Saturday, March 24, 2012

5 Reasons I Can't Stand the First Person Shooter Community

A first person shooter is a video game set where the perspective is you as the character. You move around as though the screen is exactly what you would see through the character's eyes as though they were your own. You are the character, and in these games you carry a gun. Many of these games include the option to play online with a community of players in competition or cooperatively. These games are good games, but I just can't stand this community of gamers anymore, and here's my top 5 reasons why!

DISCLAIMER: Before anybody actually reads the following and starts to hate me for writing this, please keep in mind that the content below is coming from a person who avidly plays and enjoys first person shooter games. My main focus here is that I don't like the majority of the other people that I interact with on a daily basis when playing these games.

5: The Sheer Size of the Community 

Some people may say that the bigger the community is, the better. I tend to look at it in the opposite manner. A bigger community only means that there is more room for the douche-bags to come and go as they please.

I’m not saying that developers should limit the size of community, that would just be awful,but the bigger and bigger these things gets the more chance of you running into a total ass wipe online. Before you know it you are yelling and spitting racial slurs at the game for no good reason. Take my word for it folks, I’ve seen good men fall victim to this vicious circle. 

4: Disregard for the Ratings

Shouldn't you kids be playing Mario Party!?
One thing that is synonymous with the first person shooter community are the 10 to 12-year-old kids that log on every day to play and kick each others' asses. Then scream over Xbox LIVE in an ear piercing, glass shattering pitch that any person over the age of 17 throws their mic off of their head as a quick escape to what sounds like a lambent wretch having a bitch fit.

That isn’t even the official reason as to why these kids shouldn’t be playing these games. Most first person shooters are rated “M for mature” which means that children under 17 should not be playing this game due to inappropriate content. This is addressed to all the parents out there that let their kids play these games.

Do you not realize what complete nuisances your children are being online!? I mean come on parents, step up to the plate and take out the (maybe) 15 seconds it takes to read the god damn rating on the back of the box before purchasing the game for your youngster. Although the kids aren’t the cause for the problem (THEY ARE THE PROBLEM!) they are god damn annoying to deal with on a daily basis.

3: A generation of fat people

With my previous rant in mind, young children are playing these games more and more each year. Because, yes, if you didn’t know already a new Call of Duty game does come out every single year. And with the release of each CoD game more and more people end up spending their money on it. For example, the new CoD game that came out this past November, Modern Warfare 3, was literally the biggest release in entertainment history. That game outsold any other game, movie, or album that has ever hit the shelves. With that being said, more and more people are playing them.

When I say people I mean 10-12 year old kids that have nothing better to do. In case you didn’t see this already, video games kind of makes people fat if you don’t pace yourself the right way. And with millions upon millions of kids playing these each year, its only forging a path to Twinkies and Taco Bell. It’s quite literally causing an entire generation to swell up like that bitchy girl from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory until they need to roll everywhere as their primary means of transportation.

2: Greed

One thing that is a must for any developer of a first person shooter is DLC (Downloadable Content) that goes along with the game. Look at the Battlefield franchise, the CoD franchise, Halo, Mass Effect…hell, any game with a gun in it! Granted, there is nothing wrong with expanding on a solid game that everyone enjoys. However, take your time with the damn thing!

I know I am constantly referencing CoD, but it is the most relevant to the point that I am trying to get across. Call of Duty Elite charges $50 for a season of content which spans out a total of 9 months. In the 9 months of content you get multiplayer maps and maybe the occasional spec op mission here or there. The thing is though, it comes out every month. So far it just feels like Elite is throwing out these half-assed multiplayer maps that probably were done when the game came out. The worst part is, people still throw their money at it. They want more almost immediately after the game comes out. Give the developers some time to come out with quality DLC that everyone can enjoy. I mean, you can’t please all the people all the time…you can freaking try! 

1: Attitude

Have you ever noticed that whenever you log onto any FPS and people have mics you almost immediately proceed to have not only little lambent children screaming  in your ear but you now have people saying shit about your mother at every corner. Or how they are infinity times better then you at everything at life that has ever existed. Or they start a laundry list of why you should go off yourself because you had a bad match in whatever game you are playing. This is my number one problem with the FPS community. Everybody thinks that they are hot shit, and thanks to anonymity of the internet your stuck there either having to listen, leave the match, or mute every last douche in the game.

I play CoD and Battlefield as much as the next guy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get pissed when someone says that they railed my mother last night and that I can’t pull of a headshot for every kill thus I’m terrible at life and need to be rubbed out. So for all of you reading this who have fallen victim to this horrible trend of online gameplay, please, help put a stop to it and be nice and polite to the your fellow brothers and sisters in arms who you meet on the cyber battlefield! Let me know what you guys think in the comments below!


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