Thursday, April 12, 2012

Geek Asylum's new podcast starts April 25th

Original art for the show's logo by Laurance Honkoski. Thanks L.

This has been a long time coming. I've been in the process of developing the "Completely Random" podcast for some time (well over 9 months in fact), the problem was we couldn't find a home for it. I didn't want to start a site dedicated to just the podcast. I wanted it to be a part of something, and when Eric Colon approached me with Geek Asylum that's when I knew it had finally found its home.

It should be noted that I'm an absolute perfectionist when it comes to podcasting. From editing to post production, I'm completely anal. I realized that really isn't a good approach, and that's the primary reason my last podcast died (Rest in peace AGP). So this time I've decided to say "screw it", let's just have fun.

Completely Random is comprised of yours truly, Chad Tyler Wherry, and THE Drew Brown to complete the tri-fecta. The show about everything and anything related to the things we like, dislike, and everything in between. There is no paparticular format. If there is a comic we want to discuss, we discuss it. If there is a movie we want to debate about, we will. If there is a get the point. We unanimously decided this we be the best way to go. Join us April 25th to have your life infinitely changed. 


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