties all of the movies together in one neat little package.

The Avenger's Prelude: Fury's Big Week is a 4 issue miniseries. Since we're going to give you massive spoilers right now, don't bother picking them up. You're going to see The Avengers anyway (You'd better be!) and alls these 4 issues do is fill some gaps you wouldn't really notice or care for until after reading. If your thirst for knowledge still isn't quenched, feel free to go waste your money on the issues or the Trade copy when it comes out in a month of two.

So let me cover the first major reveal of the series: SHIELD was formed, but Nick Fury wasn't the main man for the job. He was still having budget issues, and his main goal was finding out information about the Tesserect (Remember, it's what Red Skull called the Cosmic Cube). He convinces what looks like a board of directors that he is the man for the job, simply by listing what he did over the course of one week. He drove Tony Stark to create a new element, and removing the poisoning effects of his heart arc reactor. He recovered the Destroyer armor and is having testing done on it to make it either operational or convert it into a more useful power source. And finally he had a successful recovery of Captain America from the arctic region. Not too shabby, right?

Wait what? Oh right- that's one of the other revealed secrets of the series. The Destroyer armor was recovered after Thor stopped it's rampage, and was being tested on. After a series of tests, SHIELD did manage to get the robot operational and controlled, and the next decision was to break it down, harness the power, and make a new weapon. That's all we know of the Destroyer Armor, but be fully stocked to see it return in either The Avengers or the next Thor movie.

Next secret- Black Widow goes into the lab of Samuel Sterns shortly after The Abomination breaks out of it. She finds a wounded Sterns, now with his head beginning to change and bulge, and neutralizes him, taking him in to custody.

Next- Hawkeye/Agent Barton is taken to a remote SHIELD facility with Erik Selvig. Fury makes note to keep an eye on Selvig, as he suspects something of him. When Fury leaves, we see Selvig make mention that he remembers who Clint is, with Loki appearing in the mirror behind him, revealing that these are his own words.

Let's just move right along- the series lets you know a timeline. "The Incredible Hulk" takes place right after the first Iron Man movie, but is occurring throughout Thor and Iron Man 2. If you pay attention, you can see a news report when the Hulk is being attacked at the university as you watch the movie, but if you pay closer attention in Iron man 2, that same news report is on a TV in one of Stark's rooms. Here's a screenshot so you can see; the news report in the upper left hand corner is a scene from the Incredible Hulk.

The next time line event is Iron Man 2 and Thor. Those two bother occur one right after the other, with Iron Man 2 happening first. We know this basically from the teaser we got at the end of Iron Man 2, where Coulson found the Mjolnir stuck in the middle of the desert. We also have evidence in Thor, where not only does Coulson play a role in the movie, but SHIELD agents make the comment about the Destroyer to the effect of "Is that one of Stark's?".

Lastly, we have Captain America. If you didn't know, Captain America happens first, roughly 70 years before anything. What we find out in the issues, however, is that Cap is revived a full year after the events of the other three movies.

What does all of this mean for The Avengers? Well for one, this means that Tony has had a full year to assess the Avengers Initiative, the news reports of Thor and Hulk, and the testing on the Destroyer. Thor has been stuck, supposedly, in Asgard for over a year, and The Incredible Hulk has managed to supposedly stay in seclusion for just as long. Since there is a year gap, this also gives Stark time to either upgrade his armor, develop more of that element, or upgrade/dismantle the War Machine armor for Rhodes. Expect to see something new with Iron Man, that man is a technological think tank.

What else is there to look out for? STAN LEE. He's made a cameo in every Marvel Movie, and in case you missed him at all, here's a recap:
"The Hulk"; as a security guard with Lou

"Iron Man"; a guest at one of the Galas, mistaken for Hefner

"The Incredible Hulk"; as the unfortunate person succumbed to Gamma Poisoning

"Iron Man 2"; again mistaken for a celebrity at a Gala

"Thor"; the driver of the pick-up truck when trying to remove Mjolnir

"Captain America: The First Avenger"; a World War II General at ceremony honoring Cap
With that all being said, keep on the lookout for Stan Lee in The Avengers!

Still lost? Well, be sure to check out the Geek Asylum's full coverage of the previous Marvel Comics Universe movies! We covered Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, and Captain America, so be sure to check them out!

The Avengers is OUT! Go see it, or read about it!!!


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