Tuesday, June 12, 2012

True Blood Recap: Episode 1 "Turn! Turn! Turn!"

Warning:  Article contains spoilers

Last night, HBO premiered season 5 of True Blood, a premiere that had been much anticipated since the finale last summer. Well the finale was not at all what I expected it to be, and that's not a good thing...

The episode started off exactly where we left off at last year's finale. We had Eric and Bill cleaning up the mess they made with Nan, Sookie dealing with her werewolf problem and Tara's headshot, Alcide and Sam dealing with the aftermath of the death of Marcus, Lafayette dealing with Tara and Jesus's death, Terry and his mysterious army friend... am I missing anything? Yes this season went straight into every storyline and left us with an extremely convoluted episode. This episode came off as a part 2 to last years finale. A very lacking part two.

The writing was lacking. True Blood has always had its fun campy side, but this time it seemed to... well... jump off the deep end a bit. The episode really just pushed every storyline to the bizarre/disbelief side. Eric banging his "sister" came out of nowhere. Yes it wasn't really his sister, Godric was just both their maker, but still, it felt like the show only added this in for shock. It didn't add much to the episode, other than a sex scene. 

Lets take on Tara being turned. Tara's storyline has been so up and down and honestly, I thought it would be the end. Well now with Tara becoming, what it looks like, a half there, self hating vampire, looks like the beginning of another pointless Tara storyline. Lafayette seemed ready to take his life in the bathtub, which would have made the episode 100x more interesting. Instead he shaved his head which I guess symbolized cleansing from last season.

Maybe the storyline I enjoyed the most was Alcide and Sam dealing with the werewolf pack. I'm curious how the storyline will end up playing out and how Alcide will take control of the pack. The pack seems divided on accepting Alcide as their new leader. Also, some of the pack eating the old leader? Unexpected, but in a good way. The Authority storyline seems semi interesting. It has the opportunity to work well, now we wait to see if the writing can make it happen.

The episode was mainly full of downs for me, my confidence for this season is fairly low. I'm hoping next episode will start to make a turn for the show. My fear is the show has now jumped the shark. Time will tell.

How did everyone else feel about the start of the season?  Leave some comments.


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