Wednesday, March 21, 2012

[Video] First Look at Battlestar: Blood and Chrome

I remember Battlestar Galactica being this epic story driven, character rich television sci-fi drama. Hell, it might arguably be the best sci-fi drama that has ever been on television. I watched that bad boy from beginning to end, without stopping. I think I killed that entire show in about 2-3 weeks. Watching Starbuck kick cylon ass up and down different solar systems throughout the galaxy gave me chills. Watching Lee Adama slowly, but surely climb the ranks of what was left of the military. In sort, it is one of my favorite shows to date. 

Then when I woke up this morning and booted my computer up I saw something that brought back those galactic chills and those electric shivers, there is a prequel to the re-imagination series in the works and the trailer was just released today. I will post it below so those of you who haven’t seen it yet can watch it in awe. I warn you though; the trailer will remind some of you of “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.” That’s not in a bad way though, because this trailer actually pulls it off quite well.

The new series, entitled Battlestar: Blood and Chrome, will take place prior to the event in Battlestar: Galactica. It will focus on William Adama (father of Lee Adama, aka: Apollo) and his adventures throughout the Human/Cylon war. I think that this new spin off has the potential to be fantastic, however, like BSG it will need exactly the right execution to nail the hardcore fans right in between the eyes.

Let me know when you guys think in the comments below.


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