Friday, March 23, 2012

Thoughts on Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 3D

What’s better than Star Wars? Star Wars in 3D! Yes, I actually paid money to see a film that I already own on VHS/DVD/Blu-ray. In fact I went to see this 3D version in theaters twice. Now I know the Phantom Menace has gotten a lot of hate, but I think this film has scenes that make it one of the more solid films in the prequel trilogy (yes…I know that’s not saying much). The 3D actually had me enjoying the film much more than I originally had. The film is pretty much exactly the same. It’s been cleaned up, like the Blu-ray version. The sound is on point as always. Sound has always been top notch when it comes to George Lucas.
3D Lightsaber Battle!
Now about the 3D… I thought this was a fantastic addition to Star Wars. The 3D was clear, and the picture had great depth to it. The best part of the 3D was the final battle scene with Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul. The scene was fluid and sharp and I had no issues focusing on it in 3D. The extra depth from the 3D really had the lightsaber scene pulling in the viewer. Having that scene in 3D justified paying the price to see it.
Of course the film has it’s problems, as it always did. But honestly as a whole I will always believe that this is a very solid film. Excellent fighting scenes, and a great intro into the Star Wars saga, this movie in 3D is worth seeing.


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