Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bees Knees Apps: Bag It! for iOS

Today we look at a fairly fun addition to your Game-Center collection, Bag it. While it looks like an animated mess at first, rest assured, your finger swiping fun has only just begun. While temporarily free, look for a $0.99 price-tag in the future, so get it while you can.

Bag it sticks you exactly where you think you'd be. You're bagging your groceries. No no, it's NOT lame. It's actually quite fun and time consuming. For starters, there's levels, and the game gets progressively harder with different goals. Each level is represented by an Aisle, so while the first aisle may only give you cereal, milk, and other common goods, you get more as you progress through.

I'm not an all-star player, this is only Aisle 1!
Your main goal is simple- Put your groceries into the bag without breaking them. You get a standard size grocery bag, and you have to fit each differently sized, shaped, and weighted groceries in to fill up your bag. Of course we apply the laws of physics here, so don't go putting your Watermelons on top of the eggs.

When you get enough stars for the scores you get, you unlock different variations of bagging. So while the first level may be a simple "Bag it" scenario, you'll unlock timers, multiple bags, minimum bag-fills, and other fun scenarios. I'm as far as level two, and the first level is exactly the opposite- Break as many groceries as possible by crushing them, dropping them, or smashing them!

That's really all there is to it- you get a nifty little puzzle game that brings back the fun (if there ever was, of course) in bagging your own groceries. Don't get too caught up in the moment, it's a lot more fun to pack as much as you can in, and see how quickly you can do it. You can rotate your groceries, or drop them in place, and rearrange them as you go along as long as they fit. With level specific goals such as not breaking anything, pairing up multiple of the same items, or giving your milk and orange juice a date, the game will keep you coming back for more.

With a tie-in to Game-Center, you'll not only want to beat the game, but maybe earn a high-score or two while you're at it. I would definitely add this game to your App Gauntlet if you haven't, because like any good game on iOS, there will be more levels in future updates!


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